ashutosh049 / codespot

Spring security websocket communication through STOMP over Sockjs
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Real-Time Private and feed Messaging Using STOMP Over WebSockets on Spring Security MVC

This project demonstrates the use of STOMP over WebSockets on Spring MVC to send data to clients in real-time.


Download stomp.js JavaScript file

You can download stomp.js to use it in your Web applications

A minified version is also provided to be used in production.



STOMP Over WebSocket provides a straightforward mapping from a STOMP frame to a JavaScript object.

Frame Object

Property | Type | Notes

command String name of the frame ("CONNECT", "SEND", etc.) headers JavaScript object
body String
The command and headers properties will always be defined but the headers can be empty if the frame has no headers. The body can be null if the frame does not have a body.

Create a STOMP client In a Web browser with regular Web Socket STOMP JavaScript clients will communicate to a STOMP server using a ws:// URL.

To create a STOMP client JavaScript object, you need to call Stomp.client(url) with the URL corresponding to the server's WebSocket endpoint:

  var url = "ws://localhost:61614/stomp";
  var client = Stomp.client(url);

The Stomp.client(url, protocols) can also be used to override the default subprotocols provided by the library: ['v10.stomp', 'v11.stomp]' (for STOMP 1.0 & 1.1 specifications). This second argument can either be a single string or an array of strings to specify multiple subprotocols.

In the Web browser with a custom WebSocket Web browsers supports different versions of the WebSocket protocol. Some older browsers does not provide the WebSocket JavaScript or expose it under another name. By default, stomp.js will use the Web browser native WebSocket class to create the WebSocket.

However it is possible to use other type of WebSockets by using the Stomp.over(ws) method. This method expects an object that conforms to the WebSocket definition.

For example, it is possible to use the implementation provided by the SockJS project which falls back to a variety of browser-specific transport protocols instead:

Use Stomp.client(url) to use regular WebSockets or use Stomp.over(ws) if you required another type of WebSocket.

Apart from this initialization, the STOMP API remains the same in both cases.


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