atatanasov / gijgo

Gijgo - Free Javascript Controls
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Data row not updated after option of select have been selected #510

Open fangulo29 opened 5 years ago

fangulo29 commented 5 years ago

On my grid, I have a select, I choose one and it looks chaged, but when I call the function to get data of my grid, the value of my data that have to be changed by the selected option, is always with 0 value. It only changes data of my grid when I click in another select.

Is there a way to select an option of my select and modify the value at the same time? The methods that I tried to use were:

$('#grid').grid({ uiLibrary: 'bootstrap4', dataSource: '/Players/Get', columns: [ { field: 'Name', editor: true }, { field: 'CountryName', type: 'dropdown', editor: { dataSource: '/Locations/GetCountries', valueField: 'id' }, editField: 'CountryID' }, { field: 'DateOfBirth', type: 'date', editor: true }, { field: 'IsActive', title: 'Active?', type:'checkbox', editor: true, mode: 'editOnly', width: 80, align: 'center' } ] });


atatanasov commented 5 years ago

We have an example about this at You can use it from there.