apmis / Healthstack-001

Legacy app
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Open obehiibz opened 2 years ago

obehiibz commented 2 years ago

Please treat as urgent.

A. Pharmacy users wants to be able to set roles for based on employee levels i.e. shop floor staff like cashier's and pharmacists are in the operations and inventory management is a unit on its own.

  1. Shop floor staff should only dispense medication from inventory (cannot set price, adjust price, audit or use POS). Can bill client and bill prescription sent.
  2. Stock management staff/data entry can manage stock (set price, set batch and reorder level)
  3. Head of inventory (stock) only can audit stock inventory and have access to other roles.
  4. Set roles for what employees can have access to intra communication chat rooms for employees. (COMMUNICATION MODULE).
  5. Set roles for which employee has access to external communication with other professionals on HS. (COMMUNICATION MODULE)

B. Pharmacy users want to be have HS notify the user of clients birthdays and possibly have a feature to send a congratulatory message.

C. Pharmacy users wants HS to have a feature that allows them track clients that are on routine drugs i.e. get notifications on HS that a routine drug is due for refill. They would also like to have a feature that enables them send out a text or email to the client to remind them that their routine prescription is due for refill.

D. For facilities that have several branches (locations), they would like the following features:

  1. Post products from the stock inventory of one location (sender) to the stock inventory of another location (receiver). The receiver location (branch) should be able to confirm receipt, by click a button to validate/confirm that their inventory has been updated with products from the sender location.
  2. Can be able to serve registered clients from different locations and branches without having to register them again. (I assured them this is already available).
  3. Have intra communication for employees of the same organization with different locations (branches) i.e. like a chat room for all employees at a location or multiple locations.

E. Reporting feature for clients, inventory, dispensary and finance. (REPORT MODULE) this is very important for their operations if they must ditch their current system for HS.

F. Food/drug interactions and drug/drug interaction feature was also discussed.

G. Another major concern is security and access for employees. They do not want their employees to be able to login to HS outside the pharmacy environment. They suggested, a staff on duty when logged in to HS at their premises, account will be activated by admin at the time of sign-in and deactivated at the time of sign-off. This they suggested will function as an attendance info. System for employees and limit access to patients/organization's data from outside the workplace. Only admin or the proprietor (whatever the case) can access from anywhere to monitor their business. IMPORTANT