Wall sliding is noticeably faster on Unity player as opposed to on a build.
This is probably due to using Update function which updates frames with respect to frame rate.
If so, FixedUpdate would solve this problem, but in my experience, FixedUpdate does not catch keyboard inputs sometimes, so it's not a great option. A solution could be to use Time.deltaTime or to use both Update (for key inputs) and FixedUpdate (for physics interactions) together.
Wall sliding is noticeably faster on Unity player as opposed to on a build. This is probably due to using Update function which updates frames with respect to frame rate. If so, FixedUpdate would solve this problem, but in my experience, FixedUpdate does not catch keyboard inputs sometimes, so it's not a great option. A solution could be to use Time.deltaTime or to use both Update (for key inputs) and FixedUpdate (for physics interactions) together.
Or the problem could be something else entirely.