but all versions fail essentially for my use case (using only the javascript editor) when opening a file with a aptana editor with the following stacktrace:
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: com.aptana.editor.js.JSSourceEditor.isWordWrapEnabled()Z
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.WordWrapToggleAction.isWordWrapEnabled(WordWrapToggleAction.java:66)
If I,ve understood PR #447 right, it allows to install and use the plugins, especially the edirs in eclipse oxygen. Where can we grab a buld version of the plugin which contains that PR?
I've been able to install the plugin from
but all versions fail essentially for my use case (using only the javascript editor) when opening a file with a aptana editor with the following stacktrace:
It seems that PR #389 with commit https://github.com/aptana/studio3/commit/a55d8792f7deb6367ffb3a2e791ccb89d1632fc4 addresses this issue.
It would be wonderful to have this fix available via the update links above.