appbaseio / reactivesearch

Search UI components for React and Vue
Apache License 2.0
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Can't resolve 'vue/server-renderer' #2245

Closed deepak-sisodiya closed 9 months ago

deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago

Affected Projects Vue.JS

"@appbaseio/reactivesearch-vue": "3.1.0-alpha.1",


Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 2 47 17 PM

Desktop (please complete the following information):

SavvyShah commented 10 months ago

Can you try version 3.1.0-alpha.2. Also I'm assuming you are using NuxtJS. And FWIW, can you specify the folder structure that you have for your app?

SavvyShah commented 10 months ago

Can you also specify the version of NuxtJS or VueJS for which this is happening?

deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago


I will try for 3.1.0-alpha.2 version also.

I am not using NuxtJS and just using vue.js 3

Here is my package file

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deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago

@SavvyShah we have a monorepo structure, using pnpm and pnpm workspace

deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago

@SavvyShah getting same error on 3.1.0-alpha.2

Can't resolve 'vue/server-renderer'

SavvyShah commented 10 months ago

I suspect something related to the monorepo structure. Vuejs is not resolved to be version 3, it's still using version 2 and hence it doesn't find vue/server-renderer. Can you specify the folder structure with relevant info about each package.json file at the folder level? eg. VueJS version mentioned. Which other packages use VueJS in the monorepo? Try updating them to v3 just for testing.

SavvyShah commented 10 months ago

Also it would help if you paste the output of pnpm why vue

deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago

@SavvyShah Project Structure


deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago

I am using - @vue/compat , is that might be the reason?

SavvyShah commented 10 months ago

You're correct. It's one of it's known limitations.

deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago

@SavvyShah You mean once I am done with migration and remove @vue/compat then it would start working? right

SavvyShah commented 10 months ago


deepak-sisodiya commented 10 months ago

@SavvyShah Thanks, I will let you know once done with migration.

SavvyShah commented 9 months ago

Additionally, for Reactivesearch library you would need to perform a few changes migrating from vue v2 -> vue v3. You can follow the guide in docs.

deepak-sisodiya commented 9 months ago

@SavvyShah Thanks

Yesterday, I successfully removed 'vue/compact' from my setup, and Reactivesearch is now installed without any errors. My next step is to follow the migration documentation to ensure that my code functions properly.

deepak-sisodiya commented 9 months ago

@SavvyShah thanks for help, Now I am getting another issue while migration, Please help