arsbar24 / STAT545-hw-barton-alistair

Alistair's Assignments for STAT 545A
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hw02 ready for grading #2

Open arsbar24 opened 6 years ago

arsbar24 commented 6 years ago

@vincenzocoia @gvdr @ksedivyhaley @joeybernhardt @mynamedaike @pgonzaleze @derekcho

peterwhitman commented 6 years ago


Nice job on the assignment. I liked your use of glimpse() during the smell test. That was a function that, in hind site, I would have liked to use instead of typeof() for each variable. More than anything, I really enjoyed the explanations you provided for your figures and analyses. It was also pretty cool to see that you employed geom_boxplot, which I don't think we covered in class at the time of this assignment.

Well done - check plus!


nbendriem commented 6 years ago


Great use of a process report to show what you learned and what problems you encountered as you completed your homework. Its helpful for me as a peer reviewer and for the rest of the students who may end up using the same code functions that you used.

For the first part of the homework, you clearly indicated what question you were answering and it is formatted in a clear fashion. You always mention what coding function you use to find the answer.

For the “explore plot types” section of the homework, I like that you varied your plot types, using a boxplot, a histogram, and a scatterplot. You also explored the piping and select functions

Some advice for future homework: you can add a title to each of your graphs using ggtitle. You can also label each of your axis using the lab function i.e. lab(x=”population”) instead of having gapminder$pop.

You could also add some colour to your graphs! It makes it more appealing and in some cases, easier to read. I usually just choose the variable and let ggplot color it in i.e. aes(colour= “continent” or “country”).
