Research Group: A domain expert in research/teaching of building construction and LCA from TU Delft.
Task: Fresh CEA user was asked to download, and install CEA. Then, she was guided to execute demand forecasting using a small site next to Rotterdam Station, NL.
I am now recording the feedback and observations here.
Download and installation were easy and smooth. However, the auto-update appeared to be stuck while it was actually progressing. One possible solution is to introduce a progress bar?
The user was confused about what a project/scenario is. One possible solution is to add and "i" information tab? Or add a walk-through first?
What is a database anyway? Same solution as above?
Intuitively, the Section Draw a circle on the map should appear before the check boxes of surroundings, weather, etc..
Where are the results after the script was successfully executed?
Customising the database is currently not very intuitive. However, this is a very tricky one. We do not have a good solution yet. Currently, users can check one video tutorial on this topic on the CEA website.
A feedback on the recently changed path to store the temp files of Daysim. Spaces in names of scenario and project will cause issue. Solution, enforce no-space rules when user define the names? @reyery
Time: 10 July 2024 CEA version: 3.37.1
Research Group: A domain expert in research/teaching of building construction and LCA from TU Delft.
Task: Fresh CEA user was asked to download, and install CEA. Then, she was guided to execute demand forecasting using a small site next to Rotterdam Station, NL.
I am now recording the feedback and observations here.