atom / atom-keymap

Atom's selector-based keymap system
MIT License
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Inconsistent behavior overriding character keys on Linux vs Windows #116

Open CJKinni opened 8 years ago

CJKinni commented 8 years ago

On Windows, when I set 'k': 'core:cut' in a particular context, it will perform a cut. When I do the same on Linux, it will perform a cut then type a 'k'.

I'm working on a package to switch between an insert mode and a command mode similar to vim. My keybindings look like this:

  'escape': 'modal-keybindings:toggle'

  'y': 'core:redo'
  'z': 'core:undo'
  'k': 'core:cut'
  'v': 'core:paste'
  'o': 'core:save'
  'a': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-word'
  's': 'editor:move-to-previous-subword-boundary'
  'd': 'editor:move-to-next-subword-boundary'
  'f': 'editor:move-to-end-of-word'

This format seems to work fine on Windows, but on Linux, the keybindings don't seem to be overriding the existing 'type a character' action, and instead the key performs the command and then types a character.

CJKinni commented 8 years ago

Apologies for closing and reopening.

I believe I have a more clear example of what I suspect is going on.

The following keymap behaves differently on Windows and Linux:

  'j': 'core:cut'

On windows, 'j' cuts the line. On Linux, 'j' cuts the line and inserts 'j'.

It seems that using the dot-notation in the keymap.cson file produces inconsistent results across platforms.

fracalo commented 8 years ago

confirm this behavior on 1.6.1.

but seems to work as expected on:

Atom    : 1.7.0-beta4
Electron: 0.36.8
Chrome  : 47.0.2526.110
Node    : 5.1.1