aquasecurity / kube-hunter

Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
Apache License 2.0
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Kube-hunter vulnerability scanner Algorithm? #514

Open Al4DIN opened 1 year ago

Al4DIN commented 1 year ago

What are you trying to achieve

I'm working on an MlOps pipeline for a computer vision use case, and I'm currently deploying my bricks on kubernetes but I had the reflexion to think about my cluster security since it will be applied for image classification so I need to be sure that all my components are well configured. I found out kube-hunter on an online article and was a "quick win" to get most results but I had some misunderstood informations (some I found responses on issues closed and others not).

When I deployed my kube-hunter job as a passive test, I was wondering what type of algorithm or concept behind this "small simple" job? I tried to look on documentation or the repo but I didnt find enough infos or hints.

Minimal example (if applicable)

This is the job that I used, I also tried to fine tune the arguments so I can test multiple functionalities.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: kube-hunter
        app: kube-hunter
        - name: kube-hunter
          image: aquasec/kube-hunter:0.6.8
          command: ["kube-hunter"]
          args: ["--pod"]
      restartPolicy: Never