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Assist in the rollout of the metadata art module for protoDUNE #68

Closed eflumerf closed 2 years ago

eflumerf commented 2 years ago

This issue has been migrated from (FNAL account required) Originally created by @bieryAtFnal on 2018-07-24 17:43:25

Jeremy Hewes has asked for assistance.

eflumerf commented 2 years ago

Comment by @bieryAtFnal on 2018-07-24 21:18:36

I talked with Jeremy this afternoon and suggested that he try my ToyComponent_EBwriting00013 configuration as a starting point.

His recollection is that his metadata module is already part of the dune-artdaq code base, so the first testing will only require configuration changes. Of course, he will want to quickly add features once he gets the basics working.