art-programmer / PlaneNet

PlaneNet: Piece-wise Planar Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
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Failed to load pretrained deeplab model for training #16

Open EryiXie opened 5 years ago

EryiXie commented 5 years ago

Hi author,

thanks for your impressive work. Anyhow I met an issue by run with a pretrained deeplab model. The model is downloaded from this page under the chapter "Caffe to TensorFlow conversion"

The error which I got looks like: [[Node: save_1/RestoreV2_310 = RestoreV2[dtypes=[DT_FLOAT], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](_arg_save_1/Const_0_0, save_1/RestoreV2_310/tensor_names, save_1/RestoreV2_310/shape_and_slices)]] 2019-01-21 16:31:31.072749: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Not found: Tensor name "crfrnn/compatibility_matrix" not found in checkpoint files /home/xie/python_nn_framework/PlaneNet-master/pretrainedModels/deeplab_resnet.ckpt

It would be great if anyone can figure out, why error like this appears or did I make a mistake somewhere somehow? Thanks.

chenliu-wustl commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late response. I just fixed the bug. Please let me know if it still doesn't work.