I'm not clear about which version of mttonucratiocalculator that EAGER-CLI 1.92.55 expects, since EAGER it seems to pass it 3 arguments, whereas mttonucratiocalculator only expects two.
$ mttonucratiocalculator /tmp/ArzelierEtAl2024/eager/BOU13/results/5-DeDup/BOU13_S8_R1_001.fastq.merged.fq.mappedonly.sorted.cleaned_rmdup.sorted.bam /tmp/ArzelierEtAl2024/eager/BOU13/results/5-DeDup MT
Version: 0.7
Please provide the (coordinate) sorted input SAM File, as well as the MT identifier. No further parameters are necessary!
Make sure that your input file has an appropriate SAM/BAM file header, or the SAMRecords will be set to '*'!
Furthermore, if I manually run this command but remove the second argument, I get an error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at MTtoNucCalculator.getMTLength(MTtoNucCalculator.java:138)
at MTtoNucCalculator.<init>(MTtoNucCalculator.java:52)
at MTtoNucCalculator.main(MTtoNucCalculator.java:71)
I'm not clear about which version of mttonucratiocalculator that EAGER-CLI 1.92.55 expects, since EAGER it seems to pass it 3 arguments, whereas mttonucratiocalculator only expects two.
Furthermore, if I manually run this command but remove the second argument, I get an error.
Any clarification would be appreciated.