arkayenro / arkinventory

A World of Warcraft Inventory mod for Retail, Burning Crusade, and Classic
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Champion Equipment #873

Open Amadeus- opened 7 years ago

Amadeus- commented 7 years ago

I was hoping to request a category for the new items in Legion known as "Champion Equipment". I checked the debug for the item and it's marked as Type 0 and SubType 8, I'm not sure if there is a way to make a Rule that would catch them without getting a bunch of other consumables.

Below is a screenshot of the debug information for one of these items. Is there any other information I can provide to assist? Thanks! ss

arkayenro commented 7 years ago

its a consumable, pretty much everything is. you need to find the global string variable that contains "Champion Equipment" for me to be able to add it to its own category (like ARTIFACT_POWER)

unfortunately as far as i can tell, there isnt one for it, just like there wasnt one for garrison follower equipment

i've just been creating my own custom category and chucking them in there as they turn up

skelgaard commented 7 years ago

You can't do this against the tooltip with the custom rules ?

limdul commented 7 years ago

I'm just using a rule: tooltip("Champion Equipment")

Homercidal commented 7 years ago

I've tried a rule just like the above, but it doesn't work. Admittedly I am a noob to the finer points of ArkInventory, but I'm interested in learning more. I created the tooltip like that and "enabled" it but the slot doesn't populate with anything.

arkayenro commented 7 years ago

if youve enabled it it should work. did you assign it to a bar?

in debug mode click on one of the items, does it have the rule as the primary category or something else?

if it has another rule youll need to lower the order on this one so it picks up first

if it has a category youll need to reset it to default so a rule can pick it up

if it has nothing then im not sure, is your game language english or something else?

Homercidal commented 7 years ago

I've assigned it to a bar. I'll check to be sure there is no other rule of category, but there is nothing in the bar now and I've tried it on several. I've also tried setting the order much lower so it picks that first, but to no avail. English is my game language.

I feel like there is something very basic about the Add-On that I am not comprehending that would make this all work fine. So far I love it and I've only used the built-in categories to separate crafting regeants, Soulbound items, items. Nothing fancy. No Rules, No custom sorting.

Homercidal commented 7 years ago

Ok, got it. Apparently I missed that you had to actually CLICK ON the rule when selecting a category in order to actually assign it to that tab. I had enabled the rule, and thought that would do it, but I better understand how rules are Global and how they are assigned.

Awesome, thanks!