Twisty Timer is a material design twisty puzzle timer for Android. It uses the TNoodle library to generate scramble sequences for all current official speedsolving puzzles.
Fixed spelling of "access" (was "acess") in "strings.xml".
Removed code that dereferenced "savedInstanceState" in an "if" statement
that already checked the value was always null. The code caused a stack
trace for a "NullPointerException" to be logged every time. The value of
the "openExportImportDialog" field was always "false", so the code in
"onResume" that depended on it being "true" was also removed.
Fixed spelling of "access" (was "acess") in "strings.xml".
Removed code that dereferenced "savedInstanceState" in an "if" statement that already checked the value was always null. The code caused a stack trace for a "NullPointerException" to be logged every time. The value of the "openExportImportDialog" field was always "false", so the code in "onResume" that depended on it being "true" was also removed.