Directive => Local Value => Master Value
skywalking_agent.authentication => no value => no value
skywalking_agent.enable => 1 => 1
skywalking_agent.enable_tls => 0 => 0
skywalking_agent.enable_zend_observer => 0 => 0
skywalking_agent.heartbeat_period => 30 => 30
skywalking_agent.kafka_bootstrap_servers => no value => no value
skywalking_agent.kafka_producer_config => {} => {}
skywalking_agent.log_file => /tmp/sky.log => /tmp/sky.log
skywalking_agent.log_level => Debug => Debug
skywalking_agent.properties_report_period_factor => 10 => 10
skywalking_agent.reporter_type => grpc => grpc
skywalking_agent.runtime_dir => /tmp/skywalking-agent => /tmp/skywalking-agent
skywalking_agent.server_addr => =>
skywalking_agent.service_name => hello-skywalking => hello-skywalking
skywalking_agent.skywalking_version => 9 => 9
skywalking_agent.ssl_cert_chain_path => no value => no value
skywalking_agent.ssl_key_path => no value => no value
skywalking_agent.ssl_trusted_ca_path => no value => no value
skywalking_agent.worker_threads => 0 => 0
when i access i can see service name : hello-skywalking
i'm into hello-skywalking don't find endpoints
What you expected to happen
find Endpoint info
How to reproduce
php code
$http = new Swoole\Http\Server('', 9999);
$http->on('Request', function ($request, $response) {
$response->header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
Hello Swoole. #' . rand(1000, 9999) . '
php 2.php
Anything else
No response
Are you willing to submit a pull request to fix on your own?
[ ] Yes I am willing to submit a pull request on my own!
Search before asking
Apache SkyWalking Component
PHP (apache/skywalking-php)
What happened
i use docker images start skywaking and skywaking-ui docker run --name oap --restart always -d -p 11800:11800 -p 12800:12800 apache/skywalking-oap-server:9.5.0 docker run --name oap-ui --restart always -d -p 12580:8080 -e SW_OAP_ADDRESS= apache/skywalking-ui:9.5.0
in php container, this php info is php -m [PHP Modules] bcmath Core ctype curl date dom fileinfo filter gd hash iconv igbinary json libxml mbstring mysqlnd openssl pcntl pcre PDO pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite Phar posix readline redis Reflection session SimpleXML skywalking_agent sockets sodium SPL ssh2 standard swoole sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer xml xmlreader xmlwriter Zend OPcache zip zlib
[Zend Modules] Zend OPcache
skywalking_agent.enable=On skywalking_agent.skywalking_version=9 skywalking_agent.log_level=Debug skywalking_agent.log_file=/tmp/sky.log skywalking_agent.server_addr=
php code: 2.php <?php $http = new Swoole\Http\Server('', 9999);
$http->on('Request', function ($request, $response) { $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); $response->end('
Hello Swoole. #' . rand(1000, 9999) . '
'); });$http->start();
skywalking_agent.log 2023-11-02T07:03:11.569411Z INFO skywalking_agent::module: Starting skywalking agent service_name="hello-skywalking" service_instance="85973406911653529770130878522534491500@" skywalking_version=9 heartbeat_period=30 properties_report_period_factor=10 2023-11-02T07:03:11.571008Z DEBUG skywalking_agent::worker: Starting worker... 2023-11-02T07:03:11.571160Z DEBUG skywalking_agent::worker: Bind unix stream socket_file="/tmp/skywalking-agent/60925fb1b3167.sock" 2023-11-02T07:03:11.571336Z DEBUG skywalking_agent::reporter::reporter_grpc: Create Endpoint url="" 2023-11-02T07:03:11.571366Z DEBUG skywalking_agent::reporter::reporter_grpc: Skywalking TLS info enable_tls=false ssl_trusted_ca_path="" ssl_key_path="" ssl_cert_chain_path="" 2023-11-02T07:03:11.575336Z INFO connect: skywalking_agent::reporter::reporter_grpc: Skywalking server connected uri="" 2023-11-02T07:03:11.575381Z INFO skywalking_agent::reporter::reporter_grpc: Worker is ready... 2023-11-02T07:03:11.576111Z DEBUG skywalking_agent::worker: Report instance properties props=Properties { inner: {"Process No.": ["127"], "language": ["php"], "ipv4": [""], "hostname": ["766b2c633708"], "OS Name": ["Linux"]} }
skywalking_agent info version => 0.7.0 authors => Apache Software Foundation:jmjoy He
Directive => Local Value => Master Value skywalking_agent.authentication => no value => no value skywalking_agent.enable => 1 => 1 skywalking_agent.enable_tls => 0 => 0 skywalking_agent.enable_zend_observer => 0 => 0 skywalking_agent.heartbeat_period => 30 => 30 skywalking_agent.kafka_bootstrap_servers => no value => no value skywalking_agent.kafka_producer_config => {} => {} skywalking_agent.log_file => /tmp/sky.log => /tmp/sky.log skywalking_agent.log_level => Debug => Debug skywalking_agent.properties_report_period_factor => 10 => 10 skywalking_agent.reporter_type => grpc => grpc skywalking_agent.runtime_dir => /tmp/skywalking-agent => /tmp/skywalking-agent skywalking_agent.server_addr => => skywalking_agent.service_name => hello-skywalking => hello-skywalking skywalking_agent.skywalking_version => 9 => 9 skywalking_agent.ssl_cert_chain_path => no value => no value skywalking_agent.ssl_key_path => no value => no value skywalking_agent.ssl_trusted_ca_path => no value => no value skywalking_agent.worker_threads => 0 => 0
when i access i can see service name : hello-skywalking i'm into hello-skywalking don't find endpoints
What you expected to happen
find Endpoint info
How to reproduce
php code 2.php <?php $http = new Swoole\Http\Server('', 9999);
$http->on('Request', function ($request, $response) { $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); $response->end('
Hello Swoole. #' . rand(1000, 9999) . '
'); });$http->start();
php 2.php
Anything else
No response
Are you willing to submit a pull request to fix on your own?
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