argoproj / argo-cd

Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes
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docs: what is the expected jsonnet output? #3689

Open ghostsquad opened 4 years ago

ghostsquad commented 4 years ago


The documentation for how to use jsonnet with ArgoCD is a bit sparse. The main question I have is whether or not ArgoCD uses the direct output from the jsonnet render? or if it still expects files to be generated, and uses those?


For my use case I have a script like this:

    ${jsonnet_tla_strs[@]/#/--tla-str } \
    ${jsonnet_tla_codes[@]/#/--tla-code } \
    -J "${repo_dir}/vendor" \
    -m "${repo_dir}" "${config_environments_dir}/${workspace}.jsonnet" \
    > "${jsonnet_output_files_tmp_file}"

while IFS='' read -r line; do files+=("$line"); done < "${jsonnet_output_files_tmp_file}"

for i in "${files[@]}"

    # Create YAML files cause they are easier to read
    # but otherwise won't be used in some cases
    $YQ r -P "${i}" | cat "${deployment_dir}/do-not-edit-header.txt" - > "${i}.yml"

    rm -f "${i}"

I use -m jsonnet to "write" the object keys (like how kube-prometheus) works as files, i.e.


then transform those created files into YAML files, i.e.


This is a fairly simple bash script (called from a Makefile).

I'd like to maintain the same "method" of generating the manifests both in and out of my CI/CD pipeline.


More documentation, and also see proposal in #3688

xvzf commented 4 years ago

I'm currently working on #3688 (at least for the additional lib search paths). What I found so far regarding the template generation:

Everything is handled by a VM instance of Argo walks a directory, scans for files with the matching *.jsonnet and evaluates it. It supports objects and arrays and passes the to the k8s processor. Have a look here (perm link of master 22.06.2020)

xvzf commented 4 years ago

@ghostsquad feel free to review the documentation changes here:

IMO this addresses this issue as well

ghostsquad commented 4 years ago

@xvzf I don't think that the PR solves the issue, as it does not explain what's valid from the jsonnet output side.

no nesting

kind: "Deployment"

an array of objects

kind: "Deployment"

an object of objects (tanka style)

deployment: {
kind: "Deployment"

At the end of the day, what's the jsonnet commandline equivalent that should be used? E.g.

This expects an array of objects (which is converted to yaml doc stream)

jsonnet --yaml-stream

Additionally, is ARGO CD evaluating each and every jsonnet file and passing the TLA's and ExtVar params to each one? what happens when you have multiple jsonnet files (#3947)

alexmt commented 4 years ago

Hello @ghostsquad,

I've just checked - right now Argo CD expects a single one or more JSON encoded Kubernetes resource (so option two - an array of objects).

I think this is a bug or at least need ehnancement. All other tools might produce anything compatible with kubectl apply (JSON/YAML and might have one or more resources). I'm sending PR with the an improvement soon.