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The "standard" installation use `pyproject.toml` in UV rather than dynamic dependencies via build hooks (comparing to PIP) #2130

Closed potiuk closed 6 months ago

potiuk commented 6 months ago

When you install packages using remote url and specify extras, the --editable version of extras are used, rather than the dependencies used in wheel. While I don't think it's very well specified which dependencies should be used

uv pip install 'apache-airflow[aiobotocore,amazon,async,celery,cncf-kubernetes,common-io, \
docker,elasticsearch,ftp,google,google-auth,graphviz,grpc,hashicorp,http,ldap,microsoft-azure, \
mysql,odbc,openlineage,pandas,postgres,redis,sendgrid,sftp,slack,snowflake, \
ssh,statsd,uv,virtualenv] @'
Here is the output of `uv pip install` output > Resolved 359 packages in 2.94s > Downloaded 154 packages in 2.44s > Installed 257 packages in 700ms > + adal==1.2.7 > + adlfs==2024.2.0 > + aiobotocore==2.12.0 > + aiofiles==23.2.1 > + aiohttp==3.9.3 > + aioitertools==0.11.0 > + aiosignal==1.3.1 > + amqp==5.2.0 > + annotated-types==0.6.0 > + apispec==6.5.0 > + asn1crypto==1.5.1 > + async-timeout==4.0.3 > + asyncssh==2.14.2 > + authlib==1.3.0 > + aws-sam-translator==1.85.0 > + aws-xray-sdk==2.12.1 > + azure-batch==14.1.0 > + azure-common==1.1.28 > + azure-core==1.30.1 > + azure-cosmos==4.5.1 > + azure-datalake-store==0.0.53 > + azure-identity==1.15.0 > + azure-keyvault-secrets==4.8.0 > + azure-kusto-data==4.3.1 > + azure-mgmt-containerinstance==10.1.0 > + azure-mgmt-containerregistry==10.3.0 > + azure-mgmt-core==1.4.0 > + azure-mgmt-cosmosdb==9.4.0 > + azure-mgmt-datafactory==5.0.0 > + azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg==3.0.1 > + azure-mgmt-datalake-store==0.5.0 > + azure-mgmt-nspkg==3.0.2 > + azure-mgmt-resource==23.0.1 > + azure-mgmt-storage==21.1.0 > + azure-nspkg==3.0.2 > + azure-servicebus==7.11.4 > + azure-storage-blob==12.19.0 > + azure-storage-file-datalake==12.14.0 > + azure-storage-file-share==12.15.0 > + azure-synapse-artifacts==0.18.0 > + azure-synapse-spark==0.7.0 > + babel==2.14.0 > + bcrypt==4.1.2 > + beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 > + billiard==4.2.0 > + boto3==1.34.51 > + botocore==1.34.51 > + cachetools==5.3.3 > + cattrs==23.2.3 > + celery==5.3.6 > + cfn-lint==0.85.3 > + chardet==5.2.0 > + click-didyoumean==0.3.0 > + click-plugins==1.1.1 > + click-repl==0.3.0 > + colorama==0.4.6 > - cryptography==42.0.5 > + cryptography==41.0.7 > + db-dtypes==1.2.0 > + decorator==5.1.1 > + distlib==0.3.8 > + dnspython==2.6.1 > + docker==7.0.0 > + elastic-transport==8.12.0 > + elasticsearch==8.12.1 > + email-validator==1.3.1 > + eventlet==0.35.2 > + filelock==3.13.1 > + flask-appbuilder==4.3.11 > + flask-babel==2.0.0 > + flask-jwt-extended==4.6.0 > + flask-limiter==3.5.1 > + flask-login==0.6.3 > + flask-sqlalchemy==2.5.1 > + flower==2.0.1 > + frozenlist==1.4.1 > + gcloud-aio-auth==4.2.3 > + gcloud-aio-bigquery==7.1.0 > + gcloud-aio-storage==9.2.0 > + gcsfs==2024.2.0 > + gevent==24.2.1 > + google-ads==23.1.0 > + google-analytics-admin==0.22.6 > + google-api-core==2.17.1 > + google-api-python-client==2.120.0 > + google-auth==2.28.1 > + google-auth-httplib2==0.2.0 > + google-auth-oauthlib==1.2.0 > + google-cloud-aiplatform==1.43.0 > + google-cloud-appengine-logging==1.4.2 > + google-cloud-audit-log==0.2.5 > + google-cloud-automl==2.13.2 > + google-cloud-batch==0.17.12 > + google-cloud-bigquery==3.17.2 > + google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer==3.15.0 > + google-cloud-bigquery-storage==2.24.0 > + google-cloud-bigtable==2.23.0 > + google-cloud-build==3.23.2 > + google-cloud-compute==1.17.0 > + google-cloud-container==2.41.0 > + google-cloud-core==2.4.1 > + google-cloud-datacatalog==3.18.2 > + google-cloud-dataflow-client==0.8.9 > + google-cloud-dataform==0.5.8 > + google-cloud-dataplex==1.12.2 > + google-cloud-dataproc==5.9.2 > + google-cloud-dataproc-metastore==1.15.2 > + google-cloud-dlp==3.15.2 > + google-cloud-kms==2.21.2 > + google-cloud-language==2.13.2 > + google-cloud-logging==3.9.0 > + google-cloud-memcache==1.9.2 > + google-cloud-monitoring==2.19.2 > + google-cloud-orchestration-airflow==1.12.0 > + google-cloud-os-login==2.14.2 > + google-cloud-pubsub==2.19.7 > + google-cloud-redis==2.15.2 > + google-cloud-resource-manager==1.12.2 > + google-cloud-run==0.10.4 > + google-cloud-secret-manager==2.18.2 > + google-cloud-spanner==3.42.0 > + google-cloud-speech==2.25.0 > + google-cloud-storage==2.14.0 > + google-cloud-storage-transfer==1.11.2 > + google-cloud-tasks==2.16.2 > + google-cloud-texttospeech==2.16.2 > + google-cloud-translate==3.15.2 > + google-cloud-videointelligence==2.13.2 > + google-cloud-vision==3.7.1 > + google-cloud-workflows==1.14.2 > + google-crc32c==1.5.0 > + google-resumable-media==2.7.0 > + graphql-core==3.2.3 > + graphviz==0.20.1 > + greenlet==3.0.3 > + grpc-google-iam-v1==0.13.0 > + grpc-interceptor==0.15.4 > + grpcio-gcp==0.2.2 > + grpcio-status==1.62.0 > + httplib2==0.22.0 > + humanize==4.9.0 > + hvac==2.1.0 > + ijson==3.2.3 > + isodate==0.6.1 > + jmespath==1.0.1 > + joserfc==0.9.0 > + jschema-to-python==1.2.3 > + json-merge-patch==0.2 > + jsondiff==2.0.0 > + jsonpatch==1.33 > + jsonpath-ng==1.6.1 > + jsonpickle==3.0.3 > + jsonpointer==2.4 > + jsonschema-path==0.3.2 > + junit-xml==1.9 > + kombu==5.3.5 > + kubernetes==29.0.0 > + kubernetes-asyncio==29.0.0 > + ldap3==2.9.1 > + limits==3.9.0 > + looker-sdk==24.2.0 > + lxml==5.1.0 > + marshmallow-sqlalchemy==0.26.1 > + more-itertools==10.2.0 > + moto==5.0.2 > + mpmath==1.3.0 > + msal==1.27.0 > + msal-extensions==1.1.0 > + msrest==0.7.1 > + msrestazure==0.6.4 > + multidict==6.0.5 > + mypy-boto3-appflow==1.34.0 > + mypy-boto3-rds==1.34.50 > + mypy-boto3-redshift-data==1.34.0 > + mypy-boto3-s3==1.34.14 > + mysql-connector-python==8.3.0 > + mysqlclient==2.2.4 > + networkx==3.1 > + numpy==1.24.4 > + oauthlib==3.2.2 > + openapi-schema-validator==0.6.2 > + openapi-spec-validator==0.7.1 > + openlineage-integration-common==1.9.1 > + openlineage-python==1.9.1 > + openlineage-sql==1.9.1 > + ordered-set==4.1.0 > + pandas==2.0.3 > + pandas-gbq==0.21.0 > + paramiko==3.4.0 > + pathable==0.4.3 > + pbr==6.0.0 > + platformdirs==3.11.0 > + ply==3.11 > + portalocker==2.8.2 > + prison==0.2.1 > + prometheus-client==0.20.0 > + prompt-toolkit==3.0.43 > + proto-plus==1.23.0 > + psycopg2-binary==2.9.9 > + py-partiql-parser==0.5.1 > + pyarrow==15.0.0 > + pyasn1==0.5.1 > + pyasn1-modules==0.3.0 > + pyathena==3.3.0 > + pydantic==2.6.3 > + pydantic-core==2.16.3 > + pydata-google-auth==1.8.2 > + pynacl==1.5.0 > + pyodbc==5.1.0 > + pyopenssl==24.0.0 > + pyparsing==3.1.1 > + pyspnego==0.10.2 > + python-dotenv==1.0.1 > + python-http-client==3.3.7 > + python-ldap==3.4.4 > + pywinrm==0.4.3 > + redis==4.6.0 > + redshift-connector==2.1.0 > - referencing==0.33.0 > + referencing==0.31.1 > + regex==2023.12.25 > + requests-ntlm==1.2.0 > + requests-oauthlib==1.3.1 > + requests-toolbelt==1.0.0 > + responses==0.25.0 > + rsa==4.9 > + s3fs==2024.2.0 > + s3transfer==0.10.0 > + sarif-om==1.0.4 > + scramp==1.4.4 > + sendgrid==6.11.0 > + shapely==2.0.3 > + slack-sdk==3.27.1 > + snowflake-connector-python==3.7.1 > + snowflake-sqlalchemy==1.5.1 > + sortedcontainers==2.4.0 > + soupsieve==2.5 > + sqlalchemy-bigquery==1.10.0 > + sqlalchemy-redshift==0.8.14 > + sqlalchemy-spanner==1.6.2 > + sqlalchemy-utils==0.41.1 > + sqlparse==0.4.4 > + sshtunnel==0.4.0 > + starkbank-ecdsa==2.2.0 > + statsd==4.0.1 > + sympy==1.12 > + tomlkit==0.12.4 > + tornado==6.4 > + uritemplate==4.1.1 > - urllib3==2.2.1 > + urllib3==1.26.18 > + vine==5.1.0 > + virtualenv==20.25.1 > + watchtower==3.0.1 > + wcwidth==0.2.13 > + websocket-client==1.7.0 > + xmltodict==0.13.0 > + yarl==1.9.4 > + zope-event==5.0 > + zope-interface==6.2

Compare it with the equivalent pip result:

uv pip install 'apache-airflow[aiobotocore,amazon,async,celery,cncf-kubernetes,common-io, \
docker,elasticsearch,ftp,google,google-auth,graphviz,grpc,hashicorp,http,ldap,microsoft-azure, \
mysql,odbc,openlineage,pandas,postgres,redis,sendgrid,sftp,slack,snowflake, \
ssh,statsd,uv,virtualenv] @'
Result of `pip install` > Installing collected packages: wcwidth, unicodecsv, text-unidecode, statsd, starkbank-ecdsa, sortedcontainers, pytz, ply, lockfile, json-merge-patch, ijson, distlib, cron-descriptor, colorlog, azure-nspkg, azure-common, asn1crypto, zope.interface, zope.event, zipp, wrapt, websocket-client, vine, urllib3, uritemplate, uc-micro-py, tzdata, typing-extensions, tornado, tomlkit, termcolor, tenacity, tabulate, sqlparse, sqlalchemy, soupsieve, sniffio, slack_sdk, six, setproctitle, scramp, rpds-py, PyYAML, python-slugify, python-http-client, python-dotenv, pyparsing, pyodbc, pyjwt, pygments, pycparser, pyasn1, psycopg2-binary, psutil, protobuf, prompt-toolkit, prometheus-client, portalocker, pluggy, platformdirs, pkgutil-resolve-name, pathspec, packaging, ordered-set, opentelemetry-semantic-conventions, openlineage-sql, oauthlib, numpy, mysqlclient, mysql-connector-python, multidict, more-itertools, mdurl, markupsafe, lxml, lazy-object-proxy, jsonpath_ng, jmespath, itsdangerous, inflection, idna, humanize, h11, grpcio, greenlet, graphviz, google-re2, google-crc32c, fsspec, frozenlist, filelock, exceptiongroup, docutils, dnspython, dill, decorator, configupdater, colorama, click, charset-normalizer, chardet, certifi, cachetools, cachelib, blinker, billiard, bcrypt, backports.zoneinfo, backoff, Babel, azure-mgmt-nspkg, attrs, async-timeout, argcomplete, aiofiles, yarl, wtforms, werkzeug, virtualenv, universal-pathlib, sqlalchemy-utils, sqlalchemy_redshift, sqlalchemy-jsonfield, shapely, sendgrid, rsa, rfc3339-validator, requests, referencing, redis, python-dateutil, python-daemon, pyasn1-modules, pyarrow, proto-plus, prison, opentelemetry-proto, marshmallow, markdown-it-py, Mako, linkify-it-py, ldap3, jinja2, isodate, importlib-resources, importlib-metadata, httplib2, httpcore, gunicorn, grpcio-gcp, grpc-interceptor, googleapis-common-protos, google-resumable-media, gevent, eventlet, email-validator, elastic-transport, deprecated, clickclick, click-repl, click-plugins, click-didyoumean, cffi, cattrs, beautifulsoup4, azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg, asgiref, apispec, anyio, amqp, aiosignal, aioitertools, time-machine, rich, requests_toolbelt, requests-oauthlib, python-nvd3, python-ldap, pynacl, pandas, opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common, opentelemetry-api, openlineage-python, mdit-py-plugins, marshmallow-sqlalchemy, marshmallow-oneofschema, looker-sdk, limits, kombu, jsonschema-specifications, hvac, httpx, grpcio-status, google-cloud-audit-log, google-auth, flask, elasticsearch, docker, cryptography, croniter, botocore, azure-core, alembic, aiohttp, s3transfer, rich-argparse, PyOpenSSL, pendulum, paramiko, opentelemetry-sdk, openlineage-integration-common, msrest, kubernetes_asyncio, kubernetes, jsonschema, grpc-google-iam-v1, google-auth-oauthlib, google-auth-httplib2, google-api-core, gcloud-aio-auth, flask-wtf, Flask-SQLAlchemy, flask-session, flask-login, Flask-Limiter, Flask-JWT-Extended, flask-caching, Flask-Babel, db-dtypes, celery, azure-storage-file-share, azure-storage-blob, azure-servicebus, azure-mgmt-core, azure-keyvault-secrets, azure-cosmos, authlib, asyncssh, aiobotocore, adal, sshtunnel, snowflake-connector-python, pydata-google-auth, opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http, opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc, msrestazure, msal, google-cloud-core, google-api-python-client, google-ads, gcloud-aio-storage, gcloud-aio-bigquery, flower, flask-appbuilder, connexion, boto3, azure-synapse-spark, azure-synapse-artifacts, azure-storage-file-datalake, azure-mgmt-storage, azure-mgmt-resource, azure-mgmt-datafactory, azure-mgmt-cosmosdb, azure-mgmt-containerregistry, azure-mgmt-containerinstance, watchtower, snowflake-sqlalchemy, redshift_connector, PyAthena, opentelemetry-exporter-otlp, msal-extensions, google-cloud-workflows, google-cloud-vision, google-cloud-videointelligence, google-cloud-translate, google-cloud-texttospeech, google-cloud-tasks, google-cloud-storage-transfer, google-cloud-storage, google-cloud-speech, google-cloud-spanner, google-cloud-secret-manager, google-cloud-run, google-cloud-resource-manager, google-cloud-redis, google-cloud-pubsub, google-cloud-os-login, google-cloud-orchestration-airflow, google-cloud-monitoring, google-cloud-memcache, google-cloud-language, google-cloud-kms, google-cloud-dlp, google-cloud-dataproc-metastore, google-cloud-dataproc, google-cloud-dataplex, google-cloud-dataform, google-cloud-dataflow-client, google-cloud-datacatalog, google-cloud-container, google-cloud-compute, google-cloud-build, google-cloud-bigtable, google-cloud-bigquery-storage, google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer, google-cloud-bigquery, google-cloud-batch, google-cloud-automl, google-cloud-appengine-logging, google-analytics-admin, azure-mgmt-datalake-store, azure-datalake-store, azure-batch, sqlalchemy-spanner, sqlalchemy-bigquery, pandas-gbq, google-cloud-logging, google-cloud-aiplatform, gcsfs, azure-identity, azure-kusto-data, adlfs, apache-airflow-providers-smtp, apache-airflow-providers-imap, apache-airflow-providers-http, apache-airflow-providers-ftp, apache-airflow-providers-fab, apache-airflow-providers-common-sql, apache-airflow-providers-common-io, apache-airflow-providers-sqlite, apache-airflow-providers-ssh, apache-airflow-providers-snowflake, apache-airflow-providers-slack, apache-airflow-providers-sftp, apache-airflow-providers-sendgrid, apache-airflow-providers-redis, apache-airflow-providers-postgres, apache-airflow-providers-openlineage, apache-airflow-providers-odbc, apache-airflow-providers-mysql, apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-azure, apache-airflow-providers-hashicorp, apache-airflow-providers-grpc, apache-airflow-providers-google, apache-airflow-providers-elasticsearch, apache-airflow-providers-docker, apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes, apache-airflow-providers-celery, apache-airflow-providers-amazon

Note - all the apache-airflow-providers-* packages missing in case of uv pip install.

The problem is likely that the installation uses directly pyproject.toml to install dependencies, however for such remote installation (and without --editable install at that - but even if it would be specified, --editable makes no sense for remote install) the dependencies should be the same as in packaged .whl file and it makes the installation of uv in this case non-compliant with PEP 517.

A bit more context: Airlfow uses hatchling build backend, and utilzes PEP 517 compliant build_hooks ( to modify the --editable extras into wheel extras on the flight. So for example [celery] requirement in pyproject.toml ( is this:

celery = [ # source: airflow/providers/celery/provider.yaml

However the hatchling build hook of ours, when preparing wheel package, replaces this extra with:


This is the way how we are dealing with our monorepo where --editable "extra" just installs dependencies of our providers, while the "wheel" extra install actual provider (and transitively dependencies of that provider).

I believe that PEP-517 compliant way of installing a package from remote URL should actually build the wheel file first using the build backend the project has defined in pyproject.toml and only then install such a wheel file (this is exactly what pip does under the hood when installing package from remote url - treating it the same way as installind an sdist package (which the remote URL is equivalent of).

potiuk commented 6 months ago

I have an update.

I realized that the problem could be, because we were not really PEP 621 compliant with Airflow becaused we mixed "dynamic" and "static" project properties in Airflow. The pyproject.toml contained the "dependencies" and "optional-dependencies" but also build hooks modified them.

However as of today we fixed it in `apache-airflow' in and the problem remains.

Both "dependencies" and "optional-dependencies" are set as dynamic in pyproject.toml: :

dynamic = ["version", "optional-dependencies", "dependencies"]

It looks like uv - unlike pip does not use build hooks to determine standard dynamic properties as defined in pyproject.toml - only uses the hooks to determine editable dependencies

PIP case

With pip - they are both properly set dynamically by PEP 517 compliant build hooks (via hatchling) - - you can check it by checking out the repo and running those commands (I separated out the relevant installed packages to show the difference)

1) pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow" -> correctly installs "wheel" version of airflow with wheel [aws] variant of extra - including apache-airflow-providers-amazon - but not including devel deps like moto.

Output > Successfully installed Babel-2.14.0 Flask-Babel-2.0.0 Flask-JWT-Extended-4.6.0 Flask-Limiter-3.5.1 Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.5.1 Mako-1.3.2 PyAthena-3.5.1 PyYAML-6.0.1 WTForms-3.1.2 aiohttp-3.9.3 aiosignal-1.3.1 alembic-1.13.1 anyio-4.3.0 apache-airflow-2.9.0.dev0 > **apache-airflow-providers-amazon-8.19.0** > apache-airflow-providers-common-io-1.3.0 apache-airflow-providers-common-sql-1.11.1 apache-airflow-providers-fab-1.0.2.dev2 apache-airflow-providers-ftp-3.7.0 apache-airflow-providers-http-4.10.0 apache-airflow-providers-imap-3.5.0 apache-airflow-providers-smtp-1.6.1 apache-airflow-providers-sqlite-3.7.1 apispec-6.6.0 argcomplete-3.2.3 asgiref-3.8.1 asn1crypto-1.5.1 attrs-23.2.0 beautifulsoup4-4.12.3 blinker-1.7.0 boto3-1.34.69 botocore-1.34.69 cachelib-0.9.0 certifi-2024.2.2 cffi-1.16.0 charset-normalizer-3.3.2 click-8.1.7 clickclick-20.10.2 colorama-0.4.6 colorlog-4.8.0 configupdater-3.2 connexion-2.14.2 cron-descriptor-1.4.3 croniter-2.0.3 cryptography-42.0.5 deprecated-1.2.14 dill-0.3.8 dnspython-2.6.1 docutils-0.20.1 email-validator-2.1.1 flask-2.2.5 flask-appbuilder-4.4.1 flask-caching-2.1.0 flask-login-0.6.3 flask-session-0.5.0 flask-wtf-1.2.1 frozenlist-1.4.1 fsspec-2024.3.1 google-re2-1.1 googleapis-common-protos-1.63.0 grpcio-1.62.1 gunicorn-21.2.0 h11-0.14.0 httpcore-1.0.4 httpx-0.27.0 idna-3.6 importlib-metadata-6.11.0 importlib-resources-6.4.0 inflection-0.5.1 itsdangerous-2.1.2 jinja2-3.1.3 jmespath-1.0.1 jsonpath_ng-1.6.1 jsonschema-4.21.1 jsonschema-specifications-2023.12.1 lazy-object-proxy-1.10.0 limits-3.10.1 linkify-it-py-2.0.3 lockfile-0.12.2 lxml-5.1.0 markdown-it-py-3.0.0 markupsafe-2.1.5 marshmallow-3.21.1 marshmallow-oneofschema-3.1.1 marshmallow-sqlalchemy-0.28.2 mdit-py-plugins-0.4.0 mdurl-0.1.2 more-itertools-10.2.0 multidict-6.0.5 opentelemetry-api-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http-1.23.0 opentelemetry-proto-1.23.0 opentelemetry-sdk-1.23.0 opentelemetry-semantic-conventions-0.44b0 ordered-set-4.1.0 packaging-24.0 pathspec-0.12.1 pendulum-3.0.0 pluggy-1.4.0 ply-3.11 prison-0.2.1 protobuf-4.25.3 psutil-5.9.8 pycparser-2.21 pygments-2.17.2 pyjwt-2.8.0 python-daemon-3.0.1 python-dateutil-2.9.0.post0 python-nvd3-0.15.0 python-slugify-8.0.4 pytz-2024.1 redshift_connector-2.1.0 referencing-0.34.0 requests-2.31.0 requests_toolbelt-1.0.0 rfc3339-validator-0.1.4 rich-13.7.1 rich-argparse-1.4.0 rpds-py-0.18.0 s3transfer-0.10.1 scramp-1.4.4 setproctitle-1.3.3 six-1.16.0 sniffio-1.3.1 soupsieve-2.5 sqlalchemy-1.4.52 sqlalchemy-jsonfield-1.0.2 sqlalchemy-utils-0.41.2 sqlalchemy_redshift-0.8.14 sqlparse-0.4.4 tabulate-0.9.0 tenacity-8.2.3 termcolor-2.4.0 text-unidecode-1.3 time-machine-2.14.1 typing-extensions-4.10.0 tzdata-2024.1 uc-micro-py-1.0.3 unicodecsv-0.14.1 universal-pathlib-0.2.2 urllib3-2.2.1 watchtower-3.1.0 werkzeug-2.2.3 wrapt-1.16.0 yarl-1.9.4 zipp-3.18.1

2) pip install -e "/Users/jarek/code/airflow[aws]" -> correctly install "editable" version of airflow with editable version of [aws] variant of extra - not includoing apaxhe-airflow-providers-amazon

Output > Successfully installed Mako-1.3.2 PyAthena-3.5.1 PyYAML-6.0.1 aiobotocore-2.12.1 aiohttp-3.9.3 aioitertools-0.11.0 aiosignal-1.3.1 alembic-1.13.1 annotated-types-0.6.0 anyio-4.3.0 apache-airflow-2.9.0.dev0 argcomplete-3.2.3 asgiref-3.8.1 asn1crypto-1.5.1 attrs-23.2.0 aws-sam-translator-1.86.0 aws_xray_sdk-2.13.0 beautifulsoup4-4.12.3 blinker-1.7.0 boto3-1.34.51 botocore-1.34.51 cachelib-0.9.0 certifi-2024.2.2 cffi-1.16.0 cfn-lint-0.86.1 charset-normalizer-3.3.2 click-8.1.7 clickclick-20.10.2 colorlog-4.8.0 configupdater-3.2 connexion-2.14.2 cron-descriptor-1.4.3 croniter-2.0.3 cryptography-42.0.5 deprecated-1.2.14 dill-0.3.8 docker-7.0.0 docutils-0.20.1 flask-2.2.5 flask-caching-2.1.0 flask-session-0.5.0 flask-wtf-1.2.1 frozenlist-1.4.1 fsspec-2024.3.1 google-re2-1.1 googleapis-common-protos-1.63.0 graphql-core-3.2.3 grpcio-1.62.1 gunicorn-21.2.0 h11-0.14.0 httpcore-1.0.4 httpx-0.27.0 idna-3.6 importlib-metadata-6.11.0 inflection-0.5.1 itsdangerous-2.1.2 jinja2-3.1.3 jmespath-1.0.1 joserfc-0.9.0 jschema-to-python-1.2.3 jsondiff-2.0.0 jsonpatch-1.33 jsonpath_ng-1.6.1 jsonpickle-3.0.3 jsonpointer-2.4 jsonschema-4.21.1 jsonschema-path-0.3.2 jsonschema-specifications-2023.12.1 junit-xml-1.9 lazy-object-proxy-1.10.0 linkify-it-py-2.0.3 lockfile-0.12.2 lxml-5.1.0 markdown-it-py-3.0.0 markupsafe-2.1.5 marshmallow-3.21.1 marshmallow-oneofschema-3.1.1 mdit-py-plugins-0.4.0 mdurl-0.1.2 more-itertools-10.2.0 > **moto-5.0.3** > mpmath-1.3.0 multidict-6.0.5 mypy-boto3-appflow-1.34.0 mypy-boto3-rds-1.34.65 mypy-boto3-redshift-data-1.34.0 mypy-boto3-s3-1.34.65 networkx-3.2.1 openapi-schema-validator-0.6.2 openapi-spec-validator-0.7.1 opentelemetry-api-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http-1.23.0 opentelemetry-proto-1.23.0 opentelemetry-sdk-1.23.0 opentelemetry-semantic-conventions-0.44b0 packaging-24.0 pathable-0.4.3 pathspec-0.12.1 pbr-6.0.0 pendulum-3.0.0 pluggy-1.4.0 ply-3.11 protobuf-4.25.3 psutil-5.9.8 py-partiql-parser-0.5.1 pycparser-2.21 pydantic-2.6.4 pydantic-core-2.16.3 pygments-2.17.2 pyjwt-2.8.0 pyparsing-3.1.2 python-daemon-3.0.1 python-dateutil-2.9.0.post0 python-nvd3-0.15.0 python-slugify-8.0.4 pytz-2024.1 redshift_connector-2.1.0 referencing-0.31.1 regex-2023.12.25 requests-2.31.0 requests_toolbelt-1.0.0 responses-0.25.0 rfc3339-validator-0.1.4 rich-13.7.1 rich-argparse-1.4.0 rpds-py-0.18.0 s3fs-2024.3.1 s3transfer-0.10.1 sarif-om-1.0.4 scramp-1.4.4 setproctitle-1.3.3 six-1.16.0 sniffio-1.3.1 soupsieve-2.5 sqlalchemy-1.4.52 sqlalchemy-jsonfield-1.0.2 sqlalchemy_redshift-0.8.14 sqlparse-0.4.4 sympy-1.12 tabulate-0.9.0 tenacity-8.2.3 termcolor-2.4.0 text-unidecode-1.3 time-machine-2.14.1 typing-extensions-4.10.0 tzdata-2024.1 uc-micro-py-1.0.3 unicodecsv-0.14.1 universal-pathlib-0.2.2 urllib3-2.0.7 watchtower-3.1.0 werkzeug-2.2.3 wrapt-1.16.0 wtforms-3.1.2 xmltodict-0.13.0 yarl-1.9.4 zipp-3.18.1

3) Similarly - remote installtion via URL uses "wheel" dependency versions: pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @":

Ouput > Successfully installed Babel-2.14.0 Flask-Babel-2.0.0 Flask-JWT-Extended-4.6.0 Flask-Limiter-3.5.1 Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.5.1 Mako-1.3.2 PyAthena-3.5.1 PyYAML-6.0.1 WTForms-3.1.2 aiohttp-3.9.3 aiosignal-1.3.1 alembic-1.13.1 anyio-4.3.0 > **apache-airflow-providers-amazon-8.19.0** > apache-airflow-providers-common-io-1.3.0 apache-airflow-providers-common-sql-1.11.1 apache-airflow-providers-fab-1.0.2.dev2 apache-airflow-providers-ftp-3.7.0 apache-airflow-providers-http-4.10.0 apache-airflow-providers-imap-3.5.0 apache-airflow-providers-smtp-1.6.1 apache-airflow-providers-sqlite-3.7.1 apispec-6.6.0 argcomplete-3.2.3 asgiref-3.8.1 asn1crypto-1.5.1 attrs-23.2.0 beautifulsoup4-4.12.3 blinker-1.7.0 boto3-1.34.69 botocore-1.34.69 cachelib-0.9.0 certifi-2024.2.2 cffi-1.16.0 charset-normalizer-3.3.2 click-8.1.7 clickclick-20.10.2 colorama-0.4.6 colorlog-4.8.0 configupdater-3.2 connexion-2.14.2 cron-descriptor-1.4.3 croniter-2.0.3 cryptography-42.0.5 deprecated-1.2.14 dill-0.3.8 dnspython-2.6.1 docutils-0.20.1 email-validator-2.1.1 flask-2.2.5 flask-appbuilder-4.4.1 flask-caching-2.1.0 flask-login-0.6.3 flask-session-0.5.0 flask-wtf-1.2.1 frozenlist-1.4.1 fsspec-2024.3.1 google-re2-1.1 googleapis-common-protos-1.63.0 grpcio-1.62.1 gunicorn-21.2.0 h11-0.14.0 httpcore-1.0.4 httpx-0.27.0 idna-3.6 importlib-metadata-6.11.0 importlib-resources-6.4.0 inflection-0.5.1 itsdangerous-2.1.2 jinja2-3.1.3 jmespath-1.0.1 jsonpath_ng-1.6.1 jsonschema-4.21.1 jsonschema-specifications-2023.12.1 lazy-object-proxy-1.10.0 limits-3.10.1 linkify-it-py-2.0.3 lockfile-0.12.2 lxml-5.1.0 markdown-it-py-3.0.0 markupsafe-2.1.5 marshmallow-3.21.1 marshmallow-oneofschema-3.1.1 marshmallow-sqlalchemy-0.28.2 mdit-py-plugins-0.4.0 mdurl-0.1.2 more-itertools-10.2.0 multidict-6.0.5 opentelemetry-api-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc-1.23.0 opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http-1.23.0 opentelemetry-proto-1.23.0 opentelemetry-sdk-1.23.0 opentelemetry-semantic-conventions-0.44b0 ordered-set-4.1.0 packaging-24.0 pathspec-0.12.1 pendulum-3.0.0 pluggy-1.4.0 ply-3.11 prison-0.2.1 protobuf-4.25.3 psutil-5.9.8 pycparser-2.21 pygments-2.17.2 pyjwt-2.8.0 python-daemon-3.0.1 python-dateutil-2.9.0.post0 python-nvd3-0.15.0 python-slugify-8.0.4 pytz-2024.1 redshift_connector-2.1.0 referencing-0.34.0 requests-2.31.0 requests_toolbelt-1.0.0 rfc3339-validator-0.1.4 rich-13.7.1 rich-argparse-1.4.0 rpds-py-0.18.0 s3transfer-0.10.1 scramp-1.4.4 setproctitle-1.3.3 six-1.16.0 sniffio-1.3.1 soupsieve-2.5 sqlalchemy-1.4.52 sqlalchemy-jsonfield-1.0.2 sqlalchemy-utils-0.41.2 sqlalchemy_redshift-0.8.14 sqlparse-0.4.4 tabulate-0.9.0 tenacity-8.2.3 termcolor-2.4.0 text-unidecode-1.3 time-machine-2.14.1 typing-extensions-4.10.0 tzdata-2024.1 uc-micro-py-1.0.3 unicodecsv-0.14.1 universal-pathlib-0.2.2 urllib3-2.2.1 watchtower-3.1.0 werkzeug-2.2.3 wrapt-1.16.0 yarl-1.9.4 zipp-3.18.1

UV case

The same exercise with uv produced very different (incorrect) results:

I run it with the latest as of today uv version: 0.1.24.

1) uv pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow"

This wrongly installs just airflow package and misses both - dynamic "dependenciess" and dynamic "optional-dependencies" that should be derived from running the build hook.

Output > Resolved 1 package in 0.42ms > Built apache-airflow @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow > Downloaded 1 package in 5.89s > Installed 1 package in 10ms > + apache-airflow==2.9.0.dev0 (from file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow)

2) uv pip install -e "/Users/jarek/code/airflow[aws]"

This correctly installs dynamically derived both "dependencies" and "optional-dependencies". See (expected) lack of "apache-airflow-providers-amazon" and presence of "moto" - both indicate that aws extra was correctly calculated with the build hook.

Output > uv pip install -e "/Users/jarek/code/airflow[aws]" > Built file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow > Built 1 editable in 4.90s > Resolved 161 packages in 6.94s > Built python-nvd3==0.15.0 > Built lazy-object-proxy==1.10.0 > Built unicodecsv==0.14.1 > Downloaded 156 packages in 14.87s > Installed 160 packages in 219ms > + aiobotocore==2.12.1 > + aiohttp==3.9.3 > + aioitertools==0.11.0 > + aiosignal==1.3.1 > + alembic==1.13.1 > + annotated-types==0.6.0 > + anyio==4.3.0 > + apache-airflow==2.9.0.dev0 (from file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow) > + argcomplete==3.2.3 > + asgiref==3.8.1 > + asn1crypto==1.5.1 > + attrs==23.2.0 > + aws-sam-translator==1.86.0 > + aws-xray-sdk==2.13.0 > + beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 > + blinker==1.7.0 > + boto3==1.34.51 > + botocore==1.34.51 > + cachelib==0.9.0 > + certifi==2024.2.2 > + cffi==1.16.0 > + cfn-lint==0.86.1 > + charset-normalizer==3.3.2 > + click==8.1.7 > + clickclick==20.10.2 > + colorlog==4.8.0 > + configupdater==3.2 > + connexion==2.14.2 > + cron-descriptor==1.4.3 > + croniter==2.0.3 > + cryptography==42.0.5 > + deprecated==1.2.14 > + dill==0.3.8 > + docker==7.0.0 > + docutils==0.20.1 > + flask==2.2.5 > + flask-caching==2.1.0 > + flask-session==0.5.0 > + flask-wtf==1.2.1 > + frozenlist==1.4.1 > + fsspec==2024.3.1 > + google-re2==1.1 > + googleapis-common-protos==1.63.0 > + graphql-core==3.2.3 > + grpcio==1.62.1 > + gunicorn==21.2.0 > + h11==0.14.0 > + httpcore==1.0.4 > + httpx==0.27.0 > + idna==3.6 > + importlib-metadata==6.11.0 > + inflection==0.5.1 > + itsdangerous==2.1.2 > + jinja2==3.1.3 > + jmespath==1.0.1 > + joserfc==0.9.0 > + jschema-to-python==1.2.3 > + jsondiff==2.0.0 > + jsonpatch==1.33 > + jsonpath-ng==1.6.1 > + jsonpickle==3.0.3 > + jsonpointer==2.4 v + jsonschema==4.21.1 > + jsonschema-path==0.3.2 > + jsonschema-specifications==2023.12.1 > + junit-xml==1.9 > + lazy-object-proxy==1.10.0 > + linkify-it-py==2.0.3 > + lockfile==0.12.2 > + lxml==5.1.0 > + mako==1.3.2 > + markdown-it-py==3.0.0 > + markupsafe==2.1.5 > + marshmallow==3.21.1 > + marshmallow-oneofschema==3.1.1 > + mdit-py-plugins==0.4.0 > + mdurl==0.1.2 > + more-itertools==10.2.0 > **+ moto==5.0.3** > + mpmath==1.3.0 > + multidict==6.0.5 > + mypy-boto3-appflow==1.34.0 > + mypy-boto3-rds==1.34.65 > + mypy-boto3-redshift-data==1.34.0 > + mypy-boto3-s3==1.34.65 > + networkx==3.2.1 > + openapi-schema-validator==0.6.2 > + openapi-spec-validator==0.7.1 > + opentelemetry-api==1.23.0 > + opentelemetry-exporter-otlp==1.23.0 > + opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common==1.23.0 > + opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc==1.23.0 > + opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http==1.23.0 > + opentelemetry-proto==1.23.0 > + opentelemetry-sdk==1.23.0 > + opentelemetry-semantic-conventions==0.44b0 > + packaging==24.0 > + pathable==0.4.3 > + pathspec==0.12.1 > + pbr==6.0.0 > + pendulum==3.0.0 > + pluggy==1.4.0 > + ply==3.11 > + protobuf==4.25.3 > + psutil==5.9.8 > + py-partiql-parser==0.5.1 > + pyathena==3.5.1 > + pycparser==2.21 > + pydantic==2.6.4 > + pydantic-core==2.16.3 > + pygments==2.17.2 > + pyjwt==2.8.0 > + pyparsing==3.1.2 > + python-daemon==3.0.1 > + python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 > + python-nvd3==0.15.0 > + python-slugify==8.0.4 > + pytz==2024.1 > + pyyaml==6.0.1 > + redshift-connector==2.1.0 > + referencing==0.31.1 > + regex==2023.12.25 > + requests==2.31.0 > + requests-toolbelt==1.0.0 > + responses==0.25.0 > + rfc3339-validator==0.1.4 > + rich==13.7.1 > + rich-argparse==1.4.0 > + rpds-py==0.18.0 > + s3fs==2024.3.1 > + s3transfer==0.10.1 > + sarif-om==1.0.4 > + scramp==1.4.4 > + setproctitle==1.3.3 > + six==1.16.0 > + sniffio==1.3.1 > + soupsieve==2.5 > + sqlalchemy==1.4.52 > + sqlalchemy-jsonfield==1.0.2 > + sqlalchemy-redshift==0.8.14 > + sqlparse==0.4.4 > + sympy==1.12 > + tabulate==0.9.0 > + tenacity==8.2.3 > + termcolor==2.4.0 > + text-unidecode==1.3 > + time-machine==2.14.1 > + typing-extensions==4.10.0 > + tzdata==2024.1 > + uc-micro-py==1.0.3 > + unicodecsv==0.14.1 > + universal-pathlib==0.2.2 > + urllib3==2.0.7 > + watchtower==3.1.0 > + werkzeug==2.2.3 > + wrapt==1.16.0 > + wtforms==3.1.2 > + xmltodict==0.13.0 > + yarl==1.9.4 > + zipp==3.18.1

3) Finally installing from URL: uv pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @"

Output > Resolved 1 package in 589ms > Built apache-airflow @ > Downloaded 1 package in 1.06s > Installed 1 package in 9ms > - apache-airflow==2.9.0.dev0 (from file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow) > + apache-airflow==2.9.0.dev0 (from
charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

There's something happening here but I don't quite understand what yet.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

(We do run the PEP 517 build hooks in all cases here.)

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Just to add maybe a hypothesis/lead:

It could be that this is somehow interacting with the way how the "" interacts with hatchling backeng build. I had a bit hard time to guess how to properly update both dependencies and optional-dependencies in the hook. And I settled with this way (which works as I described above + it nicely generates the .whl packages):

So what i settled with:

While the "optional-dependencies" might be somewhat hacky, the "dependencies" seem to be perfectly justified way. And they also nicely work for "editable" case.

Hypothesis - maybe the version is not set to "standard" when you run the hook ? That could cause the behaviour observd.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

So, this only installs airflow:

rm -rf foo && cargo run venv && cargo run pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @" --pre --cache-dir foo

But if I run again without clearing the cache...

cargo run venv && cargo run pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @" --cache-dir foo --pre

Then I get all 150 dependencies.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Yes. the build hook is run properly. Just run it with a little exception just before existing inistialization to debug


        # with hatchling, we can modify dependencies dynamically by modifying the build_data
        build_data["dependencies"] = self._dependencies
        raise Exception(build_data) <-- added this

and it seems all good - at least for the clean run of:

uv pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow"


[jarek:~/code/airflow] [test-3.11] main(+1/-0)+ 2 ± uv pip install "apache-airflow[aws] @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow"
Resolved 1 package in 0.48ms
error: Failed to download distributions
  Caused by: Failed to fetch wheel: apache-airflow @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow
  Caused by: Failed to build: apache-airflow @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow
  Caused by: Build backend failed to build wheel through `build_wheel()` with exit status: 1
--- stdout:

--- stderr:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 11, in <module>
  File "/Users/jarek/Library/Caches/uv/.tmpaYi2WU/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/hatchling/", line 58, in build_wheel
    return os.path.basename(next(, versions=['standard'])))
  File "/Users/jarek/Library/Caches/uv/.tmpaYi2WU/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/hatchling/builders/plugin/", line 147, in build
    build_hook.initialize(version, build_data)
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/airflow/", line 750, in initialize
    raise Exception(build_data)
Exception: {'infer_tag': False, 'pure_python': True, 'dependencies': ['alembic>=1.13.1, <2.0', 'argcomplete>=1.10', 'asgiref', 'attrs>=22.1.0', 'blinker>=1.6.2', 'colorlog>=4.0.2, <5.0', 'configupdater>=3.1.1', 'connexion[flask]>=2.10.0,<3.0', 'cron-descriptor>=1.2.24', 'croniter>=2.0.2', 'cryptography>=39.0.0', 'deprecated>=1.2.13', 'dill>=0.2.2', 'flask-caching>=1.5.0', 'flask-session>=0.4.0,<0.6', 'flask-wtf>=0.15', 'flask>=2.2,<2.3', 'fsspec>=2023.10.0', 'google-re2>=1.0', 'gunicorn>=20.1.0', 'httpx', 'importlib_metadata>=1.7;python_version<"3.9"', 'importlib_resources>=5.2,!=6.2.0,!=6.3.0,!=6.3.1;python_version<"3.9"', 'itsdangerous>=2.0', 'jinja2>=3.0.0', 'jsonschema>=4.18.0', 'lazy-object-proxy', 'linkify-it-py>=2.0.0', 'lockfile>=0.12.2', 'markdown-it-py>=2.1.0', 'markupsafe>=1.1.1', 'marshmallow-oneofschema>=2.0.1', 'mdit-py-plugins>=0.3.0', 'opentelemetry-api>=1.15.0', 'opentelemetry-exporter-otlp', 'packaging>=14.0', 'pathspec>=0.9.0', 'pendulum>=2.1.2,<4.0', 'pluggy>=1.0', 'psutil>=4.2.0', 'pygments>=2.0.1', 'pyjwt>=2.0.0', 'python-daemon>=3.0.0', 'python-dateutil>=2.3', 'python-nvd3>=0.15.0', 'python-slugify>=5.0', 'requests>=2.27.0,<3', 'rfc3339-validator>=0.1.4', 'rich-argparse>=1.0.0', 'rich>=12.4.4', 'setproctitle>=1.1.8', 'sqlalchemy>=1.4.36,<2.0', 'sqlalchemy-jsonfield>=1.0', 'tabulate>=0.7.5', 'tenacity>=6.2.0,!=8.2.0', 'termcolor>=1.1.0', 'unicodecsv>=0.14.1', 'universal-pathlib>=0.2.2', 'werkzeug>=2.0,<3', 'apache-airflow-providers-common-io', 'apache-airflow-providers-common-sql', 'apache-airflow-providers-fab>=1.0.2dev0', 'apache-airflow-providers-ftp', 'apache-airflow-providers-http', 'apache-airflow-providers-imap', 'apache-airflow-providers-smtp', 'apache-airflow-providers-sqlite'], 'force_include_editable': {}, 'extra_metadata': {}, 'artifacts': [], 'force_include': {}, 'build_hooks': ('custom',)}

Still, when I remove the exception:

Resolved 1 package in 0.45ms
   Built apache-airflow @ file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Downloaded 1 package in 5.84s
Installed 1 package in 10ms
 + apache-airflow==2.9.0.dev0 (from file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow)
charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Hmm, it seems related to our use of prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel. The metadata returned by that hook isn't including any requirements.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Maybe I should set it differently in hatchling, but:

a) no idea how and at least "dependencies" seem to be the right way of doing it b) pip works correctly with both dependencies and optional-dependencies c) it seems to work fine with --editable build even in uv

So it looks like something on the uv side :( ?

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Editable with exception:

uv pip install -e "/Users/jarek/code/airflow[aws]"
error: Failed to build editables
  Caused by: Failed to build editable: file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow
  Caused by: Build backend failed to build wheel through `build_editable()` with exit status: 1
--- stdout:

--- stderr:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 11, in <module>
  File "/Users/jarek/Library/Caches/uv/.tmpFU2vBA/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/hatchling/", line 83, in build_editable
    return os.path.basename(next(, versions=['editable'])))
  File "/Users/jarek/Library/Caches/uv/.tmpFU2vBA/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/hatchling/builders/plugin/", line 147, in build
    build_hook.initialize(version, build_data)
  File "/Users/jarek/IdeaProjects/airflow/", line 750, in initialize
    raise Exception(build_data)
Exception: {'infer_tag': False, 'pure_python': True, 'dependencies': ['alembic>=1.13.1, <2.0', 'argcomplete>=1.10', 'asgiref', 'attrs>=22.1.0', 'blinker>=1.6.2', 'colorlog>=4.0.2, <5.0', 'configupdater>=3.1.1', 'connexion[flask]>=2.10.0,<3.0', 'cron-descriptor>=1.2.24', 'croniter>=2.0.2', 'cryptography>=39.0.0', 'deprecated>=1.2.13', 'dill>=0.2.2', 'flask-caching>=1.5.0', 'flask-session>=0.4.0,<0.6', 'flask-wtf>=0.15', 'flask>=2.2,<2.3', 'fsspec>=2023.10.0', 'google-re2>=1.0', 'gunicorn>=20.1.0', 'httpx', 'importlib_metadata>=1.7;python_version<"3.9"', 'importlib_resources>=5.2,!=6.2.0,!=6.3.0,!=6.3.1;python_version<"3.9"', 'itsdangerous>=2.0', 'jinja2>=3.0.0', 'jsonschema>=4.18.0', 'lazy-object-proxy', 'linkify-it-py>=2.0.0', 'lockfile>=0.12.2', 'markdown-it-py>=2.1.0', 'markupsafe>=1.1.1', 'marshmallow-oneofschema>=2.0.1', 'mdit-py-plugins>=0.3.0', 'opentelemetry-api>=1.15.0', 'opentelemetry-exporter-otlp', 'packaging>=14.0', 'pathspec>=0.9.0', 'pendulum>=2.1.2,<4.0', 'pluggy>=1.0', 'psutil>=4.2.0', 'pygments>=2.0.1', 'pyjwt>=2.0.0', 'python-daemon>=3.0.0', 'python-dateutil>=2.3', 'python-nvd3>=0.15.0', 'python-slugify>=5.0', 'requests>=2.27.0,<3', 'rfc3339-validator>=0.1.4', 'rich-argparse>=1.0.0', 'rich>=12.4.4', 'setproctitle>=1.1.8', 'sqlalchemy>=1.4.36,<2.0', 'sqlalchemy-jsonfield>=1.0', 'tabulate>=0.7.5', 'tenacity>=6.2.0,!=8.2.0', 'termcolor>=1.1.0', 'unicodecsv>=0.14.1', 'universal-pathlib>=0.2.2', 'werkzeug>=2.0,<3'], 'force_include_editable': {}, 'extra_metadata': {}, 'artifacts': [], 'force_include': {}, 'build_hooks': ('custom',)}

After removing the exception:

[jarek:~/code/airflow] [test-3.11] main(+1/-1)+ 2 ± uv pip install -e "/Users/jarek/code/airflow[aws]"
   Built file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Built 1 editable in 4.63s
Resolved 161 packages in 5.82s
   Built python-nvd3==0.15.0
   Built lazy-object-proxy==1.10.0
   Built unicodecsv==0.14.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Downloaded 151 packages in 1.82s
Installed 154 packages in 254ms
 + aiobotocore==2.12.1
 + aiohttp==3.9.3
 + aioitertools==0.11.0
 + aiosignal==1.3.1
 + alembic==1.13.1
 + annotated-types==0.6.0
 + anyio==4.3.0
 + apache-airflow==2.9.0.dev0 (from file:///Users/jarek/code/airflow)
 + argcomplete==3.2.3
 + asgiref==3.8.1
 + asn1crypto==1.5.1
 + attrs==23.2.0
 + aws-sam-translator==1.86.0
.....  and son ....
charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Perhaps we can ask Ofek if he has any ideas why the generated metadata is different here.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

cc: @ofek ?

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

(I think the reason it works the second invocation that the wheel is built, and we read the metadata from the wheel if it's available. But in the first invocation, during resolution, we do prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel, since the wheel isn't available yet.)

potiuk commented 6 months ago

(I think the reason it works the second invocation that the wheel is built, and we read the metadata from the wheel if it's available. But in the first invocation, during resolution, we do prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel, since the wheel isn't available yet.)

I believe this is what pip is always doing - preparing the wheel first and only then installing it.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

And that might also explain why editable works - because you are doing it in PEP-660 compatible way (which also builds an "editable" wheel as an intermediary medium of metadaa) ?

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

I'm pretty sure that the metadata returned by prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel should be the same as that returned by building the wheel though.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Hmmm. Then we need @ofek to chime-in :).

BTW. Just to add the sense of priority - it's not super important to handle quickly.

I workarounded it in our CI image building proces. so I donwload and unpack the for our own caching, unpack it and instal it in --editable mode, which is actually even better for our process, because this way we could remove the devel-ci extra from wheel (so it is likely going to stay like that). but it would be nice to solve it for "prime-time" of uv for our users who might want to also install airflow via the GitHub URL in some cases.

It works for pip and pip is for now our recommended user-installation build frontent, so this does not impact us much

ofek commented 6 months ago

Does it work if you explicitly gate by the value of this e.g. wheel?

Both built-in targets wheel and sdist have a version named standard just like your custom build target:

I'm just getting up to speed on the issue and don't immediately see what's happening.

ofek commented 6 months ago

Oh, nevermind I see the issue I think:

Charlie, let me know how you would like me to fix. I think I have to account for your code base now as well.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

I'm just getting up to speed on the issue and don't immediately see what's happening.

In short:

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Oh, nevermind I see the issue I think:

Charlie, let me know how you would like me to fix. I think I have to account for your code base now as well.


If pip then.... 🤯

potiuk commented 6 months ago

BTW. @ofek -> since I got your attention... Is there a better way to dynamically set optional-dependencies than what I (hackishly) figured out ?

        # unfortunately hatchling currently does not have a way to override optional_dependencies
        # via build_data (or so it seem) so we need to modify internal _optional_dependencies
        # field in core.metadata until this is possible
        self.metadata.core._optional_dependencies = self.optional_dependencies
potiuk commented 6 months ago

I think I have to account for your code base now as well.

BTW. Shouldn't it work for any PEP-compliant frontend (just sayin :D ) ?

ofek commented 6 months ago

I know that seems hacky but I swear that was only the way to satisfy everyone 😅 I honestly thought a lot about that fix.

Is there a better way to dynamically set optional-dependencies than what I (hackishly) figured out ?

Yes there is a metadata hook

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Ah ok, so am I correct that Hatchling detects if pip is calling it, and disables the prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel hooks in that case?

ofek commented 6 months ago

Yes, for precisely this issue!

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Yes there is a metadata hook

Thank you 🙇‍♂️. I think after all the things I've done for Airlfow It's time to contribute back some docs to Hatchling from the "user" perspective :). Will likely do so soon.

ofek commented 6 months ago

That would be awesome, thanks 🙂 Here is the meta-issue:

In short, please prioritize how-to documents!

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Yes there is a metadata hook

Hmm. Just tried it but it does not seem to allow me to distinguish between editable/standard build. I want to really have quite a different set of those for editable standard build in a single

ofek commented 6 months ago

Then please open a feature request to the build hook interface.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

Then please open a feature request to the build hook interface.


charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

@ofek -- I assume there's no way for uv or for Hatch to detect when the hook can be trusted vs. not? E.g., could uv just avoid calling this when requirements are declared as "dynamic"?

ofek commented 6 months ago

That could work also I think.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Is this unique to Hatch since it supports extensions? Would other build backends need similar gating?

ofek commented 6 months ago

setuptools would have the same issue in theory for very dynamic builds.

edit: really any such backend that allows for code execution during builds to modify metadata, maybe PDM also

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Ok, I'll add that gate in uv for now.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Do you have any advice for writing a test for this? This is what I have, but it's passing when I want it to fail based on the above:

ofek commented 6 months ago

Does this work?


requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

name = "hatch-dynamic"
version = "1.0.0"
dynamic = ["dependencies"]



from import BuildHookInterface

class LiteraryBuildHook(BuildHookInterface):
    def initialize(self, version, build_data):
charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Trying, thank you.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

Yes, thanks.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

It looks like the example use-case from the Hatch issue ( doesn't use dynamic dependencies. I was hoping I could instead do something even more specific, like look for the presence of Hatch plugins ([], etc.), but that example also doesn't seem to use that, it registers a custom entrypoint.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

So I'm not really sure how to detect it :/

ofek commented 6 months ago

Hmm, good point actually only metadata hooks have anything to do with dynamic I'm seeing. At the end of the day, build hooks can do anything to the metadata because even if they don't use the standard fields that the system might provide to change things they could also do a post hook to actually rewrite the contents of the wheel e.g. for example if there was a plugin that ran auditwheel/delocate/delvewheel to fix up extension modules.

If you want to check hooks then you would have to search for the following:

Alternatively (or in addition to), maybe it would be nice to indicate your usage with an environment variable and then pip perhaps could start doing the same thing to standardize.

sbidoul commented 6 months ago

I'd find it worrying if a trend develops for frontends to special case for specific backends, or backends to special case for specific frontends.

potiuk commented 6 months ago

I'd find it worrying if a trends develops for frontends to special case for specific backends, or backends to special case for specific frontends.

Agree. I think we have to find a solution that is generic in both directions. Maybe something to discuss in Pittsburgh :)

ofek commented 6 months ago

Just a sanity check, does everyone here understand why I do this?

I'm open to feedback but basically for extremely dynamic metadata you don't want frontends caching like that before dynamic stuff happens i.e. this issue.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

I think I understand it, though I'm not familiar enough with Hatch to know why my first test case (using the requirements.txt plugin) worked without issue.

I do think it's non-standards compliant though, in two ways, at least based on what I saw in the linked issue:

  1. Projects that don't mark fields as "dynamic" can still produce dynamic metadata. In theory this could be considered a user configuration error?
  2. The metadata returned by prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel is incorrect and Hatch doesn't adhere to the contract in the standards, so it's then sniffing for callers that would be impacted by the incorrectness.

I'm honestly somewhat hesitant to add custom workarounds for Hatch here, though it also seems like a huge shame to skip prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel in all cases when it would be totally valid most of the time.

I know it's easier said than done, but I feel like the standards-compliant thing would be something like:

ofek commented 6 months ago

I think I understand it, though I'm not familiar enough with Hatch to know why my first test case (using the requirements.txt plugin) worked without issue.

Metadata resolution is the very first step and that component doesn't take into account what kind of builds are happening so it works perfectly in that case.

Projects that don't mark fields as "dynamic" can still produce dynamic metadata. In theory this could be considered a user configuration error?

That is unrelated to what's happening here but you're correct that I should produce an error for build hooks modifying static metadata just like I do for metadata hooks. I'll work on that soon.

The metadata returned by prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel is incorrect and Hatch doesn't adhere to the contract in the standards, so it's then sniffing for callers that would be impacted by the incorrectness.

I understand why you might think that but the issue is that backends that offer a dynamic functionality must make a trade-off. There are three options:

  1. Don't implement that method at all which would preclude certain performance optimizations for some tools.
  2. Only provide an implementation conditionally, deliberately excluding situations where it is undesirable. (This is the current approach.)
  3. Provide a constant implementation, which would break for workloads that require dynamic things happening during builds.

Do the detection within Hatch to figure out whether prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel is safe (e.g., are there any build hooks?), and return None when it's not.

Is that part of the standard? It appears to me that you either implement it or you don't:

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

That is unrelated to what's happening here but you're correct that I should produce an error for build hooks modifying static metadata just like I do for metadata hooks. I'll work on that soon.

Yeah makes sense. This more spun out of my idea to detect dynamic fields and limit the call to non-dynamic cases.

Is that part of the standard? It appears to me that you either implement it or you don't:

I think you're right. Our implementation allows the backend to return None but I think that's just an implementation detail on our side, I don't see that in the standard.

Only provide an implementation conditionally, deliberately excluding situations where it is undesirable. (This is the current approach.)

This seems like a reasonable outcome. The problem is that the "conditionally" is based on detecting the build front-end. Like, this wouldn't just be a problem for uv, it'd be a problem for any other installer too. Though I understand why it's hard to do anything differently here given the limitations of the spec.

I understand why you might think that but the issue is that backends that offer a dynamic functionality must make a trade-off.

Yeah, I understand. But it's still out of compliance with the standard, right? I'm not sure what to suggest other than that the standard needs to evolve in some way, but I'm not familiar enough with build backends to understand how.

ofek commented 6 months ago

I suppose I'll use your implementation's hack and return None.

charliermarsh commented 6 months ago

It's possible that breaks other frontends though, I'm not sure >.<