This feedback was reported by Karen Braganza on DAG Factory 0.19.0:
Timetables that do not expect a params argument will result in the following import error.
Broken DAG: [/usr/local/airflow/dags/]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dagfactory/", line 313, in make_timetable
schedule: Timetable = timetable_obj(**timetable_params)
TypeError: plugins.timetables.workday.UnevenIntervalsTimetable() argument after ** must be a mapping, not NoneType
In traditional Airflow, you can create a custom timetable with or without params like below.
schedule=CronTriggerTimetable("0 18 * * 5", timezone="UTC")
In DAG factory, only the second type of timetable will work.
The first timetable will produce the TypeError I mentioned because if the params dictionary is not available, the make_timetable() function in will receive a None value as the argument for its timetable_params parameter (source code).
Since it is expecting a dictionary, timetable_params is passed as timetable_params to the timetable object within make_timetable(). If None is passed as timetable_params instead of a dictionary, a TypeError is produced (source code).
My current workaround is to create a dummy argument in my custom timetable to pass in the params dictionary.
Users should be able to use custom timetables without params or a workaround.
This feedback was reported by Karen Braganza on DAG Factory 0.19.0:
Timetables that do not expect a params argument will result in the following import error.
In traditional Airflow, you can create a custom timetable with or without params like below.
In DAG factory, only the second type of timetable will work.
The first timetable will produce the TypeError I mentioned because if the params dictionary is not available, the make_timetable() function in will receive a None value as the argument for its timetable_params parameter (source code).
Since it is expecting a dictionary, timetable_params is passed as timetable_params to the timetable object within make_timetable(). If None is passed as timetable_params instead of a dictionary, a TypeError is produced (source code).
My current workaround is to create a dummy argument in my custom timetable to pass in the params dictionary. Users should be able to use custom timetables without params or a workaround.