asc-community / GenericTensor

The only library allowing to create Tensors (matrices extension) with custom types
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custom-type generic matrix matrix-multiplication performance tensor tensors vector


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It is the only fully-implemented generic-tensor library for C#. Allows to work with tensors of custom types.

Tensor - is an extentension of matrices, a N-dimensional array. Soon you will find all common functions that are defined for matrices and vectors here. In order to make it custom, Tensor class is generic, which means that you could use not only built-in types like int, float, etc., but also your own types.


GT is available on NuGet.

How do I work with GenericTensor?

To make your type work correctly, you first should implement a struct that inherits from IOperations or take an existing one for built-in types.

Hello world

Let's create a float matrix 3 x 3 and multiply by itself.

var myMatrix = GenTensor<float, FloatWrapper>.CreateMatrix(
    new float[,]
        {1, 2, 3},
        {4, 5, 6},
        {7, 8, 9}

var multiplied = GenTensor<float, FloatWrapper>.MatrixMultiply(myMatrix, myMatrix);


Now we are going to unite a few such matrices into tensor:

var t = GenTensor<float, FloatWrapper>.Stack(myMatrix, myMatrix);

And swap the first and the last axis and output it

t.Transpose(0, 2);

Check already defined wrappers here.

Custom type

If you need custom type for your needs, you have to implement a struct that is inherited from IOperations<T>, where T - is your type. There is an example for ints:

public struct IntWrapper : IOperations<int>
    public int Add(int a, int b) => a + b;
    public int Subtract(int a, int b) => a - b;
    public int Multiply(int a, int b) => a * b;
    public int Negate(int a) => -a;
    public int Divide(int a, int b) => a / b;
    public int CreateOne() => 1;
    public int CreateZero() => 0;
    public int Copy(int a) => a;
    public bool AreEqual(int a, int b) => a == b;
    public bool IsZero(int a) => a == 0;
    public string ToString(int a) => a.ToString();
    public byte[] Serialize(int a) => BitConverter.GetBytes(a);
    public int Deserialize(byte[] data) => BitConverter.ToInt32(data);


You do not have to implement all the methods though. Once unimplemented method is called, it will ask you to define the appropriate method.


Here we list and explain all methods from GT. We use O() syntax to show asymptotics of an algorithm, where N is a side of a tensor, V is its volume.


That is how you work with a tensor's structure:


```cs public GenTensor GetSubtensor(params int[] indecies) ``` Allows to get a subtensor with SHARED data (so that any changes to intial tensor or the subtensor will be reflected in both). For example, Subtensor of a matrix is a vector (row). Works for O(1)


```cs public void SetSubtensor(GenTensor sub, params int[] indecies); ``` Allows to set a subtensor by forwarding all elements from sub to this. Override ConstantsAndFunctions.Forward to enable it. Works for O(V)


```cs public void Transpose(int axis1, int axis2); public void TransposeMatrix(); ``` Swaps axis1 and axis2 in this. TransposeMatrix swaps the last two axes. Works for O(1)


```cs public static GenTensor Concat(GenTensor a, GenTensor b); ``` Conatenates two tensors by their first axis. For example, concatenation of two tensors of shape [4 x 5 x 6] and [7 x 5 x 6] is a tensor of shape [11 x 5 x 6]. Works for O(N)


```cs public static GenTensor Stack(params GenTensor[] elements); ``` Unites all same-shape elements into one tensor with 1 dimension more. For example, if t1, t2, and t3 are of shape [2 x 5], Stack(t1, t2, t3) will return a tensor of shape [3 x 2 x 5] Works for O(V)


```cs public GenTensor Slice(int leftIncluding, int rightExcluding); ``` Slices this into another tensor with data-sharing. Syntax and use is similar to python's numpy: ```py v = myTensor[2:3] ``` is the same as ```cs var v = myTensor.Slice(2, 3); ``` Works for O(N)


```cs public byte[] Serialize(); public static GenTensor Deserialize(byte[] data); ``` Non-static Serialize() serializes given tensor into a byte array. It will call `TWrapper.Serialize(T a)`. Use this to store your tensor somewhere in file or database. Static Deserialize() provides the opposite to Serialize operation. It takes a byte array as an argument and returns the same tensor as it was before serialization. As it calls `TWrapper.Deserialize(byte[] data)`, it should be of the exact same type as it was before serialization.

Math operations

That is how you perform mathematical operations on some shapes. Some operations that are specific to appropriately-shaped tensors (for example matrix multiplication) are extended to tensors, so if you have an operation Op, for, say, matrices, it probably has a similar TensorOp that does the same thing on all matrices of a tensor.

Vector operations

Vector dot product

```cs public static T VectorDotProduct(GenTensor a, GenTensor b); public static GenTensor TensorVectorDotProduct(GenTensor a, GenTensor b); ``` Counts dot product of two same-shaped vectors. For example, you have v1 = {2, 3, 4}, v2 = {5, 6, 7}, then VectorDotProduct(v1, v2) = 2 * 5 + 3 * 6 + 4 * 7 = 56. Works for O(V)

Vector cross product

```cs public static GenTensor VectorCrossProduct(GenTensor a, GenTensor b); public static GenTensor TensorVectorCrossProduct(GenTensor a, GenTensor b); ``` Counts cross product of two same-shaped vectors. The resulting vector is such one that is perdendicular to all of the arguments. Works for O(V)

Matrix operations

Elementary row operations

```cs public void RowMultiply(int rowId, T coef); public void RowAdd(int dstRowId, int srcRowId, T coef); public void RowSubtract(int dstRowId, int srcRowId, T coef); public void RowSwap(int row1Id, int row2Id) ``` Performs elementary row operations on a matrix. `this` must be a matrix (otherwise, an exception is thrown). The operations modify the matrix (without making copies). Works for O(N)

Echelon forms

```cs public GenTensor RowEchelonFormSimple(); public GenTensor RowEchelonFormSafeDivision(); public GenTensor RowEchelonFormLeadingOnesSimple(); public GenTensor RowEchelonFormLeadingOnesSafeDivision(); public GenTensor ReducedRowEchelonFormSimple(); public GenTensor ReducedRowEchelonFormSafeDivision(); ``` Finds the requested form of a matrix. Due to different definitions of row echelon forms, we provide both forms: the one with leading ones and the one with arbitrary leading elements. There is also reduced row echelon form. They are implemented via Gaussian elimination. Every of these three methods has two variants: Simple and SafeDivision. In SafeDivision it will postpone the actual division of numbers up to the end of the algorithm, while Simple will perform division immediately. SafeDivision provides a higher precision, but it requires a high upper/lower bound of a number, because while computing even simple matrices, it might exceed billions. Works for O(N^3)

Matrix multiplication

```cs public static GenTensor MatrixMultiply(GenTensor a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor TensorMatrixMultiply(GenTensor a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); ``` Performs matrix multiplication operation of two matrices. One's height should be the same as Another's width. MatrixMultiply for `Threading.Multi` performs parallel computations over the first axis, TensorMatrixMultiplyParallel performs parallel computations over matrices. Works for O(N^3)


```cs public T DeterminantLaplace(); public T DeterminantGaussianSafeDivision(); public T DeterminantGaussianSimple(); ``` Finds determinant of a square matrix. DeterminantLaplace is the simplest and true way to find determinant, but it is as slow as O(N!). Guassian elimination works for O(N^3) but might cause precision loss when dividing. If your type does not lose precision when being divided, use DeterminantGaussianSimple. Otherwise, for example, for int, use DeterminantGaussianSafeDivision. Works for O(N!), O(N^3)


```cs public void InvertMatrix(); public void TensorMatrixInvert(); ``` Inverts A to B such that A * B = I where I is identity matrix. Works for O(N^4)


```cs public GenTensor Adjoint(); ``` Returns an adjugate matrix. Works for O(N^4)


```cs public static GenTensor MatrixDivide(GenTensor a, GenTensor b); public static GenTensor TensorMatrixDivide(GenTensor a, GenTensor b) ``` Of A, B returns such C that A == C * B. Works for O(N^4)

Matrix Power

```cs public static GenTensor MatrixPower(GenTensor m, int power); public static GenTensor TensorMatrixPower(GenTensor m, int power); ``` Finds the power of a matrix. Works for O(log(N) * N^3)


PLU decomposision

```cs public (GenTensor p, GenTensor l, GenTensor u) PluDecomposition() ``` Find PLU decomposition: matrices P, L, U such that for original matrix A: PA = LU. Works for O(n^3)

LU decomposision

```cs public (GenTensor, GenTensor) LuDecomposition() ``` Find LU decomposition: matrices L, U such that for original matrix A: A = LU. Works for O(n^3)

Piecewise arithmetics

Tensor and Tensor

```cs public static GenTensor PiecewiseAdd(GenTensor a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseSubtract(GenTensor a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseMultiply(GenTensor a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseDivide(GenTensor a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); ``` Returns a tensor of an operation being applied to every matching pair so that Add is. Those with Parallel in its name are ran on multiple cores (via Parallel.For). ``` result[i, j, k...] = a[i, j, k...] + b[i, j, k...] ``` Works for O(V)

Tensor and Scalar

```cs public static GenTensor PiecewiseAdd(GenTensor a, T b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseSubtract(GenTensor a, T b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseSubtract(T a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseMultiply(GenTensor a, T b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseDivide(GenTensor a, T b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); public static GenTensor PiecewiseDivide(T a, GenTensor b, Threading threading = Threading.Single); ``` Performs an operation on each of tensor's element and forwards them to the result You can set `threading: Threading.Auto` to let GT to determine whether it is better to use multi-threading or keep working at one core, or `threading: Threading.Multi` if you need multi-threading. Works for O(V)


We know how important it is to use fast tools. That is why we prepared a report via Dot Net Benchmark.

Conditions: i7-7700HQ (4 cores, 8 threads) with minimum background activity.

Full report

Method Mean Explanation
MatrixAndLaplace3 145 ns Det via Laplace on M 3x3
MatrixAndLaplace6 23,318 ns Det via Laplace on M 6x6
MatrixAndLaplace9 11,765,150 ns Det via Laplace on M 9x9
MatrixAndGaussian3 586 ns Det via Gaussian elim on M 3x3
MatrixAndGaussian6 3,881 ns Det via Gaussian elim on M 6x6
MatrixAndGaussian9 12,808 ns Det via Gaussian elim on M 9x9
CreatingMatrix20 1,431 ns Init matrix 20x20
CreatingMatrix50 8,115 ns Init matrix 50x50
Transpose20 7 ns Transpose matrix 20x20
MatrixAndMultiply6 738 ns Multiply two matrices 6x6
MatrixAndMultiply20 22,405 ns Multiply two matrices 20x20
TensorAndMultiply15 658,382 ns M-ply 2 T 40x15x15
MatrixAndMultiply6Parallel 14,147 ns M-ply 2 M 6x6 in multithread
MatrixAndMultiply20Parallel 14,549 ns M-ply 2 M 20x20 in multithread
TensorAndMultiply15Parallel 280,310 ns M-ply 2 T 40x15x15 in multithread
MatrixAndAdd20 1,528 ns Piecewise addition on M 20x20
MatrixAndAdd100 33,562 ns Piecewise addition on M 100x100
MatrixAndAdd20Parallel 7,265 ns P-se add in multithread on M 20x20
MatrixAndAdd100Parallel 24,833 ns P-se add in multithread on M 100x100
SafeIndexing 392 ns Addressing to [i, j] with checks
FastIndexing 142 ns Addressing to [i, j] w/0 checks
Versus Towel Towel is not a competitor to GT, those are completely different libraries. But since it is the only library that provides matrices for arbitrary type (not only numeric), we have to compare GT to it. We take Towel as of 08.08.2020 from its official repository. Yet some features are not presented in Towel, such as multi-threading. | Method | GenericTensor | Towel | Explanation | GT wins? | |---------------------------- |------------------:|----------------:|-------------------------------------:|:----------:| | MatrixAndLaplace3 | 145 ns | 330 ns | Det via Laplace on M 3x3 | + | | MatrixAndLaplace6 | 23,318 ns | 45,338 ns | Det via Laplace on M 6x6 | + | | MatrixAndLaplace9 | 11,765,150 ns | 22,770,639 ns | Det via Laplace on M 9x9 | + | | MatrixAndGaussian3 | 586 ns | 721 ns | Det via Gaussian elim on M 3x3 | + | | MatrixAndGaussian6 | 3,881 ns | 4,547 ns | Det via Gaussian elim on M 6x6 | + | | MatrixAndGaussian9 | 12,808 ns | 14,574 ns | Det via Gaussian elim on M 9x9 | + | | CreatingMatrix20 | 1,431 ns | 1,460 ns | Init matrix 20x20 | = | | CreatingMatrix50 | 8,115 ns | 8,490 ns | Init matrix 50x50 | = | | Transpose20 | 7 ns | 766 ns | Transpose matrix 20x20 | + | | MatrixAndMultiply6 | 738 ns | 930 ns | Multiply two matrices 6x6 | + | | MatrixAndMultiply20 | 22,405 ns | 29,092 ns | Multiply two matrices 20x20 | + | | MatrixAndAdd20 | 1,528 ns | 1,386 ns | Piecewise addition on M 20x20 | - | | MatrixAndAdd100 | 33,562 ns | 33,529 ns | Piecewise addition on M 100x100 | = | | SafeIndexing | 392 ns | 342 ns | Addressing to [i, j] with checks | - | | FastIndexing | 142 ns | (no fast)342 ns | Addressing to [i, j] w/0 checks | + |
Multihreading Multithreading is a useful tool if you want to make computations faster. We do not support GPU computations and never will because our aim to keep GenericTensor supporting custom type, while GPU only works with fixed types like `int`, `float`, and a few others. However, even on CPU it is sometimes better to keep single-core computations. So here we find out when it is better to keep single and where it is better to switch to multi-core. Here we provide graphs for multiplication of matrices and piecewise product for tensors of different sizes in those two modes (`Threading.Single` and `Threading.Multi`). `Y`-axis shows number of microseconds spent on one operation. #### Matrix multiplication
Raw data | Method | Width | Height | Mean | |--------------------- |------ |------- |---------:| | Multiply | 5 | 5 | 10.2 us | | MultiplyPar | 5 | 5 | 11.0 us | | Multiply | 15 | 5 | 30.0 us | | MultiplyPar | 15 | 5 | 21.8 us | | Multiply | 5 | 15 | 84.9 us | | MultiplyPar | 5 | 15 | 49.1 us | | Multiply | 15 | 15 | 264.5 us | | MultiplyPar | 15 | 15 | 111.0 us | `Par` at the end of the name means one is ran in parallel mode (multithreading). The tensor is of size `Width` x `Height` x `Height`
#### Piecewise product
Raw data | Method | Width | Height | Mean | |--------------------- |------ |------- |---------:| | PiecewiseMultiply | 10 | 10 | 4.2 us | | PiecewiseMultiplyPar | 10 | 10 | 9.5 us | | PiecewiseMultiply | 30 | 10 | 12.0 us | | PiecewiseMultiplyPar | 30 | 10 | 14.0 us | | PiecewiseMultiply | 10 | 30 | 35.0 us | | PiecewiseMultiplyPar | 10 | 30 | 25.0 us | | PiecewiseMultiply | 30 | 30 | 144.0 us | | PiecewiseMultiplyPar | 30 | 30 | 83.0 us | `Par` at the end of the name means one is ran in parallel mode (multithreading). The tensor is of size `Width` x `Height` x `Height`

Design guidelines

For this library there was no goal to make it as user-friendly as possible. For example, there is no implicit operators, arithmetic operators, GenTensor is not inherited from IEnumerable. That is why you are more likely to write your own wrappers for your own use and then define all the necessary operators.

Inheriting from GenTensor is disallowed. The way you should write your own wrapper (if needed) is to have an instance of GenTensor as a private field inside your class. Then, you expose (forward) all the necessary methods to the final user. Check example for matrix.


We appreciate your willing to contribute to GenericTensor. Fork the repository, commit your changes and create a pull request. We also appreciate early pull requests. To make sure your improvement is relevant, we recommend you first to contact us in our discord server.

Author: WhiteBlackGoose

Contributors: WhiteBlackGoose, Nucs, ZacharyPattern, Happypig375, MomoDeve