aquasecurity / kube-hunter

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faulty kubectl verification #534

Open A-hole-mf opened 1 year ago

A-hole-mf commented 1 year ago

Behaves faulty, the function def get_kubectl_binary_version(self): seems to fail? We tried the function offline on the target and noticed that it fails, even if the command "kubectl version --client" gives the expected output.

def get_kubectl_binary_version(self): version = None try:

kubectl version --client does not make any connection to the cluster/internet whatsoever.

        version_info = subprocess.check_output("kubectl version --client", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        if b"GitVersion" in version_info:
            # extracting version from kubectl output
            version_info = version_info.decode()
            start = version_info.find("GitVersion")
            version = version_info[start + len("GitVersion':\"") : version_info.find('",', start)]
    except Exception:
        logger.debug("Could not find kubectl client")
    return version

We end up in the exception, even if the expected output of the subprocess command is valid on the system?. We think that a quick fix might be to add shell=True?
