argoproj / argo-cd

Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Keycloak Missing Button on UI #20667

Closed antikilahdjs closed 3 weeks ago

antikilahdjs commented 3 weeks ago


Describe the bug

I followed 100% using the URL but the icon to login using my OIDC (KEYCLOAK) is not appear.

To Reproduce

  1. Install using the official helm charts ( my Kubernetes running on 1.23.6 version)
  2. Use the configuration to OIDC
    oidc.config: |
      name: Keycloak
      issuer: https://mykeycloak/auth/realms/myrealm
      clientID: argocd
      clientSecret: $oidc.keycloak.clientSecret
      requestedScopes: ["openid", "profile", "email", "groups"]
  3. Also include the URL for ArgoCD as well

Expected behavior After those steps configured correctly the OIDC button needs to be appear to login




 2024/11/05 13:31:58 maxprocs: Updating GOMAXPROCS=1: determined from CPU quota
 argocd: v2.13.0+347f221
  BuildDate: 2024-11-04T12:09:06Z
  GitCommit: 347f221adba5599ef4d5f12ee572b2c17d01db4d
  GitTreeState: clean
  GoVersion: go1.23.1
  Compiler: gc
  Platform: linux/amd64
FATA[0000] Argo CD server address unspecified


 2024/11/05 13:40:44 maxprocs: Updating GOMAXPROCS=1: using minimum allowed GOMAXPROCS

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="ArgoCD API Server is starting" built="2024-11-04T12:09:06Z" commit=347f221adba5599ef4d5f12ee572b2c17d01db4d namespace=argocd-gitops port=8080 version=v2.13.0+347f221

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="Starting configmap/secret informers"

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="Configmap/secret informer synced"

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="Creating client app (argocd)"

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="argocd v2.13.0+347f221 serving on port 8080 (url: http://myargocdurl, tls: false, namespace: argocd-gitops, sso: true)"

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="Enabled application namespace patterns: argocd-gitops"

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="0xc0008a1a40 subscribed to settings updates"

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="Starting rbac config informer"

 time="2024-11-05T13:40:44Z" level=info msg="RBAC ConfigMap 'argocd-rbac-cm' added"

Somebody could you please try to help me to understand why I did wrong? Tky