area515 / Photonic3D

Control software for resin 3D printers
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Load image files directly from Zip as an open in the GUI #319

Open Jolly2015 opened 7 years ago

Jolly2015 commented 7 years ago

I always got this error massage if the .cws file a bit huge,at the outset, I thought maybe SD card capacity it's not enough(8G). and then I replacement a 16G SD card,now it can unpack 185Mb,but when I print another files without restart machine,it will show the error status again(but can be fixed by restart),it is a bug? below is some of information. Hardware:Raspberry PI3 Image:2016-11-25-raspbian-jessie-lite.img log err: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See for further details. Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl INFO: >>> Starting UPnP service... Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl INFO: Using configuration: org.fourthline.cling.DefaultUpnpServiceConfiguration Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.RouterImpl INFO: Creating Router: org.fourthline.cling.transport.RouterImpl Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.MulticastReceiverImpl init INFO: Creating wildcard socket (for receiving multicast datagrams) on port: 1900 Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.MulticastReceiverImpl init INFO: Joining multicast group: / on network interface: wlan0 Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.StreamServerImpl init INFO: Created server (for receiving TCP streams) on: / Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.transport.impl.DatagramIOImpl init INFO: Creating bound socket (for datagram input/output) on: / Jun 05, 2017 10:51:56 AM org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl INFO: <<< UPnP service started successfully

WesGilster commented 7 years ago

You'll need to click the "download" button on any photonic3d page and upload the file to this bug report. Most likely the reason it works after a reboot is because all of the slice files have been cleared out of the temp dir. We've talked about some ways of making this process a bit more efficient.

  1. clear the tmp directory more often...
  2. only extract the currently shown image.
WesGilster commented 7 years ago

I guess another alternative would be to get a larger sd card.

Jolly2015 commented 7 years ago

@WesGilster Yeah, it's not a big problem to me, and I will get a larger SD card.I just would like to see Phonotic 3D system get more and more profect.

WesGilster commented 7 years ago

We do as well! Which is why we'll leave this open as a feature request.