Open ksed opened 3 years ago
IPv4 works but the server opened by clair seems to be a ipv6 listener which is not yet supported by Docker Desktop and here.
Could you add IPv4 support for the fileserver?
EDIT: Following change to server.go and make build
should fix it (tested on WSL)
Line 16, change server := &http.Server{Addr: ":" + httpPort}
to server := &http.Server{Addr: "" + httpPort}
Warning. Current source throws errors
EDIT: How to build clair-v12
#prepare src directory
mkdir -p /home/$USER/go/src
#install go 1.9.7
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
wget -O - | sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/local
#export path or add it .bashrc / .zshrc / ... -> close session / make new session or source the appropriate file
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
#install dep
sudo apt install go-dep
#download and extract source
wget -O - | tar -xzf - -C /home/$USER/go/src
#modify file (look above) and compile
cd /home/$USER/go/src
make ensure
make build
#copy new clair-scanner
sudo cp clair-scanner-12 /usr/local/bin/clair-scanner
It works with Docker Desktop. Pay attention to the IP address. Here is the issue:
I had to indicate my gateway IP to make it work.
I've installed this via go on an up-to-date Windows 10 machine with Docker Desktop, and have followed the instructions for launching the two db docker containers for the clair-scanner.
Yet, every time I run
.\go\bin\clair-scanner.exe --ip="" --threshold="High" --report="report.json" --log="log.txt" <image name here>
, all I get is... Got response 400 with message {"Error":{"Message":"could not find layer"}}
.Yet when I follow the same steps on a linux box, it works just fine. What gives?
BTW, I found this for getting the IP for the Docker bridge network.