Closed daren-thomas closed 5 years ago
@kerembeygo Thanks for pointing out this issue, however the error doesn't actually appear in the screenshots provided. Could you please copy the full error message?
Two images were forgetten to copy from #2259
@martin-mosteiro update?
@kerembeygo, @JIMENOFONSECA I cannot seem to replicate the issue. The sensitivity analysis step 2 runs correctly on my computer.
@kerembeygo Given that you are getting an error relating to config.debug
, is it possible that you have this option set to True
in your config file?
After running Sensitivity Analysis I (DOE) (Both Sobol and Morris) I ran Sensitivity Analysis II (simulation) in dashboard. I didn't make any changes in my config file.
[general] project = C:\CEA PROJECT\ISTANBUL\Fatih\Kocamustafapasa scenario-name = KM1 scenario = {general:project}/{general:scenario-name} multiprocessing = true number-of-cpus-to-keep-free = 1 debug = false
[data-helper] region = CH overwrite-technology-folder = true databases = comfort, architecture, HVAC, internal-loads, supply, restrictions
[streets-helper] bbox = streets = all_private
[terrain-helper] grid-size = 30 elevation = 1
[district-helper] buffer = 50 height-ag = floors-ag =
[zone-helper] height-ag = floors-ag = year-construction = height-bg = 3 floors-bg = 1 occupancy-type = Get it from open street maps
[weather-helper] weather =
[radiation-daysim] buildings = n-buildings-in-chunk = 100 roof-grid = 10 walls-grid = 200 zone-geometry = 2 surrounding-geometry = 5 consider-floors = true rad-ab = 4 rad-ad = 512 rad-as = 32 rad-ar = 20 rad-aa = 0.15 rad-lr = 8 rad-st = 0.5 rad-sj = 0.7 rad-lw = 0.05 rad-dj = 0.7 rad-ds = 0 rad-dr = 0 rad-dp = 32 albedo = 0.2 daysim-bin-directory = C:\Users\KEREM\Documents\CityEnergyAnalyst\Dependencies\Daysim
[demand] buildings = loads-output = massflows-output = temperatures-output = resolution-output = hourly format-output = csv use-dynamic-infiltration-calculation = false use-stochastic-occupancy = false override-variables = false write-detailed-output = false predefined-hourly-setpoints = false
[emissions] year-to-calculate = 2020
[benchmark-graphs] project = {general:scenario}/.. scenarios = baseline, scenario1, scenario2 output-file = {benchmark-graphs:project}/benchmark-graphs.pdf
[extract-reference-case] destination = {general:scenario}/../.. case = open
[solar] buildings = type-pvpanel = PV1 type-scpanel = FP panel-on-roof = True panel-on-wall = True annual-radiation-threshold = 800 t-in-sc = t-in-pvt = solar-window-solstice = 4
[retrofit-potential] keep-partial-matches = true retrofit-scenario-name = retrofit-HVAC retrofit-target-year = 2020 age-threshold = 15 eui-heating-threshold = 150 eui-hot-water-threshold = 50 eui-cooling-threshold = 4 eui-electricity-threshold = 20 emissions-operation-threshold = 30 heating-costs-threshold = 2 hot-water-costs-threshold = 2 cooling-costs-threshold = 2 electricity-costs-threshold = 2 heating-losses-threshold = 15 hot-water-losses-threshold = 15 cooling-losses-threshold = 15
[sensitivity-demand] method = sobol num-samples = 1000 calc-second-order = false num-levels = 4 samples-folder = {general:scenario}/../samples variable-groups = ENVELOPE, INDOOR_COMFORT, INTERNAL_LOADS sample-index = 0 number-of-simulations = simulation-folder = {general:scenario}/../simulation output-parameters = Qcs_sys_MWhyr, Qhs_sys_MWhyr, E_sys_MWhyr, Qhs_sys0_kW, Qcs_sys0_kW, E_sys0_kW temporal-scale = yearly
[dbf-tools] input-file = {general:scenario}/inputs/technology/archetypes/construction_properties.xlsx output-file-name = converted_file output-path = {general:scenario}
[shapefile-tools] excel-file = {general:scenario}/inputs/building-geometry/zone.xls shapefile = {general:scenario}/inputs/building-geometry/zone.shp crs = {"lon_0": 7.439583333333333, "k_0": 1, "ellps": "bessel", "y_0": 200000, "no_defs": true, "proj": "somerc", "x_0": 600000, "units": "m", "lat_0": 46.95240555555556} index = Name polygon = True
[test] reference-cases = open tasks = all verbosity = 1
[trace-inputlocator] scripts = data-helper, demand, emissions meta-output-file = {general:scenario}/outputs/trace_inputlocator.output.yml
[neural-network] year = 2015 warmup-period = 759 nn-delay = 1 nn-passes = 3 number-samples-scaler = 3 number-samples = 3 number-sweeps = 3 autoencoder = false boolean-vars = ECONOMIZER, WIN_VENT, MECH_VENT, HEAT_REC, NIGHT_FLSH climatic-variables = drybulb_C, wetbulb_C, relhum_percent, glohorrad_Whm2, dirnorrad_Whm2, difhorrad_Whm2, skytemp_C, windspd_ms random-variables = win_wall, Cm_Af, n50, U_roof, a_roof, U_wall, a_wall, U_base, U_win, G_win, rf_sh, Ths_set_C, Tcs_set_C, Ths_setb_C, Tcs_setb_C, Ve_lps, Qs_Wp, X_ghp, Ea_Wm2, El_Wm2, Vww_lpd, Vw_lpd, dThs_C, dTcs_C, ECONOMIZER, WIN_VENT, MECH_VENT, HEAT_REC, NIGHT_FLSH, dT_Qhs, dT_Qcs target-parameters = Qhs_sys_kWh, Qcs_sys_kWh, Qww_sys_kWh, E_sys_kWh, T_int_C
[single-calibration] variables = U_win, U_wall, U_roof, n50, Tcs_set_C, Hs building = B01 load = E_sys samples = 1000 iterations = 10000 show-plots = true
[thermal-network] network-type = DH network-names = file-type = shp set-diameter = true load-max-edge-flowrate-from-previous-run = false start-t = 0 stop-t = 8760 use-representative-week-per-month = false minimum-mass-flow-iteration-limit = 30 minimum-edge-mass-flow = 0.1 diameter-iteration-limit = 10 substation-cooling-systems = ahu, aru, scu substation-heating-systems = ahu, aru, shu, ww temperature-control = VT plant-supply-temperature = 80
[thermal-network-optimization] network-type = DH network-names = file-type = shp set-diameter = true load-max-edge-flowrate-from-previous-run = false start-t = 0 stop-t = 8760 network-name = possible-plant-sites = min-number-of-plants = 1 max-number-of-plants = 1 number-of-individuals = 6 chance-of-mutation = 20 number-of-generations = 20 lucky-few = 1 optimize-loop-branch = false optimize-network-loads = false optimize-building-connections = false use-rule-based-approximation = false use-representative-week-per-month = false minimum-mass-flow-iteration-limit = 30 minimum-edge-mass-flow = 0.1 diameter-iteration-limit = 10 substation-cooling-systems = ahu, aru, scu substation-heating-systems = ahu, aru, shu, ww disconnected-buildings = yearly-cost-calculations = false
[optimization] district-heating-network = false district-cooling-network = false detailed-electricity-pricing = false population-size = 10 number-of-generations = 10 random-seed = 100
[plots] buildings = building = categories = demand, solar_potentials, solar_technology, life_cycle_analysis, thermal_network network-type = DC network-name = plant-node = timeframe = monthly
[plots-optimization] generation = 3 multicriteria = true
[plots-supply-system] generation = 3 individual = 1 timeframe = monthly
[plots-scenario-comparisons] urban-energy-system-scenarios = Baseline, none, none, Baseline, 1, 1, Baseline, 1 , 2 categories = demand, supply_mix, costs_analysis, life_cycle_analysis, land_use
[sewage] heat-exchanger-length = 120 sewage-water-ratio = 0.95 sewage-water-district = 50
[water-body] max-water-volume-withdrawal = 1000 max-delta-temperature-withdrawal = 8 temperature-max = 6 temperature-min = 4
[shallow-geothermal] buildings-available = extra-area-available = 0.0 average-probe-depth = 10
[create-new-project] project = cea-new-project scenario = baseline output-path = {general:scenario}/../.. zone = {general:scenario}/inputs/building-geometry/zone.shp terrain = {general:scenario}/inputs/topography/terrain.tif streets = {general:scenario}/inputs/networks/streets.shp district = occupancy = age =
[decentralized] detailed-electricity-pricing = false
[network-layout] network-type = DC connected-buildings = disconnected-buildings = pipe-diameter = 150 type-mat = T1 create-plant = true allow-looped-networks = false consider-only-buildings-with-demand = false
[supply-system-simulation] district-heating-network = false district-cooling-network = false centralized-vcc = 0.5 centralized-ach = 0.4 centralized-storage = 0.1 reduced-timesteps = true decentralized-systems = Vapor Compression Chiller dc-connected-buildings =
[multi-criteria] generation = 3 economic-sustainability = 0.8 environmental-sustainability = 0.1 social-sustainability = 0.1 annualized-costs = 0.8 capex-total = 0.1 opex = 0.1 emissions = 0.5 primary-energy = 0.5 renewable-share = 1
[mpc-building] time-start = 2005-01-01 00:00:00 time-end = 2005-01-01 23:30:00 set-temperature-goal = constant_temperature constant-temperature = 25.0 pricing-scheme = constant_prices constant-price = 255.2 min-max-source = constants min-constant-temperature = 20.0 max-constant-temperature = 25.0 delta-set = 3.0 delta-setback = 5.0
[mpc-district] time-start = 2005-01-01 00:00:00 time-end = 2005-01-01 23:30:00 set-temperature-goal = constant_temperature constant-temperature = 25.0 pricing-scheme = constant_prices constant-price = 255.2 min-max-source = constants min-constant-temperature = 20.0 max-constant-temperature = 25.0 delta-set = 3.0 delta-setback = 5.0
[electrical-thermal-optimization] network-type = DC initialind = 2 halloffame = 20 ngen = 2 fcheckpoint = 1 maxtime = 604800 recoverycheckpoint = 0 random-seed = crossoverprobability = 0.5 mutationprobability = 0.2
[workflow] workflow = district-heating-system resume = off resume-file = {general:project}/../resume-workflow.yml
[rename-building] old = new =
[server] project-root = {general:project}/..
[worker] url = http://localhost:5050/server
Okay, I was finally able to replicate this issue. Interestingly, this doesn't happen when I run sensitivity analysis from Pycharm, only when I do so from the dashboard.
@martin-mosteiro what next? Is the issue still the same as in the title? (then, it would be as simple as updating scripts.yml
This is an issue posted by @kerembeygo (transferred from #2259)