appbaseio / reactivesearch

Search UI components for React and Vue
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with-ssr Nuxt example does not run #2300

Open syntheticgoo opened 4 weeks ago

syntheticgoo commented 4 weeks ago

Affected Projects Vue.js/Nuxt

Library Version: x.y.z 3.3.5

Describe the bug SSR/Nuxt example does not work without throwing errors:

Client errors: vue-router.js?v=ca77ffe0:2698 SyntaxError: The requested module '/_nuxt/node_modules/isomorphic-dompurify/browser.js?v=ca77ffe0' does not provide an export named 'default' (at SearchBox-e655a9ad.js?v=ca77ffe0:20:8) triggerError @ vue-router.js?v=ca77ffe0:2698 Show 1 more frame Show less nuxt.js?v=ca77ffe0:98 [nuxt] error caught during app initialization SyntaxError: The requested module '/_nuxt/node_modules/isomorphic-dompurify/browser.js?v=ca77ffe0' does not provide an export named 'default' (anonymous) @ nuxt.js?v=ca77ffe0:98 Show 1 more frame Show less browser.mjs?v=ca77ffe0:44 error [nuxt] error caught during app initialization SyntaxError: The requested module '/_nuxt/node_modules/isomorphic-dompurify/browser.js?v=ca77ffe0' does not provide an export named 'default'

Server side warnings: WARN [VueTypes warn]: oneOf - value should be one of "[object Object]", "[object Object]".

WARN [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "theme".

WARN [Vue warn]: Property "$emotionCache" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

WARN [VueTypes warn]: oneOf - value should be one of "[object Object]", "[object Object]".

WARN [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "userThemeProp".

WARN [VueTypes warn]: oneOf - value should be one of "[object Object]", "[object Object]".

WARN [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "theme".

WARN [Vue warn]: Property "$emotionCache" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

WARN [VueTypes warn]: oneOf - value should be one of "[object Object]", "[object Object]".

WARN [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "userThemeProp".

To Reproduce Using Node v20.11.1

  1. Download files at
  2. Follow readme at that location to npm install and npm run dev.

Expected behavior Unable to use facets in given example in browser or run example without client and server errors.


Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 12 23 11 PM

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context localhost-1716204380543.log localhost-1716204364068.log localhost-1716204343263.log

mohdashraf010897 commented 1 week ago

Hey @syntheticgoo

We have released a pre-release of @appbaseio/reactivesearch-vue@3.3.7-beta.2 which addresses the issue regarding router-errors. Here's the codesandbox you can try -