Linting for markdown files
Apply the plugin in your build.gradle.kts
script. Further instructions on the
plugin page.
plugins {
id("com.appmattus.markdown") version "<latestVersion>"
Run the plugin with:
./gradlew markdownlint
or by adding a dependency to the task:
tasks.named("check") {
To customise the rules and report generation specify the configuration in
your build.gradle.kts
import com.appmattus.markdown.rules.config.HeaderStyle
import com.appmattus.markdown.rules.ConsistentHeaderStyleRule
import com.appmattus.markdown.rules.SingleH1Rule
markdownlint {
// Optional - Use to override settings for individual rules or add in custom rules
rules {
// Change the default settings of a rule
+NoDuplicateHeaderRule {
// Include files using RegEx for this rule, default=".*" (i.e. all files)
includes = listOf(".*/directory_to_include/.*")
// Exclude files using RegEx for this rule, default=empty (i.e. exclude nothing)
excludes = listOf(".*/")
// Disable a rule by setting active to false
+SingleH1Rule {
active = false
// Optional - Include files using RegEx for ALL rules, default=".*" (i.e. all files in root project directory)
includes = listOf(".*/directory_to_include/.*")
// Optional - Exclude files using RegEx for ALL rules, default=empty (i.e. exclude nothing)
excludes = listOf(".*/")
// Optional - Specify the reports to generate, default=html,checkstyle
// If you specify the reports block the plugin will output only the types
// specified i.e. to output no reports implement an empty block
reports {
// enable html report
// enable checkstyle xml report
// Optional - Specify the error count threshold that triggers a failed build, default=0
threshold = 10
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All contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, additional language translations, unit/integration tests are welcomed.
Copyright 2019 Appmattus Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.