aseaday / MarkovJunior.js

The Javascript and canvas port of : A Probabilistic Programming Language.
MIT License
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Demo Flexibility Questions #3

Open Magnogen opened 2 years ago

Magnogen commented 2 years ago

I was curious about what you meant by

A more flexible demo

at the bottom of the README. Did you...

I'd love to be able to help out with any of these. Maybe adding options for each syntaxes could work for people who want to type less/don't want to learn a new language? It depends on how big of a project you'd like it to be.

aseaday commented 2 years ago

Good questions. In the long run, I want the MarkovJunior be like a core of art/image/game-design programming generation IDE. And it could embedded into other application as many as possible. The live build is a bad demo because I am not a good frontend engineer. But your third point is the goal I hoped. I am also planing to add some control and debug feature to make markov language more easy to manipulate.

Magnogen commented 2 years ago

I'd love to help out with sprucing up the font end a bit, and I have a couple of ideas for a new syntax. Are discussions enabled for this Repo?

aseaday commented 2 years ago

I had opend the discussion feature. Feel free to use.