Open diodel-agr opened 3 years ago
Dupe of #4693
I have the same behaviour on my side. When i try to increase the disk from loki-stack StatefulSet, the size changes in the sts if it's deleted in "NON-CASCADING (ORPHAN) DELETE" mode. Then the size is correct in the StatefulSet, but not in the PVC, which is managed by the StatefulSet.
If the change is done manually in ArgoCD by editing the PVC, the change is reverted directly by ArgoCD and the disk holds the old space. So i think this is a misbehaviour in ArgoCD (maybe a bug?).
ArgoCD is running in version 2.4.8 ( in our K8s-cluster (v1.23.6)
According to, using patch
works, i.e:
kubectl patch pvc <name> -p '{"spec": {"resources": {"requests": {"storage": "<size>"}}}}
But how to patch
with argoCD?
NB: we tested with serverSideApply, but this this not working either.
im in the same boat has anyone been able to fix the issue?
Facing the same issue on the below version. Is there an update on this?
"Version": "v2.6.5+60104ac",
"BuildDate": "2023-03-14T14:19:45Z",
"GitCommit": "60104aca6faec73d10d57cb38245d47f4fb3146b",
"GitTreeState": "clean",
"GoVersion": "go1.18.10",
"Compiler": "gc",
"Platform": "linux/amd64",
"KustomizeVersion": "v4.5.7 2022-08-02T16:35:54Z",
"HelmVersion": "v3.10.3+g835b733",
"KubectlVersion": "v0.24.2",
"JsonnetVersion": "v0.19.1"
Having the same issue.
I came across this issue this morning too in an postgres DB. In the end I did the following steps.
I am not sure if this works for all cases, in my case it was in combination with bitnami's helm chart for postgress, which sets the pvc to retain on delete/scale by default. Use with caution!
# Sync policy
# syncPolicy:
# automated:
# prune: true
# selfHeal: true
# allowEmpty: false
# syncOptions:
# - Validate=true
# - CreateNamespace=true
# - PrunePropagationPolicy=foreground
# - PruneLast=true
# managedNamespaceMetadata:
# labels:
# type: data-stores
Deleted sts in argoCD IMPORTANTE: non-cascading!
Edit pvc in GCP from 8 > 10Gi size (allow resize must be enabled on storage class)
Deleted running pod of DB
Resync ArgoCD
Re-enabled auto sync
argocd version
.Describe the bug
I have encountered an issue with ArgoCD while updating the size of a Persistent Volume Claim managed by a StatefulSet. In the StatefulSet manifest, the volumeClaimTemplates storage size gets updated, the pods are restarted, however, the PVC remains to the previous size. ArgoCD does not report any sync failures.
The workaround to this issue is to manually update the PVC storage information, then kubernetes will start updating the actual storage volume to the requested size.
To Reproduce
The issue was encountered on an EKS cluster version 1.18.9, ArgoCD version 1.7.11, on a prometheus-stack application version 16.10.0 (chart link). The storage class is an AWS EBS, dynamically provisioned, type gp2, filesystem type ext4.
The structure of the StatefulSet is shown here:
Expected behavior
I expect that ArgoCD will update the volume size automatically.
Logs No relevant logs were found