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UI/UX designs for the Aragon client and associated apps
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Payroll - Edit and Terminate employee designs #23

Open leolower opened 5 years ago

leolower commented 5 years ago

As discussed with @jounih @sohkai and @bingen our team at Protofire has prepared a set of screen designs for a few additional features.

Edit employee

Dropdown on the employee list

payroll - table dropdown

Employee details

payroll - edit employee

Edit address and salary

Most of the fields are not editable because they will come from the Identity app when it is ready, only payroll specific fields can be updated. Note that the contract requires the user to update each field individually. payroll - edit address payroll - edit salary

Terminate employee

Employee termination can be immediate or programmed in the future. paryroll - terminate employee

We can start implementing these features right away as we are finishing our last tasks for the payroll app.

cc @gabitoesmiapodo