I just want to create this issue, to thank you for this project. It's very useful. I think this is the only JS library that can decode CP437 DOS format files used by ANSI art.
I also use it in a browser (e.g. on CodePen demos). You can easily create the file using browserify. I have one (not minified) version of GitHub repo that I use as CDN https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jcubic/static/js/iconv.js I hop
I just want to create this issue, to thank you for this project. It's very useful. I think this is the only JS library that can decode CP437 DOS format files used by ANSI art.
I also use it in a browser (e.g. on CodePen demos). You can easily create the file using browserify. I have one (not minified) version of GitHub repo that I use as CDN https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jcubic/static/js/iconv.js I hop