appium / appium-espresso-driver

Espresso integration for Appium
Apache License 2.0
190 stars 75 forks source link

Cannot start espresso test due to server timeout #761

Open elysiunk opened 2 years ago

elysiunk commented 2 years ago


We have an issue with the implementation of our test from UIAutomator2 to espresso. We see the app launch on the phone, but we have a timeout from the server. We disable all animation from the phone settings.

Our Android dev team implement a test in espresso native and they don't have the issue. Here their test code:

package com.withings.wiscale2

import androidx.test.espresso.Espresso.onView
import androidx.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches
import androidx.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed
import androidx.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId
import org.junit.Test

class TopLevelScreensTest {

    fun devices_profile_home_can_be_displayed() {

Here the trace of appium during the test with appium espresso: appium_traces.txt

Do you have any idea to fix our issue ?


KazuCocoa commented 2 years ago

It seems like the app under test was not able to launch:

[HTTP] Could not cache the response identified by '22054a3e-8d9d-4e20-b14c-a84002d61a82', because it has not been completed
[HTTP] Does the client terminate connections too early?
[WD Proxy] Got response with status 500: {"id":"6da5fd03-21b7-4287-9e1a-72db9d2cfb5b","sessionId":null,"value":{"error":"session not created","message":"java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=ACTION_MAIN flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.withings.wiscale2.beta/com.withings.wiscale2.MainActivity } within 45000 milliseconds. Perhaps the main thread has not gone idle within a reasonable amount of time? There could be an animation or something constantly repainting the screen. Or the activity is doing network calls on creation? See the threaddump logs. For your reference the last time the event queue was idle before your activity launch request was 1647420182077 and now the last time the queue went idle was: 1647420182229. If these numbers are the same your activity might be hogging the event queue.","stacktrace":"io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.exceptions.SessionNotCreatedException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=ACTION_MAIN flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.withings.wiscale2.beta/com.withings.wiscale2.Mai...
[debug] [W3C] Matched W3C error code 'session not created' to SessionNotCreatedError
[debug] [Espresso] Deleting espresso session
[debug] [ADB] Running '/usr/local/share/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s RZ8MB22CATZ shell am force-stop com.withings.wiscale2.beta'
[debug] [Espresso] [Instrumentation] INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: shortMsg=Process crashed.
[debug] [Espresso] INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0
[debug] [Logcat] Stopping logcat capture

What happens when you calls the below command directly?

[Espresso] Starting Espresso Server v1.45.3 with cmd: adb shell am instrument -w -e debug false -e disableAnalytics true io.appium.espressoserver.test/androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner
elysiunk commented 2 years ago

Nothing happens when I send this command, I had the following message and I'm blocked. The app is not launch on the phone.


KazuCocoa commented 2 years ago

The message itself was expected, but not launch indicates the espresso (instrumentation process) waited for the app starts. Then, Tte logcat may help.

elysiunk commented 2 years ago

I have the problem with my app only if I'm logged in. If I logout from my app, then I start a simple test on the "onboarding" screen of our app, it seems to work (the app is launch, I can try to find element, I also use the appium inspector tool and I can see the different element of the page)

The error is only for the test that open our app when we are logged in. The main screen is doing network calls and the error message says: Or the activity is doing network calls on creation? Maybe it's related

Do you know what we should do on appium side to manage this?

Here the logcat trace when we are on "onbarding" screen: logcat_onboarding.txt

Here the logcat trace when we are logged in: logcat_loggedin.txt

KazuCocoa commented 2 years ago

Probably ? It seems like the issue itself is not Appium specific. Kind of Espresso framework stuff.

cmaganu commented 2 years ago

Hi! It seems I'm having the same issue (appium 2.0.0-beta.27, espresso-driver 2.2.0, java-client 8.0.0) when trying to start an compose app

2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)] Encountered internal error running command: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=ACTION_MAIN flg=0x10000000 } within 45000 milliseconds. Perhaps the main thread has not gone idle within a reasonable amount of time? There could be an animation or something constantly repainting the screen. Or the activity is doing network calls on creation? See the threaddump logs. For your reference the last time the event queue was idle before your activity launch request was 1648645706650 and now the last time the queue went idle was: 1648645740115. If these numbers are the same your activity might be hogging the event queue.
2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)] java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=ACTION_MAIN flg=0x10000000 } within 45000 milliseconds. Perhaps the main thread has not gone idle within a reasonable amount of time? There could be an animation or something constantly repainting the screen. Or the activity is doing network calls on creation? See the threaddump logs. For your reference the last time the event queue was idle before your activity launch request was 1648645706650 and now the last time the queue went idle was: 1648645740115. If these numbers are the same your activity might be hogging the event queue.
2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.startActivitySync(
2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.helpers.ActivityHelpers.startActivity(ActivityHelpers.kt:113)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:27)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:23)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.RequestHandler$DefaultImpls.handle(RequestHandler.kt:57)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Router.route(Router.kt:229)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Server.serve(Server.kt:51)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$HTTPSession.execute(
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)] 


03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[FinalizerWatchdogDaemon,5,system]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.sleepUntilNeeded(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.runInternal(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Daemons$
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[MonitoringInstrumentation,5,main]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.access$001(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation$
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation$
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[Binder:20365_4,5,main]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[Okio Watchdog,5,main]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Object.wait(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:$000(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:$
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[Signal Catcher,5,system]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[UiAutomation,5,main]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     android.os.Looper.loop(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[GoogleApiHandler,5,main]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     android.os.Looper.loop(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[Thread-3,5,main]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Thread.sleep(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Thread.sleep(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.EspressoServerRunnerTest.syncComposeClock$lambda-1(EspressoServerRunnerTest.kt:58)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.EspressoServerRunnerTest.$r8$lambda$jauViYNVZZYLGAmqE_UAyxLcTt0(Unknown Source:0)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.EspressoServerRunnerTest$$ Source:0)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE: 
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:   Thread[NanoHttpd Request Processor (#1),5,main]
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     dalvik.system.VMStack.getThreadStackTrace(Native Method)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     java.lang.Thread.getAllStackTraces(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.getThreadState(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.dumpThreadStateToOutputs(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.startActivitySync(
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.helpers.ActivityHelpers.startActivity(ActivityHelpers.kt:113)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:27)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:23)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.RequestHandler$DefaultImpls.handle(RequestHandler.kt:57)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Router.route(Router.kt:229)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Server.serve(Server.kt:51)
03-30 16:09:11.915 20365 20420 E THREAD_STATE:     fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$HTTPSession.execute(
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  : Responding to server with error: {error=unknown error, message=java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=ACTION_MAIN flg=0x10000000 } within 45000 milliseconds. Perhaps the main thread has not gone idle within a reasonable amount of time? There could be an animation or something constantly repainting the screen. Or the activity is doing network calls on creation? See the threaddump logs. For your reference the last time the event queue was idle before your activity launch request was 1648645706650 and now the last time the queue went idle was: 1648645740115. If these numbers are the same your activity might be hogging the event queue., stacktrace=java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=ACTION_MAIN flg=0x10000000 } within 45000 milliseconds. Perhaps the main thread has not gone idle within a reasonable amount of time? There could be an animation or something constantly repainting the screen. Or the activity is doing network calls on creation? See the threaddump logs. For your reference the last time the event queue was idle before your activity launch request was 1648645706650 and now the last time the queue went idle was: 1648645740115. If these numbers are the same your activity might be hogging the event queue.
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.startActivitySync(
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.helpers.ActivityHelpers.startActivity(ActivityHelpers.kt:113)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:27)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:23)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.RequestHandler$DefaultImpls.handle(RequestHandler.kt:57)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Router.route(Router.kt:229)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Server.serve(Server.kt:51)
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$HTTPSession.execute(
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  :  at
03-30 16:09:11.922 20365 20420 I appium  : }

Full logs:

From the testing-samples link above I tried without success the "disable animations" suggestion and I couldn't find out how to "Turn on background popup permission".

Any suggestion on how to approach this? Thanks

KazuCocoa commented 2 years ago

It means was not able to confirm launched. If the activity was not intended one appium:appWaitPackage may help.

2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)] java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not launch intent Intent { act=ACTION_MAIN flg=0x10000000 } within 45000 milliseconds. Perhaps the main thread has not gone idle within a reasonable amount of time? There could be an animation or something constantly repainting the screen. Or the activity is doing network calls on creation? See the threaddump logs. For your reference the last time the event queue was idle before your activity launch request was 1648645706650 and now the last time the queue went idle was: 1648645740115. If these numbers are the same your activity might be hogging the event queue.
2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.startActivitySync(
2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.helpers.ActivityHelpers.startActivity(ActivityHelpers.kt:113)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:240 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:27)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handleInternal(StartActivity.kt:23)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.RequestHandler$DefaultImpls.handle(RequestHandler.kt:57)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.handlers.StartActivity.handle(StartActivity.kt:23)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Router.route(Router.kt:229)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at io.appium.espressoserver.lib.http.Server.serve(Server.kt:51)
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$HTTPSession.execute(
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)]    at
2022-03-30 13:09:13:241 [EspressoDriver@8d16f04f (e17142d8)] 
cmaganu commented 2 years ago

this is how I managed to get pass this problem