Closed apolopena closed 3 years ago
Hack required
This bug applies to anything not written to /workspace
. Currently Gitpod only persists /workspace
This means that if we want to preserve the init logs in /var/log, they will need to be copied to /workspace
furthermore there will file collisions wunless those files copied to /workspace are put in a folder specifc to that project but not the same name as that project. for example log files for the project test would need to go into /workspace/test-files
Describe the bug
When a workspace is stopped and restarted.
is blasted away and so is anything written to~/.gitconfig
. In fact any files that are written in the init phase that are not in/workspace
(or deeper) will not be there on subsequent startups of the workspace. A seperate but related issue is that also the initialization log/var/log/workspace-init.log
turns into a zero byte file on subsequent starts of a workspace because the docker image writes that file empty and expects the init task to populate it, which it does.... once...../var/log/workspace-image.log
is fine because the docker image writes to it./var/log/xdebug.log
is fine to be reset on every startup aswell unless we wanted to log to persist between startups of the workspace.UPDATE: this bug has been addressed in Feature
td;LR Anything that is written to
from anywhere will not persist.Screenshots
Steps to reproduce
git a
and the output is:The most similar commands are add am
ls: cannot access '/home/gitpod/.rake': No such file or directory
alias.aliases config --get-regexp '^alias.' alias.a config --get-regexp '^alias.' alias.cap !f() { git add .; git commit -m "$@"; git push; }; f !f() { git cap "📦 NEW: $@"; }; f alias.imp !f() { git cap "👌 IMPROVE: $@"; }; f alias.fix !f() { git cap "🐛 FIX: $@"; }; f alias.rlz !f() { git cap "🚀 RELEASE: $@"; }; f alias.doc !f() { git cap "📖 DOC: $@"; }; f alias.tst !f() { git cap "🤖 TEST: $@"; }; f alias.brk !f() { git cap "‼️ BREAKING: $@"; }; f alias.lg log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit