astral-sh / ruff

An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
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Feature: Port Sonar's Python scanner checks #4935

Open thejcannon opened 1 year ago

thejcannon commented 1 year ago

More of a challenge than porting flake8 plugins, because these are written in Java:

But some of them are somewhat useful and I didn't see equivalent code in any flake8 plugins.

(Feel free to edit this to make it a checklist)

qdegraaf commented 1 year ago

Can you give a few examples of rules unique to Sonar you'd like to see in Ruff? If not already present in Ruff, and not on the TODO of other plugins, I can start from there and we can make a checklist of all leftover rules (minus duplicates) after.

Avasam commented 8 months ago

For a bit more context about rules and how I was using Sonar:

List of Rules - [Credentials should not be hard-coded Vulnerability `RSPEC-6437`]( - [Server-side templates should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5496`]( - [Dynamic code execution should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5334`]( - [NoSQL operations should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5147`]( - [HTTP request redirections should not be open to forging attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5146`]( - [Deserialization should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5135`]( - [Endpoints should not be vulnerable to reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5131`]( - [Database queries should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-3649`]( - [XML parsers should not be vulnerable to XXE attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-2755`]( - [A secure password should be used when connecting to a database Vulnerability `RSPEC-2115`]( - [XPath expressions should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-2091`]( - [I/O function calls should not be vulnerable to path injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-2083`]( - [LDAP queries should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-2078`]( - [OS commands should not be vulnerable to command injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-2076`]( - [Functions and methods should only return expected values Bug `RSPEC-935`]( - [The number and name of arguments passed to a function should match its parameters Bug `RSPEC-930`]( - [Equality checks should not be made against "numpy.nan" Bug `RSPEC-6725`]( - [Assert should not be called on a tuple literal Bug `RSPEC-5905`]( - [The "open" builtin function should be called with a valid mode Bug `RSPEC-5828`]( - [Only defined names should be listed in "__all__" Bug `RSPEC-5807`]( - [Calls should not be made to non-callable values Bug `RSPEC-5756`]( - [Property getter, setter and deleter methods should have the expected number of parameters Bug `RSPEC-5724`]( - [Special methods should have an expected number of parameters Bug `RSPEC-5722`]( - [Instance and class methods should have at least one positional parameter Bug `RSPEC-5719`]( - [Boolean expressions of exceptions should not be used in "except" statements Bug `RSPEC-5714`]( - [Caught Exceptions must derive from BaseException Bug `RSPEC-5708`]( - [Item operations should be done on objects supporting them Bug `RSPEC-5644`]( - ["in" and "not in" operators should be used on objects supporting them Bug `RSPEC-5642`]( - [Dictionary unpacking should only be done with "mapping" objects Bug `RSPEC-5633`]( - [Raised Exceptions must derive from BaseException Bug `RSPEC-5632`]( - [Operators should be used on compatible types Bug `RSPEC-5607`]( - [Function arguments should be passed only once Bug `RSPEC-5549`]( - [Iterable unpacking, "for-in" loops and "yield from" should use an Iterable object Bug `RSPEC-3862`]( - [Variables, classes and functions should be defined before being used Bug `RSPEC-3827`]( - [Identity operators should not be used with dissimilar types Bug `RSPEC-3403`]( - ["__iter__" should return an iterator Bug `RSPEC-2876`]( - [Only strings should be listed in "__all__" Bug `RSPEC-2823`]( - ["__init__" should not return a value Bug `RSPEC-2734`]( - ["yield" and "return" should not be used outside functions Bug `RSPEC-2711`]( - [String formatting should not lead to runtime errors Bug `RSPEC-2275`]( - [Recursion should not be infinite Bug `RSPEC-2190`]( - [Silly equality checks should not be made Bug `RSPEC-2159`]( - [Creating public APIs is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6333`]( - [Allowing public network access to cloud resources is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6329`]( - [Policies granting access to all resources of an account are security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6304`]( - [Policies granting all privileges are security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6302`]( - [Policies authorizing public access to resources are security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6270`]( - [Granting access to S3 buckets to all or authenticated users is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6265`]( - [Hard-coded credentials are security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-2068`]( - [Functions returns should not be invariant Code Smell `RSPEC-3516`]( - [The "exec" statement should not be used Code Smell `RSPEC-2317`]( - [Backticks should not be used Code Smell `RSPEC-2316`]( - [Methods and field names should not differ only by capitalization Code Smell `RSPEC-1845`]( - [AWS IAM policies should limit the scope of permissions given Vulnerability `RSPEC-6317`]( - [JWT should be signed and verified Vulnerability `RSPEC-5659`]( - [Cipher algorithms should be robust Vulnerability `RSPEC-5547`]( - [Encryption algorithms should be used with secure mode and padding scheme Vulnerability `RSPEC-5542`]( - [Server hostnames should be verified during SSL/TLS connections Vulnerability `RSPEC-5527`]( - [Insecure temporary file creation methods should not be used Vulnerability `RSPEC-5445`]( - [Server certificates should be verified during SSL/TLS connections Vulnerability `RSPEC-4830`]( - [LDAP connections should be authenticated Vulnerability `RSPEC-4433`]( - [Cryptographic key generation should be based on strong parameters Vulnerability `RSPEC-4426`]( - [Weak SSL/TLS protocols should not be used Vulnerability `RSPEC-4423`]( - [Cipher Block Chaining IVs should be unpredictable Vulnerability `RSPEC-3329`]( - [Regular expressions should not be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-2631`]( - [Hashes should include an unpredictable salt Vulnerability `RSPEC-2053`]( - [Regex lookahead assertions should not be contradictory Bug `RSPEC-6002`]( - [Back references in regular expressions should only refer to capturing groups that are matched before the reference Bug `RSPEC-6001`]( - [Regex boundaries should not be used in a way that can never be matched Bug `RSPEC-5996`]( - [Regex patterns following a possessive quantifier should not always fail Bug `RSPEC-5994`]( - [Assertions comparing incompatible types should not be made Bug `RSPEC-5845`]( - [Exceptions' "__cause__" should be either an Exception or None Bug `RSPEC-5707`]( - [Zero should not be a possible denominator Bug `RSPEC-3518`]( - ["break" and "continue" should not be used outside a loop Bug `RSPEC-1716`]( - [Break, continue and return statements should not occur in "finally" blocks Bug `RSPEC-1143`]( - [Allowing public ACLs or policies on a S3 bucket is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6281`]( - [Using slow regular expressions is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-5852`]( - [Using publicly writable directories is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-5443`]( - [Using clear-text protocols is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-5332`]( - [Expanding archive files without controlling resource consumption is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-5042`]( - [Signaling processes is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4828`]( - [Configuring loggers is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4792`]( - [Using weak hashing algorithms is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4790`]( - [Disabling CSRF protections is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4502`]( - [Using non-standard cryptographic algorithms is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-2257`]( - [Using pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-2245`]( - [Constants should not be used as conditions Code Smell `RSPEC-5797`]( - ["SystemExit" should be re-raised Code Smell `RSPEC-5754`]( - [Bare "raise" statements should only be used in "except" blocks Code Smell `RSPEC-5747`]( - [Comparison to None should not be constant Code Smell `RSPEC-5727`]( - ["self" should be the first argument to instance methods Code Smell `RSPEC-5720`]( - [Function parameters' default values should not be modified or assigned Code Smell `RSPEC-5717`]( - [Some special methods should return "NotImplemented" instead of raising "NotImplementedError" Code Smell `RSPEC-5712`]( - [Custom Exception classes should inherit from "Exception" or one of its subclasses Code Smell `RSPEC-5709`]( - [Bare "raise" statements should not be used in "finally" blocks Code Smell `RSPEC-5704`]( - [Arguments given to functions should be of an expected type Code Smell `RSPEC-5655`]( - [`str.replace` should be preferred to `re.sub` Code Smell `RSPEC-5361`]( - [Unread "private" attributes should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-4487`]( - [Cognitive Complexity of functions should not be too high Code Smell `RSPEC-3776`]( - [The first argument to class methods should follow the naming convention Code Smell `RSPEC-2710`]( - [Method overrides should not change contracts Code Smell `RSPEC-2638`]( - [Wildcard imports should not be used Code Smell `RSPEC-2208`]( - [String literals should not be duplicated Code Smell `RSPEC-1192`]( - [Functions and methods should not be empty Code Smell `RSPEC-1186`]( - [Applications should not create session cookies from untrusted input Vulnerability `RSPEC-6287`]( - [Server-side requests should not be vulnerable to forging attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5144`]( - [Non-empty statements should change control flow or have at least one side-effect Bug `RSPEC-905`]( - [The abs_tol parameter should be provided when using math.isclose to compare values to 0 Bug `RSPEC-6727`]( - [Sequence indexes must have an __index__ method Bug `RSPEC-6663`]( - [Set members and dictionary keys should be hashable Bug `RSPEC-6662`]( - [The "safe" flag should be set to "False" when serializing non-dictionary objects in Django JSON-encoded responses. Bug `RSPEC-6560`]( - [Django signal handler functions should have the '@receiver' decorator on top of all other decorators Bug `RSPEC-6552`]( - [ExceptionGroup and BaseExceptionGroup should not be caught with except* Bug `RSPEC-6468`]( - [Accessing list elements should not trigger an IndexError Bug `RSPEC-6466`]( - [Unpacking should be done with the same number of elements of the iterable. Bug `RSPEC-6465`]( - [Non-existent dictionary keys should not be accessed Bug `RSPEC-6464`]( - [Collections should not be modified while they are iterated Bug `RSPEC-6417`]( - [Replacement strings should reference existing regular expression groups Bug `RSPEC-6328`]( - [Alternation in regular expressions should not contain empty alternatives Bug `RSPEC-6323`]( - [Unicode Grapheme Clusters should be avoided inside regex character classes Bug `RSPEC-5868`]( - [Regex alternatives should not be redundant Bug `RSPEC-5855`]( - [Alternatives in regular expressions should be grouped when used with anchors Bug `RSPEC-5850`]( - [New objects should not be created only to check their identity Bug `RSPEC-5796`]( - [Collection content should not be replaced unconditionally Bug `RSPEC-4143`]( - [Exceptions should not be created without being raised Bug `RSPEC-3984`]( - [Collection sizes and array length comparisons should make sense Bug `RSPEC-3981`]( - [All branches in a conditional structure should not have exactly the same implementation Bug `RSPEC-3923`]( - [The output of functions that don't return anything should not be used Bug `RSPEC-3699`]( - [Non-existent operators like "=+" should not be used Bug `RSPEC-2757`]( - [Conditionally executed code should be reachable Bug `RSPEC-2583`]( - [Increment and decrement operators should not be used Bug `RSPEC-2319`]( - [Attributes should not be accessed on "None" values Bug `RSPEC-2259`]( - [Return values from functions without side effects should not be ignored Bug `RSPEC-2201`]( - [Related "if/else if" statements should not have the same condition Bug `RSPEC-1862`]( - [Identical expressions should not be used on both sides of a binary operator Bug `RSPEC-1764`]( - [All code should be reachable Bug `RSPEC-1763`]( - [Loops with at most one iteration should be refactored Bug `RSPEC-1751`]( - [Variables should not be self-assigned Bug `RSPEC-1656`]( - [Floating point numbers should not be tested for equality Bug `RSPEC-1244`]( - [All "except" blocks should be able to catch exceptions Bug `RSPEC-1045`]( - [Allowing unrestricted outbound communications is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6463`]( - [Constructing arguments of system commands from user input is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6350`]( - [Using unencrypted EFS file systems is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6332`]( - [Using unencrypted SQS queues is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6330`]( - [Using unencrypted SNS topics is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6327`]( - [Using unencrypted SageMaker notebook instances is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6319`]( - [Using unencrypted OpenSearch domains is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6308`]( - [Using unencrypted RDS DB resources is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6303`]( - [Using unencrypted EBS volumes is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6275`]( - [Disabling auto-escaping in template engines is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-5247`]( - [Setting loose POSIX file permissions is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-2612`]( - [Formatting SQL queries is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-2077`]( - [pandas.pipe method should be preferred over long chains of instructions Code Smell `RSPEC-6742`]( - [The "pandas.DataFrame.to_numpy()" method should be preferred to the "pandas.DataFrame.values" attribute Code Smell `RSPEC-6741`]( - [When using pandas.merge or pandas.join, the parameters on, how and validate should be provided Code Smell `RSPEC-6735`]( - [inplace=True should not be used when modifying a Pandas DataFrame Code Smell `RSPEC-6734`]( - [Deprecated NumPy aliases of built-in types should not be used Code Smell `RSPEC-6730`]( - [np.nonzero should be preferred over np.where when only the condition parameter is set Code Smell `RSPEC-6729`]( - [Passing a list to np.array should be preferred over passing a generator Code Smell `RSPEC-6714`]( - [numpy.random.Generator should be preferred to numpy.random.RandomState Code Smell `RSPEC-6711`]( - [Results that depend on random number generation should be reproducible Code Smell `RSPEC-6709`]( - [Fields of a Django ModelFom should be defined explicitly Code Smell `RSPEC-6559`]( - ["locals()" should not be passed to a Django "render()" function Code Smell `RSPEC-6556`]( - ['null=True' should not be used on string-based fields in Django models Code Smell `RSPEC-6553`]( - [Union type expressions should be preferred over "typing.Union" in type hints Code Smell `RSPEC-6546`]( - [Octal escape sequences should not be used in regular expressions Code Smell `RSPEC-6537`]( - [Character classes in regular expressions should not contain only one character Code Smell `RSPEC-6397`]( - [Superfluous curly brace quantifiers should be avoided Code Smell `RSPEC-6396`]( - [Non-capturing groups without quantifier should not be used Code Smell `RSPEC-6395`]( - [Regular expressions should not contain empty groups Code Smell `RSPEC-6331`]( - [Regular expressions should not contain multiple spaces Code Smell `RSPEC-6326`]( - [Single-character alternations in regular expressions should be replaced with character classes Code Smell `RSPEC-6035`]( - [Reluctant quantifiers in regular expressions should be followed by an expression that can't match the empty string Code Smell `RSPEC-6019`]( - [Assertions should not fail or succeed unconditionally Code Smell `RSPEC-5914`]( - [Values assigned to variables should match their type annotations Code Smell `RSPEC-5890`]( - [Function return types should be consistent with their type hint Code Smell `RSPEC-5886`]( - [Character classes in regular expressions should not contain the same character twice Code Smell `RSPEC-5869`]( - [Type checks shouldn't be confusing Code Smell `RSPEC-5864`]( - [Names of regular expressions named groups should be used Code Smell `RSPEC-5860`]( - [Regular expressions should not be too complicated Code Smell `RSPEC-5843`]( - [Builtins should not be shadowed by local variables Code Smell `RSPEC-5806`]( - [Implicit string and byte concatenations should not be confusing Code Smell `RSPEC-5799`]( - [Identity comparisons should not be used with cached types Code Smell `RSPEC-5795`]( - [Expressions creating sets should not have duplicate values Code Smell `RSPEC-5781`]( - [Expressions creating dictionaries should not have duplicate keys Code Smell `RSPEC-5780`]( - [Special method "__exit__" should not re-raise the provided exception Code Smell `RSPEC-5706`]( - [Unused scope-limited definitions should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-5603`]( - [Functions and methods should not have identical implementations Code Smell `RSPEC-4144`]( - [Unused private nested classes should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-3985`]( - [String formatting should be used correctly Code Smell `RSPEC-3457`]( - [Conditional expressions should not be nested Code Smell `RSPEC-3358`]( - [Loops without "break" should not have "else" clauses Code Smell `RSPEC-2836`]( - [Doubled prefix operators "not" and "~" should not be used Code Smell `RSPEC-2761`]( - [Boolean expressions should not be gratuitous Code Smell `RSPEC-2589`]( - [The "print" statement should not be used Code Smell `RSPEC-2320`]( - ["<>" should not be used to test inequality Code Smell `RSPEC-2318`]( - [Two branches in a conditional structure should not have exactly the same implementation Code Smell `RSPEC-1871`]( - [Unused assignments should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-1854`]( - [A field should not duplicate the name of its containing class Code Smell `RSPEC-1700`]( - [A reason should be provided when skipping a test Code Smell `RSPEC-1607`]( - [Function names should comply with a naming convention Code Smell `RSPEC-1542`]( - [Functions and lambdas should not reference variables defined in enclosing loops Code Smell `RSPEC-1515`]( - [Sections of code should not be commented out Code Smell `RSPEC-125`]( - [Unused function parameters should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-1172`]( - [Unused class-private methods should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-1144`]( - [Track uses of "FIXME" tags Code Smell `RSPEC-1134`]( - ["Exception" and "BaseException" should not be raised Code Smell `RSPEC-112`]( - [Redundant pairs of parentheses should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-1110`]( - [Nested blocks of code should not be left empty Code Smell `RSPEC-108`]( - [Functions, methods and lambdas should not have too many parameters Code Smell `RSPEC-107`]( - [Collapsible "if" statements should be merged Code Smell `RSPEC-1066`]( - [Administration services access should be restricted to specific IP addresses Vulnerability `RSPEC-6321`]( - [Logging should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5145`]( - [Repeated patterns in regular expressions should not match the empty string Bug `RSPEC-5842`]( - [Function parameters initial values should not be ignored Bug `RSPEC-1226`]( - [Disabling versioning of S3 buckets is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6252`]( - [Disabling server-side encryption of S3 buckets is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-6245`]( - [Having a permissive Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-5122`]( - [Delivering code in production with debug features activated is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4507`]( - [Allowing both safe and unsafe HTTP methods is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-3752`]( - [Creating cookies without the "HttpOnly" flag is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-3330`]( - [Creating cookies without the "secure" flag is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-2092`]( - [Using hardcoded IP addresses is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-1313`]( - ['isinstance()' should be preferred to direct type comparisons Code Smell `RSPEC-6660`]( - ['startswith' or 'endswith' methods should be used instead of string slicing in condition expressions Code Smell `RSPEC-6659`]( - [Regular expression quantifiers and character classes should be used concisely Code Smell `RSPEC-6353`]( - [Character classes should be preferred over reluctant quantifiers in regular expressions Code Smell `RSPEC-5857`]( - [A subclass should not be in the same "except" statement as a parent class Code Smell `RSPEC-5713`]( - [Walrus operator should not make code confusing Code Smell `RSPEC-5685`]( - [Jump statements should not be redundant Code Smell `RSPEC-3626`]( - ["pass" should not be used needlessly Code Smell `RSPEC-2772`]( - ["except" clauses should do more than raise the same issue Code Smell `RSPEC-2737`]( - [Boolean checks should not be inverted Code Smell `RSPEC-1940`]( - [Unused local variables should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-1481`]( - [Local variable and function parameter names should comply with a naming convention Code Smell `RSPEC-117`]( - [Field names should comply with a naming convention Code Smell `RSPEC-116`]( - [Class names should comply with a naming convention Code Smell `RSPEC-101`]( - [Method names should comply with a naming convention Code Smell `RSPEC-100`]( - [Track uses of "TODO" tags Code Smell `RSPEC-1135`]( - [HTML autoescape mechanism should not be globally disabled Vulnerability `RSPEC-5439`]( - [Variables, classes and functions should be either defined or imported Bug `RSPEC-5953`]( - ["__exit__" should accept type, value, and traceback arguments Bug `RSPEC-2733`]( - ["return" and "yield" should not be used in the same function Bug `RSPEC-2712`]( - [Track lack of copyright and license headers Code Smell `RSPEC-1451`]( - [HTTP response headers should not be vulnerable to injection attacks Vulnerability `RSPEC-5167`]( - [Assertions should not be made at the end of blocks expecting an exception Bug `RSPEC-5915`]( - [Regular expressions should be syntactically valid Bug `RSPEC-5856`]( - [Sending emails is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-5300`]( - [Reading the Standard Input is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4829`]( - [Using command line arguments is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4823`]( - [Encrypting data is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4787`]( - [Using regular expressions is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4784`]( - [Dynamically executing code is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-1523`]( - [Cyclomatic Complexity of functions should not be too high Code Smell `RSPEC-1541`]( - [Control flow statements "if", "for", "while", "try" and "with" should not be nested too deeply Code Smell `RSPEC-134`]( - [Cyclomatic Complexity of classes should not be too high Code Smell `RSPEC-1311`]( - ["\" should only be used as an escape character outside of raw strings Bug `RSPEC-1717`]( - [Using shell interpreter when executing OS commands is security-sensitive Security Hotspot `RSPEC-4721`]( - ['dtype' parameter should be provided when using 'pandas.read_csv' or 'pandas.read_table' Code Smell `RSPEC-6740`]( - [Django models should define a "__str__" method Code Smell `RSPEC-6554`]( - [Type hints of generic types should specify their type parameters Code Smell `RSPEC-6543`]( - [Any should not be used as a type hint Code Smell `RSPEC-6542`]( - [Function parameters should have type hints Code Smell `RSPEC-6540`]( - [Function returns should have type hints Code Smell `RSPEC-6538`]( - [Test methods should be discoverable Code Smell `RSPEC-5899`]( - [Functions should use "return" consistently Code Smell `RSPEC-3801`]( - [Python parser failure Code Smell `RSPEC-2260`]( - [Files should not be too complex Code Smell `RSPEC-1908`]( - [Docstrings should be defined Code Smell `RSPEC-1720`]( - [Functions should not have too many lines of code Code Smell `RSPEC-138`]( - [Track uses of "NOSONAR" comments Code Smell `RSPEC-1291`]( - [Track comments matching a regular expression Code Smell `RSPEC-124`]( - [Statements should be on separate lines Code Smell `RSPEC-122`]( - [Functions should not contain too many return statements Code Smell `RSPEC-1142`]( - [Files should not have too many lines of code Code Smell `RSPEC-104`]( - [Lines should not be too long Code Smell `RSPEC-103`]( - [Assignments of lambdas to variables should be replaced by function definitions Code Smell `RSPEC-6661`]( - [Built-in generic types should be preferred over the typing module in type hints Code Smell `RSPEC-6545`]( - [Tests should be skipped explicitly Code Smell `RSPEC-5918`]( - [The most specific "unittest" assertion should be used Code Smell `RSPEC-5906`]( - [Methods and properties that don't access instance data should be static Code Smell `RSPEC-2325`]( - [New-style classes should be used Code Smell `RSPEC-1722`]( - [Parentheses should not be used after certain keywords Code Smell `RSPEC-1721`]( - [Track "TODO" and "FIXME" comments that do not contain a reference to a person Code Smell `RSPEC-1707`]( - [Module names should comply with a naming convention Code Smell `RSPEC-1578`]( - [Comments should not be located at the end of lines of code Code Smell `RSPEC-139`]( - [Lines should not end with trailing whitespaces Code Smell `RSPEC-1131`]( - [Files should contain an empty newline at the end Code Smell `RSPEC-113`]( - [Long suffix "L" should be upper case Code Smell `RSPEC-1129`]( - [Unnecessary imports should be removed Code Smell `RSPEC-1128`]( Extracted from rules page using ```js console.log(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('ol[class^="RulesList"] a')).map(x => `- [${x.textContent.replace("__", "\_\_")} \`${x.href.split("/").at(-2)}\`](${x.href})`).join("\n")) ```

now for the tedious task of validating what is already implemented :P