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NLL on test/train for SEQGan #218

Open OlgaGolovneva opened 5 years ago

OlgaGolovneva commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to add Likelihood-based Metrics on generated data for SeqGan evaluation? They are described in original paper and paper accompanying implementation you refer to (

ZhitingHu commented 5 years ago

Evaluating likelihood is straightforward, with, e.g., texar.losses.sequence_sparse_softmax_cross_entropy. Here is an example of using the loss function:

OlgaGolovneva commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot! Could you please help me also to figure out how I can change k, g, and d parameters (epochs and number of updates for discr training) mentioned in the original SeqGAN paper ?

ZhitingHu commented 5 years ago

Discriminator training is by the function _d_run_epoch. You may customize it for more control.

The while-loop:

while True:
       # Training op here
   except: tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:

is one-epoch training.

OlgaGolovneva commented 4 years ago

Thank you! How can I control the number of mini-batch gradient steps that discriminator runs with the same generator input? In the while-loop, it first updates negative examples from generator, and than updates discriminator once with combination of positive and negative samples.

ZhitingHu commented 4 years ago

You may make infer_sample_ids here as a TF placeholder, and feed the same generator sample when optimizing the discriminator for multiple steps.

OlgaGolovneva commented 4 years ago

Thank you!