atnjqt / compassionapp

Repository documenting sample code testing the Instagram/Facebook Basic API functionality for a Docker Composed React-Flask-MongoDB web application to serve as a Proof Of Concept for a Compassion mobile app
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Duplicate basic functionality for Facebook #11

Closed mbod closed 2 years ago

mbod commented 2 years ago
  1. setup Facebook app
  2. duplicate setup/oauth steps and display of recent image posts from a Facebook account instead of Instagram
mbod commented 2 years ago

@atnjqt I think we can probably use the same meta app as the apis seem to cover both platforms - can you move me to an app administer so I can set up a test user

mbod commented 2 years ago

can probably hack this and use the

react-facebook-login package

atnjqt commented 2 years ago

Thanks you are now an administrator

atnjqt commented 2 years ago

This does look promising as well, I won't be able to look today but hopefully tomorrow I'll dive in!

atnjqt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this issue, I did review the referenced guide here and changed the frontend login from instagram to facebook.

Significantly to test any permission scopes beyond email & public_profile this needs App Review, though you can setup tester accounts (up to 10) with specific permissions. More info here:

We can start to post on tester accounts to review the user_photos permission, see here.

atnjqt commented 2 years ago
Screen Shot 2022-04-10 at 9 28 18 PM
atnjqt commented 2 years ago

Example of the full user permissions app (on accepting this I think it blocked the app, as it no longer shows up in my settings > apps & websites... best to use test users instead of unreviewed app I guess 😅

Screen Shot 2022-04-10 at 7 14 50 PM
atnjqt commented 2 years ago

Quick Update before our meeting 04/13/22

Using Facebook JavaScript SDK vs a random package react-facebook-login

The suggested react-facebook-login package here is helpful for quickly introducing a login button, but this isn't really actively maintained so introduces some broken dependencies (which we want to avoid, see here)...

Testing Graph API

there is a really nice tool provided by Meta Developer to test Facebook's Graph API calls:

I think the initial example from our instagram test had some helpful async axios functions for fetching & displaying that I need to review and incorporate here.. In this case we need to

mbod commented 2 years ago

@atnjqt good work on this - and I agree re. that particular react package - just seemed worth trying as the instagram one had helped rapid testing.

atnjqt commented 2 years ago

Thanks @mbod for the note, using Axios really is just so simple compared to what I was expecting... also feeling grateful for the work done on the Instagram project as the component structure is nearly identical and really nicely plugged in for FB, on the latest commit.


I'm going to try and get the images to dynamically show for your friends who also allowed the app (in this case, our network of up to 10 tester roles) by our meeting later on

atnjqt commented 2 years ago

Thanks, on reviewing today after our meeting I was able to add the dynamic friend profile picture displaying.


At this point I think we have somewhat duplicated the instagram example, I'll go ahead and merge to mark this issue as resolved.

Pivoting next to getting images turned, plus storing all in mongo.