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Request for histogram output improvements #19

Open lambdatronic opened 12 years ago

lambdatronic commented 12 years ago

Just being formal about this since I made such a big deal about keeping track of everything with Issues. ;)

  1. numeric-codings and binary-codings don't semantically map well onto the histogram template you use for measurements and rankings (i.e. divide values into 10 bins of size (MAX-MIN)/10). It would be very nice if numeric-codings preserved their actual integer values irregardless of the number of classes (it's never very many) and if binary-codings presented exactly three values: 1, 0, nodata.
  2. The histogram outputs for marine.models.coastal/coastal-flood-sink and marine.models.coastal/geomorphic-flood-sink look very strange.

    First, there are multiple rows with the same value. We assume this has to do with differences in precision that we aren't seeing due to truncating the double values at just a few significant digits. We request that you either print sufficient significant digits in the mean values so that each row has a unique value or that you combine bins at the same level of precision that you are printing out their means. Hopefully that's clear.

    Second, the aggregated values definitely can't be right. This is a spatial probabilistic distribution, but you report the aggregated value as 0.021 ± 0 m. Wait...0m? That means the result is deterministic, but we know that when you aggregate random variables, you get wider total variance than is present in the individual variables. This should definitely be investigated.

> model -d marine.models.coastal/coastal-flood-sink core.contexts.beta/mg_coastal256

[m=0]     |                                                       |       1
[m=0]     |*********                                              |    3862
[m=0.008] |                                                       |      63
[m=0.027] |************************************************       |   19986
[m=0.032] |                                                       |     127
[m=0.032] |                                                       |     236
[m=0.04]  |*                                                      |     432
[m=0.049] |***************************************                |   16394
no-data   |*******************************************************|   22899
Aggregated over 121,550.638 km²: 0.021 ± 0 m

> model -d marine.models.coastal/geomorphic-flood-sink core.contexts.beta/mg_coastal256

[m=0]     |*******************************************************|   18966
[m=0]     |*******                                                |    2746
[m=0]     |                                                       |      71
[m=0]     |                                                       |     219
[m=0]     |                                                       |     269
[m=0]     |                                                       |      13
[m=0]     |                                                       |      22
[m=0]     |                                                       |       1
[m=0]     |                                                       |       6
[m=0.001] |                                                       |      50
[m=0.001] |                                                       |     128
[m=0.001] |                                                       |       6
[m=0.001] |                                                       |     107
[m=0.001] |***********                                            |    3849
[m=0.001] |                                                       |      31
[m=0.001] |                                                       |       2
[m=0.001] |**                                                     |     780
[m=0.001] |                                                       |      10
[m=0.001] |                                                       |      40
[m=0.001] |*                                                      |     446
[m=0.001] |****************************************************   |   18051
[m=0.001] |                                                       |      28
[m=0.001] |*                                                      |     361
[m=0.001] |***********************************************        |   16258
[m=0.001] |***                                                    |    1284
no-data   |                                                       |     256
Aggregated over 121,550.638 km²: 0.001 ± 0 m
lambdatronic commented 12 years ago


Just a poke to remind you that this issue is unresolved. I created it before I figured out a way to make GitHub email us with new issues.