architecture-building-systems / CityEnergyAnalyst

The City Energy Analyst (CEA)
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sensitivity-demand-simulate tool: AttributeError: Parameter not configured to work with this script #2269

Closed daren-thomas closed 5 years ago

daren-thomas commented 5 years ago

This is an issue posted by @kerembeygo (transferred from #2259)

image.png image.png

martin-mosteiro commented 5 years ago

@kerembeygo Thanks for pointing out this issue, however the error doesn't actually appear in the screenshots provided. Could you please copy the full error message?

kerembeygo commented 5 years ago

cea sensitivity-demand-simulate 2 cea sensitivity-demand-simulate 3 Two images were forgetten to copy from #2259

jimenofonseca commented 5 years ago

@martin-mosteiro update?

martin-mosteiro commented 5 years ago

@kerembeygo, @JIMENOFONSECA I cannot seem to replicate the issue. The sensitivity analysis step 2 runs correctly on my computer.

@kerembeygo Given that you are getting an error relating to config.debug, is it possible that you have this option set to True in your config file?

kerembeygo commented 5 years ago

Sensitivity Demand Simulate Sensitivity Demand Simulate 1 Sensitivity Demand Simulate 2 Sensitivity Demand Simulate 3 Sensitivity Demand Simulate 4

kerembeygo commented 5 years ago

Sensitivity Demand Simulate 5 Sensitivity Demand Simulate 6 Sensitivity Demand Simulate 7 Sensitivity Demand Simulate 8 Sensitivity Demand Simulate 9

kerembeygo commented 5 years ago

After running Sensitivity Analysis I (DOE) (Both Sobol and Morris) I ran Sensitivity Analysis II (simulation) in dashboard. I didn't make any changes in my config file.

kerembeygo commented 5 years ago

[general] project = C:\CEA PROJECT\ISTANBUL\Fatih\Kocamustafapasa scenario-name = KM1 scenario = {general:project}/{general:scenario-name} multiprocessing = true number-of-cpus-to-keep-free = 1 debug = false

[data-helper] region = CH overwrite-technology-folder = true databases = comfort, architecture, HVAC, internal-loads, supply, restrictions

[streets-helper] bbox = streets = all_private

[terrain-helper] grid-size = 30 elevation = 1

[district-helper] buffer = 50 height-ag = floors-ag =

[zone-helper] height-ag = floors-ag = year-construction = height-bg = 3 floors-bg = 1 occupancy-type = Get it from open street maps

[weather-helper] weather =

[radiation-daysim] buildings = n-buildings-in-chunk = 100 roof-grid = 10 walls-grid = 200 zone-geometry = 2 surrounding-geometry = 5 consider-floors = true rad-ab = 4 rad-ad = 512 rad-as = 32 rad-ar = 20 rad-aa = 0.15 rad-lr = 8 rad-st = 0.5 rad-sj = 0.7 rad-lw = 0.05 rad-dj = 0.7 rad-ds = 0 rad-dr = 0 rad-dp = 32 albedo = 0.2 daysim-bin-directory = C:\Users\KEREM\Documents\CityEnergyAnalyst\Dependencies\Daysim

[demand] buildings = loads-output = massflows-output = temperatures-output = resolution-output = hourly format-output = csv use-dynamic-infiltration-calculation = false use-stochastic-occupancy = false override-variables = false write-detailed-output = false predefined-hourly-setpoints = false

[emissions] year-to-calculate = 2020

[benchmark-graphs] project = {general:scenario}/.. scenarios = baseline, scenario1, scenario2 output-file = {benchmark-graphs:project}/benchmark-graphs.pdf

[extract-reference-case] destination = {general:scenario}/../.. case = open

[solar] buildings = type-pvpanel = PV1 type-scpanel = FP panel-on-roof = True panel-on-wall = True annual-radiation-threshold = 800 t-in-sc = t-in-pvt = solar-window-solstice = 4

[retrofit-potential] keep-partial-matches = true retrofit-scenario-name = retrofit-HVAC retrofit-target-year = 2020 age-threshold = 15 eui-heating-threshold = 150 eui-hot-water-threshold = 50 eui-cooling-threshold = 4 eui-electricity-threshold = 20 emissions-operation-threshold = 30 heating-costs-threshold = 2 hot-water-costs-threshold = 2 cooling-costs-threshold = 2 electricity-costs-threshold = 2 heating-losses-threshold = 15 hot-water-losses-threshold = 15 cooling-losses-threshold = 15

[sensitivity-demand] method = sobol num-samples = 1000 calc-second-order = false num-levels = 4 samples-folder = {general:scenario}/../samples variable-groups = ENVELOPE, INDOOR_COMFORT, INTERNAL_LOADS sample-index = 0 number-of-simulations = simulation-folder = {general:scenario}/../simulation output-parameters = Qcs_sys_MWhyr, Qhs_sys_MWhyr, E_sys_MWhyr, Qhs_sys0_kW, Qcs_sys0_kW, E_sys0_kW temporal-scale = yearly

[dbf-tools] input-file = {general:scenario}/inputs/technology/archetypes/construction_properties.xlsx output-file-name = converted_file output-path = {general:scenario}

[shapefile-tools] excel-file = {general:scenario}/inputs/building-geometry/zone.xls shapefile = {general:scenario}/inputs/building-geometry/zone.shp crs = {"lon_0": 7.439583333333333, "k_0": 1, "ellps": "bessel", "y_0": 200000, "no_defs": true, "proj": "somerc", "x_0": 600000, "units": "m", "lat_0": 46.95240555555556} index = Name polygon = True

[test] reference-cases = open tasks = all verbosity = 1

[trace-inputlocator] scripts = data-helper, demand, emissions meta-output-file = {general:scenario}/outputs/trace_inputlocator.output.yml

[neural-network] year = 2015 warmup-period = 759 nn-delay = 1 nn-passes = 3 number-samples-scaler = 3 number-samples = 3 number-sweeps = 3 autoencoder = false boolean-vars = ECONOMIZER, WIN_VENT, MECH_VENT, HEAT_REC, NIGHT_FLSH climatic-variables = drybulb_C, wetbulb_C, relhum_percent, glohorrad_Whm2, dirnorrad_Whm2, difhorrad_Whm2, skytemp_C, windspd_ms random-variables = win_wall, Cm_Af, n50, U_roof, a_roof, U_wall, a_wall, U_base, U_win, G_win, rf_sh, Ths_set_C, Tcs_set_C, Ths_setb_C, Tcs_setb_C, Ve_lps, Qs_Wp, X_ghp, Ea_Wm2, El_Wm2, Vww_lpd, Vw_lpd, dThs_C, dTcs_C, ECONOMIZER, WIN_VENT, MECH_VENT, HEAT_REC, NIGHT_FLSH, dT_Qhs, dT_Qcs target-parameters = Qhs_sys_kWh, Qcs_sys_kWh, Qww_sys_kWh, E_sys_kWh, T_int_C

[single-calibration] variables = U_win, U_wall, U_roof, n50, Tcs_set_C, Hs building = B01 load = E_sys samples = 1000 iterations = 10000 show-plots = true

[thermal-network] network-type = DH network-names = file-type = shp set-diameter = true load-max-edge-flowrate-from-previous-run = false start-t = 0 stop-t = 8760 use-representative-week-per-month = false minimum-mass-flow-iteration-limit = 30 minimum-edge-mass-flow = 0.1 diameter-iteration-limit = 10 substation-cooling-systems = ahu, aru, scu substation-heating-systems = ahu, aru, shu, ww temperature-control = VT plant-supply-temperature = 80

[thermal-network-optimization] network-type = DH network-names = file-type = shp set-diameter = true load-max-edge-flowrate-from-previous-run = false start-t = 0 stop-t = 8760 network-name = possible-plant-sites = min-number-of-plants = 1 max-number-of-plants = 1 number-of-individuals = 6 chance-of-mutation = 20 number-of-generations = 20 lucky-few = 1 optimize-loop-branch = false optimize-network-loads = false optimize-building-connections = false use-rule-based-approximation = false use-representative-week-per-month = false minimum-mass-flow-iteration-limit = 30 minimum-edge-mass-flow = 0.1 diameter-iteration-limit = 10 substation-cooling-systems = ahu, aru, scu substation-heating-systems = ahu, aru, shu, ww disconnected-buildings = yearly-cost-calculations = false

[optimization] district-heating-network = false district-cooling-network = false detailed-electricity-pricing = false population-size = 10 number-of-generations = 10 random-seed = 100

[plots] buildings = building = categories = demand, solar_potentials, solar_technology, life_cycle_analysis, thermal_network network-type = DC network-name = plant-node = timeframe = monthly

[plots-optimization] generation = 3 multicriteria = true

[plots-supply-system] generation = 3 individual = 1 timeframe = monthly

[plots-scenario-comparisons] urban-energy-system-scenarios = Baseline, none, none, Baseline, 1, 1, Baseline, 1 , 2 categories = demand, supply_mix, costs_analysis, life_cycle_analysis, land_use

[sewage] heat-exchanger-length = 120 sewage-water-ratio = 0.95 sewage-water-district = 50

[water-body] max-water-volume-withdrawal = 1000 max-delta-temperature-withdrawal = 8 temperature-max = 6 temperature-min = 4

[shallow-geothermal] buildings-available = extra-area-available = 0.0 average-probe-depth = 10

[create-new-project] project = cea-new-project scenario = baseline output-path = {general:scenario}/../.. zone = {general:scenario}/inputs/building-geometry/zone.shp terrain = {general:scenario}/inputs/topography/terrain.tif streets = {general:scenario}/inputs/networks/streets.shp district = occupancy = age =

[decentralized] detailed-electricity-pricing = false

[network-layout] network-type = DC connected-buildings = disconnected-buildings = pipe-diameter = 150 type-mat = T1 create-plant = true allow-looped-networks = false consider-only-buildings-with-demand = false

[supply-system-simulation] district-heating-network = false district-cooling-network = false centralized-vcc = 0.5 centralized-ach = 0.4 centralized-storage = 0.1 reduced-timesteps = true decentralized-systems = Vapor Compression Chiller dc-connected-buildings =

[multi-criteria] generation = 3 economic-sustainability = 0.8 environmental-sustainability = 0.1 social-sustainability = 0.1 annualized-costs = 0.8 capex-total = 0.1 opex = 0.1 emissions = 0.5 primary-energy = 0.5 renewable-share = 1

[mpc-building] time-start = 2005-01-01 00:00:00 time-end = 2005-01-01 23:30:00 set-temperature-goal = constant_temperature constant-temperature = 25.0 pricing-scheme = constant_prices constant-price = 255.2 min-max-source = constants min-constant-temperature = 20.0 max-constant-temperature = 25.0 delta-set = 3.0 delta-setback = 5.0

[mpc-district] time-start = 2005-01-01 00:00:00 time-end = 2005-01-01 23:30:00 set-temperature-goal = constant_temperature constant-temperature = 25.0 pricing-scheme = constant_prices constant-price = 255.2 min-max-source = constants min-constant-temperature = 20.0 max-constant-temperature = 25.0 delta-set = 3.0 delta-setback = 5.0

[electrical-thermal-optimization] network-type = DC initialind = 2 halloffame = 20 ngen = 2 fcheckpoint = 1 maxtime = 604800 recoverycheckpoint = 0 random-seed = crossoverprobability = 0.5 mutationprobability = 0.2

[workflow] workflow = district-heating-system resume = off resume-file = {general:project}/../resume-workflow.yml

[rename-building] old = new =

[server] project-root = {general:project}/..

[worker] url = http://localhost:5050/server

martin-mosteiro commented 5 years ago

Okay, I was finally able to replicate this issue. Interestingly, this doesn't happen when I run sensitivity analysis from Pycharm, only when I do so from the dashboard.

daren-thomas commented 5 years ago

@martin-mosteiro what next? Is the issue still the same as in the title? (then, it would be as simple as updating scripts.yml