arahm071 / Melbourne-Modeling-Journey

Learn alongside me as I navigate the challenges of applying data science concepts to real-world data. This project highlights the importance of data preparation, modeling strategies, and the impact of data quality on analysis outcomes.
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Time Series Analysis: Understanding Melbourne Housing Trends #6

Closed arahm071 closed 5 months ago

arahm071 commented 5 months ago

Introduction to Time Series Analysis with Cleaned Melbourne Housing Data

Issue Description

This issue tracks the journey of diving into time series analysis on the Melbourne housing market, utilizing the cleaned dataset ( The primary focus is to grasp the fundamentals of time series modelling and to observe housing market trends and seasonality.

Strategy and Learning Approach

Documentation and Evolution of Analysis


The overarching goal is to develop a solid foundation in time series analysis applied to real-world data, starting with a more straightforward dataset and gradually introducing complexities like outliers to deepen market trend understanding.

arahm071 commented 5 months ago

Update on Time Series Analysis: Progress and Revised Approach

Progress Overview:

Revised Strategy and Next Steps:

  1. Data Preparation: The dataset is now appropriately structured with 'Date' as the index and 'Price' as the main variable of interest.
  2. Implementing Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing: My immediate next steps involve applying a moving average and exponential smoothing to the data. This will help in understanding both short-term and long-term price trends.
  3. Advanced Time Series Models: Post the initial analysis, I plan to explore ARIMA or Seasonal ARIMA models for a more nuanced understanding and forecasting of market trends.
  4. Decomposition and Integration with Regression Findings: Following the advanced modelling, I will engage in decomposition to dissect the trends further. This will also be an opportunity to reflect on my regression findings and interpret the patterns in relation to time-based trends.
  5. Visualization and Interpretation: The final steps will involve visualizing these trends and interpreting the patterns, providing a comprehensive view of the Melbourne housing market's dynamics over time.

Key Considerations:


This updated approach and guide will help in gaining a deeper understanding of the Melbourne housing market, balancing the focus on broader market trends through time series analysis and detailed insights from the regression analysis. The goal is to achieve a holistic view of the market dynamics, combining temporal patterns with property characteristics.

arahm071 commented 5 months ago

Update on Time Series Analysis: Moving Average Insights and Transition to Exponential Smoothing

Recent Accomplishments:

Detailed Analysis of Moving Average Results:

Analysis Summary:

Detailed Analysis and Graphical Context:

ma graph

First Analysis (Initial Observations):

Second Analysis (In-depth with Research):

Third Analysis (Further Explanation and Speculation):

Next Steps in the Time Series Journey:


arahm071 commented 5 months ago

Update on Transitioning to Exponential Smoothing for Time Series Analysis

Refining the Data Frame for Time Series Analysis:

Tackling Inconsistent Date Frequencies:

Navigating Through Resampling Frequencies:

Resolving Missing Data Entries:

Preparation for Exponential Smoothing:

Implementing the Holt-Winters Seasonal Model:

Model Optimization Challenges:

Forthcoming Strategy to Optimize Parameters:

arahm071 commented 5 months ago

Optimizing Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing Parameters

Implementing Grid Search for Parameter Optimization:

Cross-Validation Approach:

Parameter Grid Details:

Execution of Grid Search:

Encountered Issues and Insights:

Next Steps:

Conclusion and Forward Planning:

arahm071 commented 5 months ago

Conclusion of Time Series Analysis Section

Realizations and Decisions:

Insights from Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing:

Implications for Time Series Modelling:

Moving Forward:

Next Steps:
