I created a wrapper class to make a request to a webserver multiple times. But it only works when I execute the request-function in the setup()-function. And even then it only works once. I've made a detailed explanation of this on the Arduino Stack Exchange, which can be found here: https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/55862/gsmsslclient-only-works-once
Does anyone know a solution to this or has experienced similar errors?
I created a wrapper class to make a request to a webserver multiple times. But it only works when I execute the request-function in the setup()-function. And even then it only works once. I've made a detailed explanation of this on the Arduino Stack Exchange, which can be found here: https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/55862/gsmsslclient-only-works-once
Does anyone know a solution to this or has experienced similar errors?