atlj / react-native-background-remover

A React Native lib that removes background from images
MIT License
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Fail release on EXPO SDK 52 #11

Open terrico87 opened 2 weeks ago

terrico87 commented 2 weeks ago

I've tested creating a new test app with sdk 52 beta npx create-expo-app --template default@beta

if I simply install react-native-background-remover, on an empty app so basically dependencies issues are minimised, and I try to release it on device for instance, it fails with lots of errors.

npx expo run:ios --configuration Release --device

to replicate run:

  1. npx create-expo-app --template default@beta
  2. npm i react-native-background-remover
  3. npx expo run:ios --configuration Release --device (maybe run eas build:configure before..)

Thank for the great work and hopefully this will be available and working also on the new release 52. This release it's key since it's running on the new architecture and react native 0.76.

Update on the message above: The only way I found that it works is that I set the new Arch to false, but that defeats the purpose of switching to rn 0.76.

"expo": { "name": "", "slug": "", ... "newArchEnabled": false }