apollographql / apollo-link-rest

Use existing REST endpoints with GraphQL
MIT License
791 stars 122 forks source link

title: REST Link

⚠️ This library is under active development ⚠️

The Apollo Link Rest library is maintained by Apollo community members and not an Apollo GraphQL maintained library. For information on progress check out the issues or the design. We would love your help with writing docs, testing, anything! We would love for you, yes you, to be a part of the Apollo community!


An Apollo Link to easily try out GraphQL without a full server. It can be used to prototype, with third-party services that don't have a GraphQL endpoint or in a transition from REST to GraphQL.


npm install apollo-link-rest @apollo/client graphql qs --save
yarn add apollo-link-rest @apollo/client graphql qs

@apollo/client, graphql, and qs are peer dependencies needed by apollo-link-rest.



import { RestLink } from "apollo-link-rest";
// Other necessary imports...

// Create a RestLink for the REST API
// If you are using multiple link types, restLink should go before httpLink,
// as httpLink will swallow any calls that should be routed through rest!
const restLink = new RestLink({
  uri: 'https://swapi.co/api/',

// Configure the ApolloClient with the default cache and RestLink
const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: restLink,
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

// A simple query to retrieve data about the first person
const query = gql`
  query luke {
    person @rest(type: "Person", path: "people/1/") {

// Invoke the query and log the person's name
client.query({ query }).then(response => {

Edit Basic Example

Apollo Client & React Apollo

For an example of using REST Link with Apollo Client and React Apollo view this CodeSandbox:

Edit Advanced Example


For an example of using REST Link with Apollo Client, React Apollo and TypeScript view this CodeSandbox:

Edit TypeScript Example


REST Link takes an object with some options on it to customize the behavior of the link. The options you can pass are outlined below:


REST Link uses the headers field on the context to allow passing headers to the HTTP request. It also supports the credentials field for defining credentials policy.


For a complete apollo-link-rest reference visit the documentation website at: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/link/links/rest.html


This project uses TypeScript to bring static types to JavaScript and uses Jest for testing. To get started, clone the repo and run the following commands:

npm install # or `yarn`

npm test # or `yarn test` to run tests
npm test -- --watch # run tests in watch mode

npm run check-types # or `yarn check-types` to check TypeScript types

To run the library locally in another project, you can do the following:

npm link

# in the project you want to run this in
npm link apollo-link-rest

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