Remove jave varsion enforcer configurations which are present already in the parent pom
Update jiraVersion property
Add Eclipse feature and update site to the regular build
Remove changes plugin config and trigger it via a marker file instead
Convert feature and update site to using tycho
Activate auto-staging
Fold properties into the feature.xml because Tycho does not seem to support externalized strings
How to test manually
Perform a (fake) release build
Check if the issue report is correctly generated
Initialize a local svn repo: svnadmin create /my/local/testrepo
Do a test build: mvn -Papache-release -DskipTests -Dmaven.deploy.skip -Dstaging-scm-root='scm:svn:file:///my/local/testrepo/' clean deploy
Check if the commit made it in svn log file:///my/local/testrepo/
Check if Eclipse plugins can be installed from generated site
Automatic testing
[ ] PR adds/updates unit tests
[ ] PR adds/updates documentation
[ ] PR includes new dependencies.
Only dependencies under approved licenses are allowed. LICENSE and NOTICE files in the respective modules where dependencies have been added as well as in the project root have been updated.
JIRA Ticket:
What's in the PR
How to test manually
svnadmin create /my/local/testrepo
mvn -Papache-release -DskipTests -Dmaven.deploy.skip -Dstaging-scm-root='scm:svn:file:///my/local/testrepo/' clean deploy
svn log file:///my/local/testrepo/
Automatic testing