apache / felix-atomos

Apache Felix Atomos
Apache License 2.0
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remove direct dependency on Signal so that when jlink is run it doesn… #47

Closed rotty3000 closed 3 years ago

rotty3000 commented 3 years ago

…'t drag in jdk.unsupported just for this one call

Signed-off-by: Raymond Augé raymond.auge@liferay.com

rotty3000 commented 3 years ago

the LGTM failure seems to be an issue I've also gotten locally. I had to disable the check <animal.sniffer.skip>true</animal.sniffer.skip> because it seems the error comes from the felix-parent pom outside this project.

it seems to be malformed version for the signature artifact org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java111:signature:1.0 (note the 111).

tjwatson commented 3 years ago

The jdk.unsupported is required optionally (static) already. Not sure why reflection is needed to make it more optional.

open module org.apache.felix.atomos
    exports org.apache.felix.atomos;

    requires transitive osgi.core;
    requires static osgi.annotation;
    requires static jdk.unsupported;
    requires static org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime;
rotty3000 commented 3 years ago

yeah, this was an experiment but in the end it didn't prove much worth. thx

tjwatson commented 3 years ago

For what it's worth this code is here as a workaround to ensure the shutdown hooks for the jvm are run with native support. It is possible this is no longer needed on the latest graal version. It has been a long time since I've tested with a recent version of graal.