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Leaving Applait #27

Closed kaustavdm closed 4 years ago

kaustavdm commented 6 years ago

To @debloper and @TheSigyn,

Please consider this as my and @pawzoned's formal notice for resigning from our roles and responsibilities in @applait.

I have given this initiative long enough time and effort. I have arrived at a juncture where I am convinced that while our ideologies may overlap, our focus, approach and execution strategies do not. I am not in agreement with the direction, speed, effort and intent in the execution of the plans at Applait.

I'm sure we will make a great team working on FOSS projects or in open web communities, but I don't see us building a sustainable business. I have waited long to write this but it is finally time that I move on to things where I can make more use of my skills and ideas.

This is not an easy decision for us and I have personally deliberated over this for over a year, and, now I am confident about my call. I don't want to drag this any further than now. This decision is non-negotiable.

My interest lies in communications, language and connectivity and I will likely pursue endeavours in those directions. We have learnt a lot, discussed a lot and had a lot of good time. I am honoured and humbled to have those conversations and those long hours of braingasms. This separation is also to ensure that we continue doing that without a business interest getting in the way of our friendship.

Transfer of Credentials

Transfer of Rights

I also want to ensure that intellectual property rights of upspeak can be safely transferred out of Applait, with Applait claiming no stake in it in future. At present, I own the domains personally, and I drafted the core ideas that form upspeak today. But realizing that it spun off from our early discussions on ConQ, which was a very different product than what upspeak is. I want to make this a clear question, so that I may work on it separately with other people and take different directions with it. If you do not agree to the transfer, let me know and I will not reuse the branding and code behind what we have in upspeak.

Everything else that we have done for Applait stays with Applait. There are many prototypes and experiments that have value going ahead should the team decide to invest in them.

We would be more than happy to transfer our stakes in Applait back to the company.

Legal process to follow

Please consider this as our letter of resignation effective immediately. We need to follow a process to strike my and Nayanika's name off the list of partners for Applait and file it with the required authorities. Please begin the process as soon as possible so that both of us are removed from the list of partners.

debloper commented 6 years ago

It's quite amusing how the people who can be considered significantly smarter - by and large - from the average ones, can fail to determine the path to overall win condition or determine good vs bad fights to pick, which is often obvious to someone with much inferior cognitive abilities.

It's also sad that you've decided to leave, it's sad for me to fail you. Applait wasn't the project for me, you were. Applait (and everything besides or within) happens to be the byproduct. It was getting more challenging off late, but the chances of recovery is never 0%, so I continued to believe.

I am sure you've given enough thoughts to come to this decision, however, I don't think you leaving happens to be the best solution there is. You have the full rights to make the decision all by yourself, but not even trying to getting it evaluated from another vantage point seems like a hasty, emotional, trigger-happy play - but well... at least that's consistent with all the other big decisions you've taken in your life that I've seen or heard of.

I am convinced that while our ideologies may overlap, our focus, approach and execution strategies do not.

This can be driven deeper into, but the only sorts of focus, approach and execution strategies that has the track record of generating some results happens to be the one I came up with. It's okay to have disagreement, it's also okay to explore different standpoint. It's not okay to throw a tantrum over unverified (or verified to be inferior) standpoints.

You can't say that you didn't have enough flexibility or freedom to see it through how you deem it fit and come up with a result and tell me "I told you so" - in fact, you were encouraged to do so. I haven't ever tried forcing focus, approach and execution strategies down Applait's throat, and was always open to try out something that I personally may not be convinced to be a better alternative.

I have also stepped down on power-play every time you pulled it, may that be if you haven't sold a single thing in your career or either choose a or b kind of comments, It would have been pretty easy to shut you down on these, but I choose not to get into these sort of immature puddle-fights. However, it does take a toll on the respect I have for you.


Despite of giving significant efforts, what I assumed that we could achieve gets cut short. Your contribution to whatever we presently have is undeniable, and if it wasn't a collaborative effort then getting under this whole Applait umbrella wouldn't have been necessary (would've been an overhead I'd personally avoid). Those ideas would may have had a much smaller, conceptual but very real forms by now; and they will start/continue that way irrespective of your decision/contribution. It is upto you to make a final call for whatever move you want to make, for I don't have the enthusiasm or deem it necessary to hand-hold you on this.

Next steps

kaustavdm commented 6 years ago

Sorry about the delay. I wasn't doing well.

Let me assure you that I have put over a year of thought on this. I have been looking out for certain flags in terms of business. But as you mentioned, Applait was a byproduct for you. It was and has always been a serious thing for me.

Treat this as a confirmation of my intentions to leave.

I shall not delve in details, but I would only point out that I had several told-you-so moments and I didn't have the willingness to do it any further. And lastly, I had expected you to be able to differentiate personal from professional and avoided some of the things you mentioned.

I had requested over a year and half back to dissolve applait and carry on our projects as open research, and not as business. You insisted to keep the setup running. What I am confident now is that this approach is not sustainable to build a business. It may be good enough to build small tech projects or open source products. But before I left, I at least got you enough credits to experiment for a year.

All that said, I still consider you as my dear friend. I hope you see the difference as well, understand that I am not being naive here and carry on with the rest of the process.

I'll open a separate issue with the things that need to be transferred financially, Also I need a confirmation from @TheSigyn on whether this development still requires my digital signatures.

debloper commented 4 years ago

Closing this.


Live long and prosper.