After logging in using tuigreet, switching to tty 1-6 and then back to 7 after any period of time cause the session on 7 to seem to crash and show normal logs for polybar, herbstluft, Xorg, pulseaudio, etc , without a prompt instead of the expected running WM. The login screen can be restarted as normal with ctrl-c and logged back into, remaining consistently subject to this behavior.
I'm set up on Void Linux base, and I'm hoping I'm just missing some helpful software or misunderstanding something. Does anyone have an idea about what might cause this, or what I might look into, if it's likely a problem in X or the WM orif this behavior is easily replicated? Thank you very much for your time.
After logging in using tuigreet, switching to tty 1-6 and then back to 7 after any period of time cause the session on 7 to seem to crash and show normal logs for polybar, herbstluft, Xorg, pulseaudio, etc , without a prompt instead of the expected running WM. The login screen can be restarted as normal with ctrl-c and logged back into, remaining consistently subject to this behavior.
I'm set up on Void Linux base, and I'm hoping I'm just missing some helpful software or misunderstanding something. Does anyone have an idea about what might cause this, or what I might look into, if it's likely a problem in X or the WM orif this behavior is easily replicated? Thank you very much for your time.