ata4 / disunity

An experimental toolset for Unity asset and asset bundle files.
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Disunity-how to use begginer #178

Open halt11will opened 8 years ago

halt11will commented 8 years ago


I'm totally new with this. I used instruction from I did everything as that topic says. I have java installed, disunity v 0.5. But don't know what to do next and how to check if program works.

should I paste i.e file gauntlets_of_accuracy.unity3d/gauntlets_of_accuracy.assets from Pillars of Eternity to my C:\Unity folder?

I open cmd, taping disunity and have this 2

When I used command cd "" and paste c:\unity in cmd I have path C:\disunity but anything I tape from readme instructions ( i.e asset blocks, bundle unpack gauntlets_of_accuracy.assets or use java -jar disunity.jar asset unpack gauntlets_of_accuracy.assets.assets) I always get "keytool' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch fil" promt.

Pls explain how to do i for beginner

RupW commented 8 years ago

I can't answer all your questions, but

Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

means you're trying to run Java 8 code, and you don't have Java 8 installed or it isn't the first Java version in your path.

halt11will commented 8 years ago

so how to set/check version of Java to be fisrt version in path

RupW commented 8 years ago

I don't have a Windows PC to hand so I can't give you exact instructions, but it's roughly

Good luck! I still think it's most likely you don't have Java 8 installed. I don't think you need a specific 64-bit or 32-bit version of Java, either ought do, but that's something else you could try - install the other bit version.

Mactastic1-5 commented 8 years ago

How did you get the 'disunity' folder in system32? You have to 'cd' to the path where disunity is located. Download and install the latest version of Java please.