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Plans for Windows Server 2022 images #3862

Open billziss-gh opened 1 year ago

billziss-gh commented 1 year ago

I attempted to post a discussion on this subject earlier at, but for some reason I am unable to post any new discussions there or comment on existing ones (using an account from 2016).

Do you have any plans to add Windows Server 2022 images?

My specific need is for an updated Hypervisor platform and WSL2 support that Server 2022 provides.

FeodorFitsner commented 1 year ago

We are going to support Windows Server 2022, but I can't give you an ETA now - we have just a few users asking about that. If we see a greater demand in WS 2022 we might increase the priority of this item.

Saying that, there are a few options to have builds on Windows Server 2022 today: 1) We could setup a custom cloud for your account with an image based on Windows Server 2022. It's going to run on GCP and it's a paid add-on with per-minute pricing. GCP doesn't support a nested virtualization in Windows image though, so WSL will be working inside VM, but Hyper-V not. 2) If you need Hyper-V inside VM then you can configure BYOC on Azure which supports nested virtualization on certain instances.