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Cleanup the email notification for user verification #1775

Closed ndegory closed 7 years ago

ndegory commented 7 years ago

cleanup of the user verification email html code.


make build
amp cluster create --provider aws --aws-stackname STACK_NAME
# enable sendgrid on the remote cluster
amp -k -s REMOTE_URL user signup --name LOGIN --email VALID_EMAIL --password RANDOM_STRING
# check the email notification

image (ignore the insecure part in the screenshot, it's not in the PR anymore)

bquenin commented 7 years ago

I don't think it's valuable to change the message in the template as this is not the expected behavior. A production environment should have a valid certificate and therefore doesn't require this clarification. It leaves the development/trial use case and I think it would be better to explain this in the documentation.

ndegory commented 7 years ago

ok, hint removed from the template.

ndegory commented 7 years ago

closing for now, not planned in the current sprint