arendst / Sonoff-MQTT-OTA

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web interface issues #12

Open btsimonh opened 7 years ago

btsimonh commented 7 years ago

Does anyone else have problems with the web interface?

  1. Toggle has never worked (vanilla on std sonoff, custom using elecrtodragon+ds18x20).
  2. It's crashed a number of times with the electrodragon config - specifically I'm toggling one of the outputs using mqtt (1s on, 1s off), and have 5 ds18B20 connected, plus tele set to 5s. Opening the web interface crashes it almost immediately.

When I remove action against the DS18x20 in 'webserver', it seems more stable, but not solved... If I refresh the logging config page, 1 in 3 times, the module will stall on mqtt, then the LWT will show offline, then a few moments later, online. If I refresh the main or mqtt page with the ds18x20 out of webserver, I can't cause any issues.

It probably should not search or read the DS18x20 from the webserver functions anyway? - just recall last read from main telemetry loop?

any ideas welcome.

disneysw commented 7 years ago

The toggle option does not work for me via the web interface on a sonoff.

I am pretty sure it did when I first started playing with this s/w just before Christmas but I have made so many config changes and updated to the latest release since then.

This is not a big issue for me since I'm using it with mqtt.

The rest of the web interface seems fine.

BTW. I can see the messgage "" is sent to the device but it just fails to respond.