askfiy / visual_studio_code

A `neovim` theme that highly restores `vscode`, so that your friends will no longer be surprised that you use `neovim`, because they will think you are using `vscode` ..
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Neovim Visual Studio Code Theme

A `neovim` theme based on `visual studio code`, written in `Lua`. It tries to get all the colors in `developer mode` of `vscode`, so the simulation is very high.

Install and use

Install via Lazy:

-- lazy
    priority = 100,
    config = function()
        vim.cmd([[colorscheme visual_studio_code]])

Install via Packer:

-- packer
    config = function()
        vim.cmd([[colorscheme visual_studio_code]])

Default configuration

Default config, modify any option via setup():

    -- `dark` or `light`
    mode = "dark",
    -- Whether to load all color schemes
    preset = true,
    -- Whether to enable background transparency
    transparent = false,
    -- Whether to apply the adapted plugin
    expands = {
        hop = true,
        dbui = true,
        lazy = true,
        aerial = true,
        null_ls = true,
        nvim_cmp = true,
        gitsigns = true,
        which_key = true,
        nvim_tree = true,
        lspconfig = true,
        telescope = true,
        bufferline = true,
        nvim_navic = true,
        nvim_notify = true,
        vim_illuminate = true,
        nvim_treesitter = true,
        nvim_ts_rainbow = true,
        nvim_scrollview = true,
        nvim_ts_rainbow2 = true,
        indent_blankline = true,
        vim_visual_multi = true,
    hooks = {
        before = function(conf, colors, utils) end,
        after = function(conf, colors, utils) end,

Related functions

The plugin provides some utility functions:

   - get_config()               -- current configuration table
   - get_colors()               -- current color highlight table
   - get_lualine_sections()     -- lualine sections table
   - get_bufferline_right()     -- bufferline custom right area

   - hl.set(name, options)
   -, dst)
   - hl.get(name, option)
   - hl.bulk_set(groups)


require("visual_studio_code.utils").hl.set("Normal", { fg = "#000000", bg = "#1E1E2E"})

require("visual_studio_code.utils")"NormalFloat", "Normal")

require("visual_studio_code.utils").hl.get("Normal", "fg")   -- #000000

    Normal = { fg = "#000000", bg = "#1E1E2E"},
    NormalFloat = { link = "Normal" },
    Cursor = { bg = "#0FE1EE", bold = true }

Hooks function

The plugin provides 2 hook functions, which are automatically executed before and after the color is applied:

hooks = {
    before = function(conf, colors, utils) end,
    after = function(conf, colors, utils) end,

Additional considerations

Regarding the bufferline, you need to make sure it has the themable option turned on:

    options = {
        themable = true,

If you need to use the vim_visual_multi plugin adaptation, please add the following code to your init.lua file:

vim.g.VM_Extend_hl = "VM_Extend_hl"
vim.g.VM_Cursor_hl = "VM_Cursor_hl"
vim.g.VM_Mono_hl = "VM_Mono_hl"
vim.g.VM_Insert_hl = "VM_Insert_hl"

If you don't use tmux, try running :set cmdheight=0.

If some nvim-web-devicons icons do not display well in light mode, please tell me the name of the icon, and I will adapt it.

Lualine integrated

To quickly get a vscode style statusline, you need to use lualine:

    options = {
        theme = "visual_studio_code",
        icons_enabled = true,
        component_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
        section_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
        disabled_filetypes = {},
        globalstatus = true,
        refresh = {
            statusline = 100,
    sections = require("visual_studio_code").get_lualine_sections(),

Bufferline integrated

要快速获取 vscode 右上角的几个按钮,你可以向下面这样设置 bufferline:

    options = {
        themable = true,
        close_icon = "",
        custom_areas = {
            right = require("visual_studio_code").get_bufferline_right(),


Extended plugin colors are in the expands directory.


Also, any new PRs are welcome, as I'm not enthusiastic about plugin adaptation, so may need everyone's help to make it better..
